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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. Need a laugh? Consider this fact. Pheeby's top-selling item, her most-purchased artisanal creation, is something made to poop in and throw away. And she has to live with this knowledge.
  2. Those people were both me. I am sincerely sorry. I thought I was running over animesh NPCs. I'll make you a sign for over your head that says "The Real Ruth", and I swear I will never drive on the sidewalk again. I promise. EDIT: I was so caught up in apologizing I forgot my peeve... I'll save being peeved at that for another day, though, and just post the peeve i forgot. MAJOR BLEEDING-STOOL-AND-BRIMSTONE PEEVE : When someone who doesn't even interact with me for over a year because nobody is forcing them to decides to contact me for the sole purpose of trying to get me to ruin a sim visitor's day because they don't like them, and they know I'm sim staff. Especially when said visitor hasn't been around for several years due to having cancer. There, peeve shared. Enjoy it.
  3. Pet Delight: having the ability to drastically slow down time by simply clicking on a Midnight Mania board. I get so much extra stuff done this way.
  4. A final selfy, before I step away from the mirror. I'm going to be experimenting with not posting selfies anymore (I'm weird, I know). Expect to see more from me in the What Does Your SL Look Like Today thread, though, because if I'm not taking selfies it means I'll have to take more pictures of stuff like people's awesome builds, and people having fun at the things I go to. It's certainly been fun though, seeing how ordinary I could make myself look. It's really not easy making an avatar that looks like an actual slovenly nerd, here in sparkly Fantasy Land. XD
  5. I used to participate in a fantasy-based RP community that only allowed a Drow to participate because s/he brought so much to the table as far as volunteer work and teaching and organizing. Prior to this person's tenure, they had a strict no-dark-elves policy. While it may baffle some people in today's world why anyone would disfavor a certain type of avatar, dark elves are, well, dark. Consider someone who has, say, a faery glen and an Orc shows up and thinks nobody will associate them with anything negative. I know it's kinda wussy, but some people associate creatures of darkness with evil, and they don't want that in their fantasy. On my home sim, you'd just be another ordinary visitor. But then, I live on a darkness-and-horror-themed sim. I hang out with people who have spider legs and tentacles and stuff.
  6. As long as you aren't some weird yellow-orange person like everyone was back in 2005, we good.
  7. Hanging out at home with my Sis, talking about snapshots, so here's a selfy. She can post her own, she's got better fashion sense and photography skills, anyway.
  8. Outside the clubhouse. Can anyone tell which motorcycle is mine? It's probably an easy guess.
  9. Probably. But then I'd have to charge extra, and make it no copy.
  10. A friend of mine had one, and used it on me once. Well, more like ten times in a row, but it was one occasion. XD As for scattering and moving them manually, that's just me doing stuff with anvils I made, lol. I'm really big on playing with what they gave us by default, some of what can be done is freaking hilarious. Like ball pits full of bananas and stuff. Heck, with a little help, you can even go surfing.
  11. OMG that's right, there's actually an anvil dropper thingy that does it for you! I kinda like scattering them all around and then whipping them up like a whirlwhind though, and that takes manual manipulation. Playing pinball with inworld objects is a lot of fun, too, you just give yourself points for difficult shots and stuff.
  12. Positioning a giant anvil over someone without their knowledge, and then letting it drop on them as if from out of nowhere is always fun. Pianos, too. It's like being in a cartoon. If you do it right, and they're on anything other than ground level, you can even poke them through the floor if you hit them just right. When they get back from the bathroom they have no idea how they ended up in the harbor 4000 meters down, lol. It's also fun when someone tries to catch me with an orbiter cage, and I hop out of it and grab it and knock them off the platform with it. XD Or they rezz a follower and I make it teabag them. I can't help it. I know, I'm awful.
  13. I could make a special necklace that prevents these things from happening, but I'd have to charge each user 250,000L$, and I can't guarantee it would do anything besides look really cool, because I made it. No refunds, of course. I buried $3125 in my backyard once, and boy, was I disappointed when the promised contact from an underground agent never arrived. Seriously though, people who do this to others should have unmentionable things done to their unmentionable parts. By spider monkeys with rabies. And knives for fingers. Just saying.
  14. You either A). have a computer that doesn't want to run the viewer because it isn't up to the default specs, or 2). might have unresolved software dependencies, such as desktop compositing software (though this tends to only happen to Linux users like me), 3). are trying to max out your graphics settings in the viewer Prefs prior to logging in, and should maybe set them lower, or 4). haven't installed the right version for your operating system, OR... 5). any combination of the above. 6). almost never happens these days, but in some parts of the world, you might wish to burn incense near the computer and ring some jingly bells to exorcise the evil spirits that try to keep mortals from using SL. It doesn't happen for absolutely no reason, and things go wrong all over this planet all the time and it's still not crazy. Okay yeah, it's freakin crazy, but letting it freak you out doesn't make it work. Nobody here can say, "oh, it isn't working, here let me push this button for you and make it go." We will need information if you want anyone to be able to help you. If the doctor asks where does it hurt and you just keep telling him it huuuuurts, you'll die before anyone can do anything for you, so just don't panic, and know that you can probably make this thing work, just like the rest of us. Put your nerd pants on, and let's deal with it. What kind of computer are you using? Desktop, laptop? Are you using a hardwired connection, or WiFi? Are you using Windows? What version? And of course, the standard things I simply must ask as a matter of course. Is your computer plugged in? Is the monitor on? Have you tried restarting your computer? I am NOT being ironic! they're important questions! ^o^
  15. I, for one, will welcome our new cat overlords. <-< >->;
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