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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. Edit: Flickering imagery in this one, so flash warning, my bad.
  2. Those are pretty okay, I like Nam's Optimal Skin And Prim, too. I was just being silly, though. I left it as-is because A) I'm lazy, B) I'm not trying to impress anyone, and C) ghouls live in the dark. I've worked in advertising design, and I assure everyone I really could make nicer pictures, I just can't be arsed. I try to save the giving of a dern about all of that for my actual artwork, not the snaps I share of fleeting moments during my day. Heck, even my Marketplace listing pictures are all half-arsed, /overexplainingagainandallathatnonsense
  3. Here we go. I know, I know, I swore off selfies, but it was asked for. Sorta. The matchlock pistol I made on an older account; I tell people it's a family heirloom, as is the one bullet I have for it. Somewhere or other. As for the lighting, well, deal with it. My model wouldn't pose anywhere brighter. It was difficult enough getting him to pose for this pic. XD
  4. No, but I did put his clothes on when I was done picking over his remains. And I haven't washed any of it since, 'cos he was, like, famous and stuff. Relevant. Or revenant, one of those "rev-ant" words.
  5. An extra Delight for the Day, making it a Triple Delight Day. Officially and everything. Anyway, Delight C is: Finding absolutely not a single solitary one of a particular hairstyle anywhere in SL, after searching for weeks, and making it myself in 5 minutes. I am now the one person in SL with this hairstyle. \o/
  6. Double Delight Day~! Delight A: It's taco day for dinner. Delight B: I don't have to make them. \o/
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