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Amina Sopwith

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Everything posted by Amina Sopwith

  1. That's a universally rubbish age for everyone at any period in time.
  2. Who put you into that terrifying situation?
  3. I've told this story before... I was once in a Gor sim (it would have to be, for this level of dimwittery), in a tavern or whatever baby talk word they have for it. Most unusually, there was only one slave staffing the place and several free people. Given how much the average Gorean slave seems to love pulling pints, I thought she'd be in her element but unfortunately she was so obsessed with para RPing about her hair shining and her silks flapping about that she wasn't paying attention to the drinks order and kept muffing it up. One Gorean Master in particular got very annoyed and they started having an extensive barney in double brackets, and he was that much of a pillock (Gorean, after all) that he was still capitalising his pronouns throughout it. I wish I'd logged it, it was sublime.
  4. Next order: a 12 inch pianist?
  5. I think I lived in that house share at one point.
  6. I'm loving Bardcore, I was starting to find all the vintage covers a bit samey, although I do love this one. Some of the Bardcores, like Macarena or Hips Don't Lie, are great fun but don't sound very authentic, though perhaps a musicologist could set me right on that. Some are amazing though.
  7. I don't know about any of that. Threads about threads are always a bit risky.
  8. An accusation is not necessarily uncivil and pointing out antisocial behaviour as people might perceive it is not necessarily an insult. It is also entirely possible to be very insulting and offensive (even unintentionally) while still being "civil", as we saw the other day. Actually, one definition of "incivility" is an offensive comment.
  9. I think a couple of people were a bit, but there was a definite context. They had been insulted first and more so. Unintentionally, I'm sure, and perhaps in such a way that might seem "civil", but that just demonstrates why being "civil" doesn't always mean you're in the right or don't deserve an angry response. Scylla mentioned the example of a white person being so patient and polite while they explain to a black person why they're wrong about their experiences of racism and shouldn't get so worked up, and that was a pretty good analogy. "I refer you to the reply given in Arkell vs Pressdram" sounds civil, doesn't it? Doesn't it?
  10. I have. Very very much so. I recall a recent thread about some abuse you and a friend experienced inworld from clients; if the forums are worse than what I imagined that to be like, then I'm very surprised indeed. It certainly wasn't as bad as a particularly delightful wall of text that was directed at me some time ago, but I think that was before you joined us. Civility can be hard to define. There's the obvious stuff, like personal insults and name calling, and I think we can mostly agree on that. Sometimes it requires a bit of a judgement call. Sometimes there are things that don't defy the very letter of the forum law, but perhaps are against its spirit, or at least against the kind of vibe that the community wishes to create and preserve. It might even be necessary; perhaps one is trying to raise awareness of a very important issue. But if there's been a poor response, it's certainly worth questioning whether it's worth it and what one hopes to gain against what cost. That would be civil, I'd say. We might be at a bit of a disadvantage in this particular place because it's relatively small and slow-moving, so our characters and actions probably reverberate through it much more than they would in a larger, better-known one. Honestly, I'm always surprised when people say these forums are an awful place to be. I think they're pretty sanitised (and that's not a criticism) and quite pleasant overall.
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