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Amina Sopwith

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Everything posted by Amina Sopwith

  1. Internalised misogyny. The whole "oh yes, women suck, but I'm not like other women" thing is one of the oldest examples. Women use it because it works (it doesn't challenge the hate, in fact it reinforces it) but it's still misogyny. We have a long way to go before that has to be a concern. I can think of many ways to describe a boorish, aggressive person and none of them weaponise that person's gender.
  2. Tbh, while I understand the reasoning behind the Karen meme, it doesn't really hold water to me because the point is also to use it to shut women up. You know, so you can call them a Karen if you don't like what they're doing, or warn them not to be a Karen, and control their behaviour that way. It's hardly the first time society has created a nasty stereotype to shut women up, especially if it's a question of being "demanding". Outspoken women rarely get a positive reception. If someone's acting entitled and aggressive, I don't see why it requires a gendered insult. I can think of plenty of neutral words that exist already for an unreasonable person of either gender. With that said, it still doesn't even begin to compare to racial slurs. That's ridiculous.
  3. Well I can understand that. I suppose it depends on why you've got them on ignore, be it blocked by the function or the silent scroll. In my case, with one exception, it isn't because I think they have nothing to contribute, but I don't care to interact.
  4. I dislike that meme because I think it's misogynistic, but it really doesn't compare to the centuries of oppression and violence encapsulated in that racial slur.
  5. Yes, that's another reason I don't use ignore. I may not want to interact with someone but that doesn't mean I don't think they have anything to contribute to discussions.
  6. This is one reason why I don't use the ignore function. There are people I don't care to interact with, but massive blank blocks everywhere would be confusing and frustrating.
  7. The idea that an ordinary bobby on the beat could just pull a gun on someone at any moment fills me with sick dread.
  8. I think another relevant factor is that our police are not armed, and I do believe most of us - police and public - want it this way. Certainly the people I know in the police say they don't want to be armed and their colleagues all feel the same. The idea is that we are policed by consent, not by force, and the police are far, far more than just enforcers of law.
  9. That was also addressed in the cartoon explicitly (honestly, you are literally making every single argument that the cartoon refuted while complaining that it doesn't reflect you fairly!). Although if the house down the road is on fire and your first and only thought is to hose your own because you "must contain the spread!" then at least own it. Don't pretend that you're campaigning for all houses to matter equally. I'm not going through all this again. It's all there on this thread. You hate the analogy because it works so well. There is a reason this makes you uncomfortable. Think.
  10. It's an excellent cartoon with a brilliant analogy and you literally just made the first argument it refuted. The complete fallacy that the ALM movement rests on at its core. I could explain at length why BLM does not mean, and has never meant, that other lives don't. I could also explain, at length, why ALM uses that slogan purely to discredit and deflect from BLM by pretending that it's saying something else. But I already have, as have others.
  11. And in addition: judgement, hostility and, in many cases, being forbidden from places until you get there.
  12. It doesn't sound at all like what she's saying. Where are you hearing that? (Remember the cartoon, everyone?)
  13. @Janet Voxel, I'm so sorry you both had to go through that and the worst thing is that while you were obviously shocked, you weren't surprised.
  14. Should have stuck with English, it would have sounded punchier. The phrase is "takes one to know one" and it ranks about 500 places below "your mum" on the official First School Playground Insult Index.
  15. Hello. You chose a great day to swing by.
  16. I have no idea why. That isn't even a fraction as bad as Nobhead's screed. (It is worth noting that even the most die hard Goreans agree that the books are execrably written.) Have a lobotomy, down a bottle of neat tequila, fall out of a tree and try again.
  17. I have a huge water butt in my back garden. Pet peeve: the endless jokes my family makes.
  18. Wait, you mean queuing around Parliament wasn't a good idea?
  19. Aim well, Goreans have very small veins. Except for the blue one in the temple. That one throbs and pounds really easily. It's the only part of them that does.
  20. That's right, don't provoke me. I could even drop you in Gor first. I know how to find the Ubend of Glorious Arse. Think you'll survive ten seconds of that sexual encounter? (You'll be fine if you do. Ten seconds is pretty good going for the average Gorean performance.)
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