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Amina Sopwith

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Everything posted by Amina Sopwith

  1. I assumed it was a joke. I even let the "mad incel who listens to techno trance rubbish and eats chips all day" line go without making a comment about Goreans, which was difficult.
  2. It's ok, everyone knows there are no RL women in SL.
  3. Obviously I'm sympathetic to lip readers and the minority of individuals who are unable to wear masks. Those aren't the people I'm talking about.
  4. Sick of the whinging about mask wearing. If I can wear a bra my entire life, you can wear a sodding mask to go to Tesco.
  5. I wanted to make a comment along the lines of "oh you poor thing, do you need support?" but I wasn't sure how it would be received. Pissing myself at the idea that young girls can't have killer racks of doom, though. I sometimes forget that I live on a different planet to men and normally proportioned women. When people were talking about the army being brought in to enforce order during the pandemic, my biggest fear was that I'd be drafted in to act as a missile.
  6. The covers aren't exempt. An illustrator will have drawn them. In some cases, as in the Eric Carle books I see there, the illustrator is also the author.
  7. I've been to places designed to put the user into a hypnotic state. They didn't work on me, though.
  8. Thank you, that is a great analogy. I was thinking more in terms of what it means at a practical level for SL users...does it have any implications for things like lag, inventory allowance, graphics complexity? Will the average user, or indeed a very technical user, notice anything different? I know these might be stupid questions (almost certainly), but like I said, I'm not technical. SL could be run by hamsters on a dynamo for all I know...
  9. What are the implications of that? I'm not technical.
  10. Everyone understands that. They are warning you against playing as if everyone is prepared to take that on board when interacting with you. They are also warning you against immersing yourself to the point where you truly lose sight of the fact that you are not really a dragon in a dark Gothic BDSM story. On that path lies actual insanity.
  11. I think it's someone who tries to cause shock and awe by advertising their darkness in various ways. There's nothing at all wrong with having a certain aesthetic, personality or field of interest but when it's clearly performative, it is a bit tiresome. Especially since there won't be much that anyone who's spent a fair amount of time in SL won't have seen or even dabbled in themselves.
  12. To be fair, that would be quite cool. And I'd have a chance of creating a better looking av than I have now.
  13. Didn't know there was hype any more...I thought it was quite passe now, and largely failed to make people zillionaires even in its heyday.
  14. "Somehow I'd imagined she'd be a woman on top and a fish on the bottom." "No, that's a stupid way round!"
  15. What? I've never experienced that. How do they do that, how do they know what you're going to say? And why?
  16. Ooh. Just tried knife sharpening videos. They actually did send a shiver down my spine...but I didn't like it. It wasn't pleasant at all. The sound is quite sinister to me. Made me wince. I'm now getting recommendations for ASMR videos of nails scratching down blackboards. I thought that was a famously horrible sound that makes people cringe?
  17. Out for a very windy walk today. Friend told me to take my hairband out for a photo of my hair blowing all over the place. It looks very funny.
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