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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. My first time posting on a forum, I made a "testing post", and when I found out I couldn't delete it, I was so embarrassed I left and joined another forum instead. Maybe they're just shy. I try to give them the benefit of the doubt, because I remember what it was like.
  2. Hello, new person! Welcome to the forums, and don't be so shy. Just say hello or something, all they can do is post snarky replies, anyway~! So, how can we help you with your avatar? XD
  3. Today I learned that many people who make a big deal out of how in tune they are, and how spiritual, and how sensitive, are often thinly veiling a very prominent shadow aspect rooted in a need to feel superior to others and somehow "better" than them. They talk about how important feelings are, and use all sorts of words to convey what they want people to think of them, while their behavior shows motives that even they themselves would find disgusting in others. Or claim to. And, I also learned today that even people who feel they need no faith, or have lost whatever faith they once had, are just as prone to the same behaviors. They look down on anyone's beliefs as naiive if they aren't completely materialistic, jaded, and otherwise "sophisticated". A friend began making anti-semitic comments in front of me and several others and equating an entire race and faith with satanic, blood-drinking child eaters. The arrogance with which he spoke to the others of us showed he had a strong need to feel superior, to be right. His need to have me around was obviously zero, so I left. It's not only what you say, it's how you act that matters. See you around!
  4. I guess I'd say that if you change your hair, outfits, etc. on anything like a regular basis, and everyone still can tell it's you (without checking the nametag), you've found your look. It's not in what shoes you wear or how big your butt is. It's your "archetype" for lack of a better word. And yeah, even though my character has changed and grown, even on my old account, when she was a little ray of sunshine, and lived in a faery glen and not some monster sim where all is darkness, even with the bunny ears and everything, she was always me. Even at Avilion I couldn't hide my real character's true nature; the elves could sense something was different about me. I could never quite change my "look" enough to be anyone else. If you know me inworld, and met my other account, even with her anime avatar and bright colors, you'd know it was me. Looking back, I realize that my character likes to roleplay just as much as I do, and her entire life on her previous accounts, and all of the internet, for that matter, have been my character engaged in roleplay for her own amusement and edification. Isn't life something?
  5. I've had the same look since 1972, or possibly earlier, Iunno about anyone else.
  6. Today I learned that even people who come off as open minded are narrow in view, even people who are straightforward and upright are more about playing their ego games than truth, and even those who think they're being realistic are lost in fantasy. I learn this every day, but it's as if it's the first time, every time. Carry on, humanity. I'll be over there, fiddling with my crafting projects, if you need me for anything.
  7. Welcome back. It's good to see you here again, Garnet. ^-^
  8. It's my new favorite song. I love Voltaire. Oh, and one for my Russian side. Yeah, that.
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