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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. Okay fine, I have to, because they never all play together after that whole lawsuit thing, so this show was like some kind of musical unicorn. Of doom. They even tolerate each other the entire time they're on camera. CONTENT WARNING: Glenn Danzig got kinda big around the middle and his face got a little saggy. It happens. He's toured a lot. He still could have played Wolverine. Jerry is a Christian, and Doyle is a vegan, lol.
  2. I love how the next thing to start playing was the Misfits' Some Kinda Hate, lol.
  3. I like that working with a hill, I can scale my trees down a little as I work my way up, and it still looks decent, and I get even lower LI. Perspectivewise from the ground, they can be shorter and still "loom" a bit, because the surrounding trees on the slopes match their heights, instead of falling away and making them all naked. From the ground they all kind of blend together.
  4. I do license it officially, for a small fee.
  5. I'm such a low-level creator/marketer that it's basically a hobby that pays for itself, but compared to what I'd normally expect under such circumstances, and with everything that seems like it would work against me, I actually do pretty well, on a relative scale. I look at how many people view my stuff, and I'm just like, wow, people actually find my stuff and look at it and buy it. I can only imagine how much I'd be making if everyone with unrelated products wasn't using the keywords "homemade bunny puppet high-LI motorcycle impale yourself on a sharp stick", just like me.
  6. She just forgot to use her cover stick when she applied her foundation. I've been there. Heck, I logged in the other day and I even had bed-head. We all have our off days.
  7. Dropping by Fort Nowhere, home of Dracula's Castle. Place is lookin' spiffy~! ^-^ The owner is super cool, and makes awesome things, like this dinosaur. One of my inspirational people in SL, and proud to be on his friendslist.
  8. They need to make this happen. Elon, come on, dude, I know you're inworld somewhere. Help them do this on the MP.
  9. I remember having that hair bone sticking out of the back of my neck... darn hair bone. I even knew what it was, I just couldn't remember how to edit it. I honestly thought they had removed that capability from the edit window for a while there. Imagine my surprise when I went to fix a new pair of eyebrows that looked all funky and found out that thing I was editing was the hair bone.
  10. This is why we always use a burner account when we sign up for things. I can't visit my signup email without having a million emails that I swear I've opted out of a thousand times. So I only use that account for SL now. I go in and clear out the inbox now and then for an hour or so.
  11. The Firestorm AO has been it for me since they came out with it. Being able to switch animation sets that fast is awesome. And yeah, drag and drop. Easy. Saves across clean installs, even.
  12. But then I'd never get out of the water! All toasy warm, with water on my toes? The very idea of going back to landscaping is simply shocking.
  13. I feel like I'm gaming the system every time I list something new, because people actually see my new listing and end up visiting my MP shop. I listed three items over a single weekend once, and it worked. Three waves of people buying my freebies. XD
  14. This thread needs more content. It has done its job a little too well. Quick, everyone forget all the features you know about now!
  15. If you keep the tires aired up to the recommended pressure, you'll get better gas mileage also, I forgot that part. And yeah, I figured you were sane and intelligent. I was just messin' with ya. Needless to say, I am here if you ever have any questions about automotive work. Or coding. Or graphic design. Or esoteric arcana. Or... wait for it... autism. XD
  16. Met someone inworld today and they told me I looked like a person they'd meet somewhere. It was very flattering, because it takes a lot of work to look like an ordinary person in SL. Their GFX settings are probably better, though. ^-^; Still far from perfectly ordinary, but this is the farthest any of my species has ever gotten to passing as terrestrial. Or even this-dimensional. So yeah, it was meaningful.
  17. I should be landscaping, but I like this water so much, it's hard to stop standing in it.
  18. I figured the kitty litter bit was what did it. Not everyone knows how good that stuff is for oil spills. Cheaper than buying similar products at the auto supply, too. Also, thank you. ^-^
  19. You know, even no-copy items can have more than one in a folder. People do list limited items. Also, troll thread. I just saw it up there ^.
  20. Please get better soon, I hate that damn virus. Both of you, please be well. I beat Covid, but it was was the worst sick I had been since my disembowelment almost killed me decades before. I hope you guys recover okay, and I hope things get better. And that virus can go suck it. I want it to die, already.
  21. Careful if you change the oil, that model doesn't drain straight. You'll want to scoot the pan a little to the left/driver's side, so it's angled right. Also might need some rags. Just trust me on this. And kitty litter. And let me know ahead of time next time, cos I get a mechanic's discount at all the auto supply places, and can save you some bucks. Never mind that I quit 2 years ago, they never check that stuff anyway, once they know you. EDIT: What? Why confused? She's working on a car. I'm helping.
  22. Might not be totally on topic, but relevant to this, and Henri's viewer, and I don't know where else to say it: all I did was install CoolVL Viewer and use it once, and it fixed my SL voice issues permanently. I have spent literally years trying to get voice to work, just so I can hear my friends reading stories on story night, and installing his viewer fixed it, even for Firestorm. Huge props for that. Also, I forgot until reading it here yesterday that the official LL viewer doesn't implement RLV, so thanks for that also, little thread. ^-^ I had totally spaced it. Now I know better than to send people my ground sit fix for shorties if I know they're on the LL viewer. As for on-topic, I'm sure LL just doesn't want people to focus on the adult stuff to the exclusion of everything else, or think it's all just a bunch of adult stuff without stopping to find out otherwise. For the record, despite my personal preferences for how I live my SL, I am all for people being able to have the life they want inworld. And even though it might bring a little more "skeeze" in the form of new people who think it's all just sex stuff, I don't really have a problem with LL being a little more open about that side of SL. It is a major draw, after all. Just because not everyone is looking for that doesn't mean anyone (including LL) should be ashamed of it being a part of our world. Just don't do it on my front lawn (when I'm home), and we're all good.
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