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Everything posted by Mollymews

  1. my preference is that Linden continue with the release schedule as it is. Release when its ready. The outcome of this is that each viewer on release is is a little bit better in part, than the previous release
  2. this is my understanding of incremental a example is how rigged mesh avatars were done 1) start with a basic rigging method 2) in response to user initiative and feedback then a more comprehensive rigging method 3) a further response to user initiative - BoM 4) additional bones for avatar animated expression future steps on the incremental path could include BoM materials, could also include the ability to change the level of a Modify animation after upload - which would be a blessing for everyone into avatar animation it can be argued (which I have done myself in the past) that had Linden had a policy of continuous improvement then the rigged avatar as we know it today would never have happened. Which is true on the surface, but is one of those be careful what you wish for things like is not possible to make one avatar mesh which can be all things. As we know when we compare furry avatar construction to human avatar construction. Buxom avatars to slim avatars. Then the more subtle but equally important adjustments. Like trying with the sliders to make an polynesian nose using a head designed for a european so we end up with multiple bases from which we outfit avatars. And I think is better that the resident creatives get to determine what those bases are, just thru the making of them, than Linden deciding all by themselves continuous is not the same as incremental. Incremental is do a little bit. Pause, wait and see what the residents do. Based on what is observed then do a little bit more. Pause and observe. And on and on it goes the continuous process doesn't pause allowing for user feedback, it just keeps on chugging along as the designers of the system/platform intend it too
  3. i am this camp. I much prefer steady as it goes with small incremental steps
  4. some thoughts like anything that encodes a process in any form then if we don't want others to use our work as we have developed it then is up to us to protect our work by guarding it closely - trade secret. Or if we do want to publish and afford some protection to our work then we have patent and copyright, and/or use licensing when it comes to source code ,at least in SL (LSL), then trade secret is the simplest way to go - No-Modify permission and don't publish your source code in a public accessible place also as well, credited source code is sometimes (often even) published as an advertorial. It can bring the script's author to the attention of those looking for partners or hires for major works development if we do choose to publish source code then we in the same boat as people who make other kinds of assets and publish: textures, meshes, etc. So is nothing special about scripts in this same sense is up to each creative person to make their own decisions for the stuff they make. Whichever decisions that creative people do decide for themselves I am supportive of. Is their stuff. Is their decision. Trade secret, patent, copyright, use licensing, open source with/without conditions, public domain, etc. Is all good
  5. if all the reaction buttons disappeared tomorrow then I wouldn't care in the same way I never cared when the reputation total disappeared from the post profile where it used to display above the post count
  6. i sometimes go for a wander in the rock lands up Corsica way. Is all pretty bleak and empty mostly with the odd hardy soul living there i often wonder how regions like these could be themed and made attractive while retaining the bleakness in the first instance I suppose that if 1024m parcels were chopped out by Linden ala Belli, with a no-join/divide restriction, then they would probably get taken up by tier-paying residents quite quickly no matter the theme theming the public parts would be quite a interesting experience tho. Probably something rock pools, waterfalls, mountain streams would be the most sought after. But I do wonder how a industrial factory-like (maybe steampunk-ish) theme might go
  7. sorry no, not as a single file. The largest sound file we can upload as an asset is restricted to 10 seconds duration is technically possible to play 10 second sound files in sequence with a script. 6.5 MB divided by 10 seconds is a lot of file tho
  8. if you want to progress the matter any further Dark, then you need to file a JIRA request. Request that PIOF status should not be required for a marketplace store for making JIRA requests go here: https://jira.secondlife.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa?null Linden will probably close your request tho without taking any action. As Linden changed from Non-PIOF to PIOF for reasons. Reasons that only Linden can enumerate
  9. without payment info on file then the best we can do is have a inworld shop to sell our stuff
