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Amina Sopwith

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Everything posted by Amina Sopwith

  1. I thought it looked a bit like something else, but then I am an eight year old in an adult woman's body.
  2. And this is what confused me initially...what are Maitimo's pronouns?
  3. Doesn't quarantine also cover people who appear healthy but may be sick, for the duration of the incubation period? For obvious reasons? (Vintage British sitcom reference. Funny if you know it.)
  4. I guessed what it was referring to, but I couldn't parse the sentence. Thank you.
  5. I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're saying here. Could you rephrase? ETA: What I mean is, this sentence doesn't parse and I literally don't follow it.
  6. Edit x 2: Oh, I see. Sorry. Some details confused me but I have it now. I'm with you, OP.
  7. I remind myself that I'll miss it when it's gone.
  8. Nor mine, but he did like to have a silent disco in there.
  9. Cup of char = cup of tea. Scouser = person from Liverpool. Of course in a mug! I also hoped this thread would be about the board game.
  10. Brits unite. I've got the builders in today. Luckily I know how to make the perfect builders' brew. Cup of char for you?
  11. It doesn't need a lock. That'll be seen as a badge of pride. Just some deletions, although obviously I hope my posts get to stand because they've got Dilbert in them. Come on, mods. Dracarys.
  12. Two days ago, I made a mildly humorous and totally inoffensive two-line comment on a thread about minor irritations. Since then, you've made eight comments in response, some of them bigger than my phone screen, most of them rude and all of them incredibly pompous and self-aggrandising. Obviously our posts are a sign of how over invested and pathetic we are and how much we need telling from you, and yours are a sign of your edginess and general superiority. But it's still a bit ironic that the person who is clearly the angriest about this whole non-event and who has spent the most time and energy frothing about it is the one banging on (and on, and on) about how much it doesn't matter.
  13. It may be out there already but I'd love to see a true-to-life representation of the International Space Station.
  14. Actually, yes please, if you could help me. Can you suggest some mesh shape/head/skin combinations that create a nice-looking av that doesn't have that cold supermodel look with huge lips and bottle opener cheekbones? Nothing wrong with that aesthetic but it's not me and it seems hard to find anything else. And do you know where I could rent a rustic country cottage, and roughly how much I should expect it to cost? Thank you.
  15. When I start commenting endlessly about other people's egos, I'll know it's time to worry about my own.
  16. Ok, I have one. When a thread gets deleted - not locked, but deleted - and you had some really highly rated comments in it.
  17. When I finally got a dishwasher after spending however many years' worth of my life up to my elbows in greasy suds, I was indeed so happy that I came over a bit funny. Oh my God I never have to hand wash the blender ever again. Oh God, oh God, OH GOD.... My slow cooker, too. Normal people say "that ass" the way I say "that daal". Oh, that daal.
  18. Glad about the wonderful years, I meant, not the bad day.
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