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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. Countdown Will plunge the planet into fog I smoke like hell And I don't care about the Ministry of Health And this is judgment day, b!tches Came from childhood nightmares And the ashes in the sky mixed Schools, brothels and temples Dogs will go to heaven And all the people will burn We're going to hell Your innocent look Dogs will go to heaven And all the people will burn We're going to hell Your innocent look (I only love your look) Dogs will go to heaven And all the people will burn We will go to hell (I just love your look I just love your look) I can't stand this wild noise Anxiety, sleep, it's not all teaching Me watching this life get erased I never dreamed of such entertainment The meteorite arrived in MAOU I didn't understand math anyway Little kid flew into the crowd The local kindergarten was unlucky And I'll just smoke while buildings are falling around I don't care if it's cars or a zombie uprising And all the good things remain only in memories And all the good things remain only in memories Dogs will go to heaven And all the people will burn We're going to hell Your innocent look Dogs will go to heaven And all the people will burn We're going to hell Your innocent look (I just love your look) Dogs will go to heaven And all the people will burn We will go to hell (I just love your look I just love your look)
  2. I have friends who are escorts, and they report that decent treatment tends to be the norm with them, as well. It might be the regions they hang out in, yeah. People who hang out in non-adult-activity-oriented sims seem not to be quite as sensitive to how their behavior affects their perceived reputation, and seem also to place less importance on basic things like courtesy, respect, or even just not taking it for granted that they can go there. A person in a professional environment, especially adult entertainment venues, is sort of in a different world. It's like the difference between going to a bar and going to a gentlemen's club. If one goes to a gentlemen's club, one is more likely to want to behave like a gentleman, perhaps, than if one is simply cruising the local bars (or laundromats) looking for a date. The very few times I ever visited an adult club in SL, every person who came in behaved like the nicest person in the world, even when they knew I didn't work there and wasn't an escort. It almost made me want to just hang out there all the time, just to be around so many polite people! It certainly surprised me, because even IRL I'm used to anyone in a place of an "adult" nature acting like idiots, and not adults. Mind you, I live in a city famous for people getting drunk and acting like idiots.
  3. *eats more brains* *hopes it works* ^-^;
  4. Aaaaand, done for now. You're welcome. *bows*
  5. One more, for good measure. Talk about making the most of one's misfortunes. 2 weeks in the nuthouse, and he managed to make a whole album out of it. Sucks that more people haven't been able to appreciate his real talents, just by being put off by the performing character.
  6. No muppets in this one, but hey. Still a good song.
  7. I know, right? It's like trying to have a conversation with more than one occultist simultaneously, and not knowing what meanings they've decided various notarikons created by others in secret in the 1500's are supposed to have. /nerd
  8. @cariboustag: I tried making it actual moon size, but it wouldn't fit on the building platform. Or the sim. @BillFletcher: It's like taking the red pill in the Matrix, and then not going anywhere after it all goes fwee~! I keep waiting for Agent Smith to show up so we can have an epic battle, or something, and I can taunt him for being low-poly. "Nice shades, dude, very 2003."
  9. Forgot I had this. Good thing I used lots of preservatives.
  10. Today I am hovering and looking at profiles on day-olds at the landing point of my home sim. That's right, I am never, ever bored. Not with so much void to stare into.
  11. Yeah, we got some of the best people here, as far as experts go, they actually help people with what they know~! I'm not very experienced with lady bits myself, so I'm trying to figure it out from general knowledge, but I'm glad we have knowledgable people here who aren't embarrassed to give guidance for others' sakes. I'm also glad I'm not embarrassed to ask! The help is appreciated, so yeah. And if it gets sorted I'll let people know what fixed it in case anyone else has the same issues. I haven't had any issues with any BoM stuff at all myself, at least since figuring out how it works. If it's a classic avi issue, well, I can always help her figure out a decent mesh body that'll work with her wardrobe. I know it probably seems like a silly thing to a lot of people, but if it makes my friend happy, I want her to have it, and have it work right. There's always Project Ruth, too. That's practically an optimized classic avi in mesh.
  12. Gee, I bet nobody in ALL of SL could ever guess where this one was snapped. Also, I love this thread so much. Everyone posts so much neato stuff.
  13. Sometimes I like to turn on wireframe rendering mode, and pretend I have X-ray eyes. Can't see anything worth a dern that way, but it's still fun to pretend.
  14. On techie forums, some of the most knowledgable and level-headed people often turn out to be 12 years old. I got my start in remote Linux server administration following the advice of a 14-year-old who had 6 years experience already. My first hosting account was a favor from a friend. Said friend ran one of the most popular imageboard sites of the mid-to-late 2000's, and was 15 when I met him. He knew how to lead a team of people based on their individual personality strengths and weaknesses. I found that admirable. Then I look at the SL forums, and all of the grownups acting like it's the 4th grade, and I just LOL. Nothing has changed. Nothing at all. XD
  15. If you just need a bunch of empty jars, you can mail me the gelato in a big ziploc bag or something. I really don't mind helping.
  16. Sorry I'm late. This is my Jerry Only version, except its not all combed over from the back cos of baldness. I'mma do Doyle's duck-butt pompadour version, too. Might even include the bits of electrical tape. XD It's called a devilock, BTW. Pretty sure Doyle came up with it first. I'd try to make a cute girly version, but then people might think I was Betty Boop with most of her hair fallen out. XD
  17. I'm often called upon to help friends with avatar things, because they all know I'm a big nerd and if I don't know something, at least I know how to find it out. This is an actual thing to help an actual friend, and not me pretending it's for someone else. It's just... a bit of a sensitive thing, and I don't know how to name/describe it, or post a link for it without it getting censored, so I'm just going to call it an "attachment". One of those lower body attachments, of which I know practically nothing. So, yeah. I need the help of the forum ladies who actually know what they're doing in this area. No pun intended. Long story short, mesh attachment for a lady, comes in rigged versions but also unrigged, classic avatar seeking to use it, and when they add the unrigged attachment, their lower body completely disappears. I've already suggested checking viewer settings, turning shine off and seeing if it suddenly appears, etc., as well as trying things in the HUD to see if that sorts anything, but we were in a public place so all I could do was offer suggestions for her to try later. I don't know if it will help. I also recommended switching skins a couple of times, to see if things suddenly appear. I won't know until later if any of these ideas has worked, so I'm still asking here in case anyone knows anything else, or has specifically dealt with this issue with this item. It's sold by Jarmade, in their MP shop, which is probably clue enough for anyone who owns the actual attachment (YES, fine, it's a vajayjay), so if anyone has had the vanishing legs issue with it and was able to fix it, advice on how to help with this would be absolutely awesome. It's probably something silly in either BoM-related settings, or general GFX settings, or similar. I've never had a BoM attachment vanish an entire section of my body, so I really don't know how to solve this one, short of spending 2000L$ myself and trying to duplicate the problem. For all I know, it's just blanking things out because it's BoM and brand-new and hasn't had a skin applied. But yeah. Open to help and advice.
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