  10. misread the OP. Seller script is no mod with an external script then auto-die will need a timer
  11. it makes sense that an asset would have a database reference count, and that should the reference count reduce to 0 then the record is removed from the active database. This cleanup may not be immediate tho, it might be some kind of scheduled background task a way to test for this would be to upload a texture. Get its UUID. Encode this into a script, then delete the texture from inventory (including Trash). Wait for some ? time then apply the script to a newly rezzed prim, not taking the prim back into inventory
  12. i did tell one person who was pretty persistent in my IM that my RL address was 1 Lauder Rd, Mt Eden, Auckland. I also told them that I am not always in residence tho. As I am quite busy doing lots of other things. So best to phone the building concierge person first to check whether I am currently in residence before they come see me. The concierge number is 064 9 638 2406. And if they ever do come can they please bring cream cakes because I like cream cakes i never heard from them again after that. Dunno why 😸 ps. just so Anybody Curious doesn't have to look it up.The address and phone number is for Mt Eden Prison
  13. in the Linden viewer. Turn the ban lines display On/Off with menu: World \ Show \ Ban Lines
  14. ^^ this and then join as many inworld shopping groups, appropriate to you products, as you can manage. And post regularly to these groups your specials and new products. Some of the inworld shopping groups have thousands of members, many who spend heaps of time teleporting to inworld shops to have a nosey whenever they get a shopping group notification what you will do thru this is raise awareness of your presence, and get some sales from people who never knew about you before
  15. to use a Linden release viewer we have to enable Preferences \ Setup \ Software updates\ Willing to update to release candidates
  16. a way to do this without splitting the parcel: 1) set the stage prims to SCRIPTED_SIT_ONLY (nobody can right-click Sit on these prims) 2) set the performer poles/chairs to InGroup. llUnSit anyone not InGroup 3) have a orb-like script, llPushObject any avatar not InGroup out of the orb's exclusion zone
  17. a liitle story about Listening Linden and PRIM_PROJECTOR a while ago now we were talking in this forum about how we had to use multiple linked prims to be able to change the shape of the light, and how come we couldn't change this with LSL as I remember Rider Linden popped into the thread and said they couldn't understand why not either, seemed a bit of an oversight that we couldn't. A little time later set PRIM_PROJECTOR happened for sure is best to file a JIRA, just don't be shy to talk about things that you might find useful as well
  18. when a scripter has a game model to work with (a written description and/or drawing of how a particular component part/scene/activity is intended to work in the context of the game) then the scripter is better placed to make recommendations on how the component part can best be implemented
  19. with the standard Linden viewer, left-mouse down on avatar (instead of right-mouse) move mouse to pan the camera left/right - up/down W (forward) and D (back) to move avatar along the direction axis of the camera S and D to strafe avatar left and right when we want to change to using right-mouse down then swap the mouse buttons in our own mouse setup program
  20. the best programming language is our own natural human language. English, French, etc the best game design tool is the storyboard create a storyboard with scene drawings/sketches, game activity flows. metrics, and so on. Annotating these in our human language when we complete this then we have built a comprehensive model for our game. Given this model then the programming/scripting becomes an exercise in language translation, which is trivial to do, compared to designing and building the model most game developments that fail, do so because the creator attempts to design/build the game model using a language they are not fluent in
  21. the issue with the 24 character button limit is that animation names can be 63 characters long (Inventory name length max). Thankfully most animation makers these days understand about the dialog button length of 24 and keep their naming convention to max. 24
  22. is all good. We can all have our moments at times also for anyone reading then in the first instance set FOV to 1.0 so that the light shows more readily, then dial it down from there as you want
  23. i haven't tested this with a texture key myself, so I don't know if it does accept a uuid. I have only used it with texture names (copy of in Contents)
  24. should be: [ PRIM_PROJECTOR, xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx , 0.167, 0.00, 0.00 ]
  25. a fyi when a button label/text contains more than 24 characters the error message is: "llDialog: button labels must be 24 or fewer characters long"
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