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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. Yup, inflicting this again. It's what I'm listening to. XP
  2. My Dark Shadows look, lol. Welcome to Collinwood~!
  3. Watch it become the latest addition to keyword spam on the MP. XD
  4. Someone actually sort of offended me today, and it sucked, because it's been so long and I've been so hard to offend lately. On the delight side, they actually went out of their way to make things right, and I think that's neato. So yeah.
  5. Okay it's tiny, but it's still a peeve... I can't unsee Mickey Mouse's pants every time I see the Discord logo.
  6. Showing off in my new dress and hanging out with Miz Amy.
  7. Almost ready to go do my gardening inworld, bear with me. One more and some coffee and I'm good to go.
  8. Whiners contradicting themselves while complaining about not being serviced by the community hard enough. EDIT: Also this.
  9. So you need places with lots of traffic so you and a handful can hang out there and not be bored. Says a lot. And yeah, I edit my posts sometimes. I'm going to do you a favor now and stop talking to you because you obviously won't benefit from anything I say. We are not the same.
  10. I use the Method of Loci, erroneously attributed to Cicero. My version is a combination of the traditional Method of Loci, or Memory Palace method, with a modified/recycling version of the "Hook" or "Peg" method, also known as the Major System, and is pretty much skeletally the same method I use for memorizing shuffled decks of cards on the spot, it just feels a bit softer with MP items because they tend to be so different from one another. Pretty straightforward and easy.
  11. Okay then, it's not the advice you want, so the answer is no. A big fat no. Because we're all so stupid and unhelpful that we probably don't even do any of this stuff. You're right, you can figure it out yourself better. See ya~! Guys, I have NO IDEA how this guy isn't loaded with friends and people to talk to. I give up.
  12. Also, have you tried the gridwide survey thingy? It lists regions that don't even appear in an inworld search. 101861 regions are listed, currently. https://gridsurvey.com/index.php I wish it had more specific data more easily available, but hey. All regions listed in alphabetical order. Can always just play it like the lottery and explore them all in order.
  13. It would probably require its own API, and people would be trying to break and exploit it, so I don't think LL'd want to go there, really. It would be really neato to have some cross-platform compatibility there, though.
  14. Exactly this. If things aren't going your way, just go with things instead, and watch it turn around. Because as soon as you decide you're perfectly happy as you are, boom. It'll change to something else.
  15. I didn't say go park with a sense of anticipation, waiting for people. I said try to be alone. There's a difference. If I try to find people in groups, and hang out, I often fail. If I try to find empty places to be alone in, I always fail. It's a matter of intent. If you know it takes patience, but you haven't any, then you've answered your own dilemma. You haven't enough time or patience to get the best results. My advice in this case would be to go where you know there will be people, but the theme or purpose of the place isn't stuck on any one particular interest or other. As in, not a music club, not a niche RP sim, etc. Maybe try cruising the Welcome Hub. I'd bet a lot of the people who go there are looking for where people are who might just want to hang out and chat and meet new friends. Otherwise, what can I say, it's what we make of it.
  16. I don't even bother with all of that. They sit, it moves instantly to the destination, it unsits them. That's all you need. The object itself can do it, and it goes so fast most people never even see it go, if they're watching someone else "teleport". You can even have it turn to face the right direction before unseating them, so they face the right way. Just be sure to turn it back when it goes back. If it's a big object you're using as the visible portal, or part of a large linkset, you can just put an invisiprim right in front of the spot they should click, and use that invisible object as the "mover" instead. I've made several different versions of this kind of "fake tp" device, even one that has a notecard whitelist of permitted users. They're my go-to for quick local transport options. If you'd like copies, hit me up inworld sometime and I'll send them to you, so you can dissect them and stuff.
  17. I have to admit, when I saw the thread title in this section, I thought you guys were all going to be talking about vajayjays again. Had to come back and mention it because LOL. And Luna, we don't need caves to shop in, we have whole events~! \o/
  18. Sims with consistent traffic and activity are going to tend to be a bit similar, because they're all well-established, and frequented by well-established residents. They tend to get a little stuck in time because that's what keeps them going, not changing much of anything. If you want to hang out where lots of people hang out, you're going to be hanging out with people who like what the majority likes, because they are the majority. If your interests are off the beaten path from this, you're naturally going to find fewer people congregating where these interests prevail. Consider: Most people don't do SL. Of the percentage who do, the majority likes stuff I'm either not into or got tired of years ago, or haven't yet taken any interest in. Of those who do like the things I like, and share common ground with me, only a percentage are on at the same time as me. Of this percentage, only some are going to be hanging out where I hang out at any given time. Out of that percentage, I might or might not really vibe with (or get along with) a percentage. So, where I like to hang out, there might be 6 or 7 people, 3 or 4 of whom I know/am familiar with, and maybe 2 or 3 that I'll end up hanging out with or talking to on the regular. It's not about finding out where the most people hang out. That doesn't bring the happiness people seek if they're not into crowds of 80's fans dancing and using gestures because they're too busy to chat while at work. It's about finding where people with similar interests like to hang out, and meeting them. I've found over my time in SL that it's all just a patience game. One thing that might help is finding places you think are spiffy, and trying as hard as you can to enjoy them all alone. Then, when the inevitable happens and this backfires, change gears and enjoy the company of those who inevitably find and try to chat with you. It's like waiting for the bus; if you want the bus to come, try doing something you can't do on the bus, and try to enjoy it before the bus gets there. The bus will come right then. Once you trick the grid into sending you interesting and fun people to chat with despite itself, you're all set. As for keywords, well... Any place that adheres to using specific and applicable keywords will have less traffic, and show up in fewer searches. If anything, this only tends to preserve said places from becoming 80's Mall Clones. Remember also, it's better to have 4 quarters than a hundred pennies. Quantity is for bottom feeders, lol.
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