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Amina Sopwith

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Everything posted by Amina Sopwith

  1. Yes, this annoys me too. We all mess up sometimes and if I've done something wrong I like to think I apologise for it. I also like to think I can accept a sincere apology with good grace and move on. I'm unimpressed with people who know they've made a mistake and acted like a pillock but lack the good form to acknowledge and say sorry for it and then expect you to carry on as if nothing happened just as soon as they want to. But with that said, I'd rather someone didn't apologise at all if it's only going to be a "sorry but it's your fault really". Either way, it's a sign that this isn't a person I want to engage with. That's one reason I like that poem so much. It's an admission of wrongdoing, a request for forgiveness...but never an actual apology, because the writer clearly isn't sorry at all and isn't lying about it. Very genuine.
  2. Seemed fitting in the context of a conversation about not being sorry.
  3. This Is Just To Say I have eaten the plums that were in the icebox and which you were probably saving for breakfast Forgive me they were delicious so sweet and so cold William Carlos Williams
  4. Just discovered this recent video from the divine Joan Baez and can't stop listening. Again, as ever, I don't know if it's ASMR, but it gives me those chills and makes the hairs on my arms and the back of my neck stand up, especially when she sings "blowing in the wind" as a harmony and gets that step in her voice. Funnily enough, although I'm a long-term Dylan and Baez fan, this was never one of my favourites; I never disliked it, but I usually find it a bit dull. This rendition, though...It sounds to me as though Joan is singing it in a different key to how she originally did (her voice has changed over time, whose doesn't) and even though I've always loved the high, clear sweetness and constant vibrato of her younger days...I think I actually prefer this very slightly lower, more mellow sound, with less vibrato and that lovely step. I love a step in a voice, Michael Stipes has one too. Something about this version, with a slightly different arrangement, key and vocal style, is making me fall in love with this song in a way I never have before. I can't stop listening. I love the cause she's dedicated it to as well. The ASMR videos that come closest to doing anything for me are microphone scratching and fire crackling, but as relaxing and evocative as those sounds are, I can't imagine them bringing on a reaction like the one I get from some types of music. Beethoven does it too.
  5. I woke up this morning to my son clambering into bed with me and whispering, "I love you, Mummy. I love your face." That was nice.
  6. Ah, the version I knew was: Make new friends but keep the old, Those are silver, these are gold. New-made friendships, like new wine Age will mellow and refine. But old friends, alas, may die, New friends must their place supply. Cherish friendship in your breast, New is good, but old is best. Make new friends but keep the old, Those are silver, these are gold.
  7. I've been told that warm tone people suit gold, and cool tone people suit silver. I haven't got a clue which one I am, so I wear both (though not together). I do think that the darker your skin, the better gold looks on you.
  8. For some reason, it made me think of Diamonds and Rust by Joan Baez. I remember reading somewhere that you shouldn't wear them together as they outshine each other and clash.
  9. Rumpole of the Bailey was the inspiration. I can just imagine a lot of residents liking the name, whether or not they get the reference. I do agree that the new ones are a bit gimmicky.
  10. If you like it enough and will wear it...Tbh, it seems in line with SL inflation these days.
  11. Option for the hot weather....headscarves. Loads of lovely different ways to wear them. If you have tons of hair, you can use a pashmina or pashmina-sized scarf to do an awesome Nefertiti-style high turban (you can do it even if you've got no hair at all, you might just want a balled up pair of thick fluffy socks in there to help give it stability). And lots of other styles too. Keeps it all up and out of the way.
  12. I wish I'd entered the competition now. I'd have submitted names like Tolkien, Plantaganet (or maybe Tudor, can't decide), Corleone, Boop, Gromit, Rumpole and Ramsbottom.
  13. I don't care about making a great one, I'd just like to make a decent one with an aesthetic that I like. But I swear it's like NASA engineer level stuff and I just haven't yet found a block of time where I'd rather be doing that than water skiing or going on safari or wandering through a haunted house. If I ever get time to RP properly again, I'll force myself to do it if I haven't managed it by then.
  14. I do if it's the one about my dog having no nose. As a side point, this didn't offend me: but together with a sim full of windy toilets, I'm not sure it set you up to complain about others being immature...
  15. What shall we do tonight, Brain? Honestly, my goal is to make a passable full mesh avatar with a shape and face that I like. I've got the mesh heads but fecked if I can make them look ok. I know this requires a time commitment and I haven't got much of that at the moment, so I've not generally been bothering with it on the rare occasions I get in, but it is on my to-do list, honestly. I hear Amara skins will work on head and body without a seam? I wish I could reproduce my system self in mesh, I liked the way she looked. I'm not a fan of the coldly uber-supermodel, huge lipped look that's everywhere right now. Nothing wrong with it, but it really doesn't feel like me.
  16. Wide toothed comb is better, and be gentle. I don't think a plait to curl it overnight while it's still slightly damp will do much harm, but it's the pull and stretch and pinch of a tight band or hard brush in elastic wet hair that's bad for it.
  17. I'm sure everyone knows this but just in case: don't ever tie your hair up when it's wet. It's more elastic when wet and will stretch and then snap when it dries. I have a friend who does this all the time (her hair is just below shoulder length) and it drives me crazy. Her hair has the potential to be SO beautiful, it's thick with a lovely curl in it. But she does things like this, also brushes it with a hard brush even though it's curly (even and especially while wet, more stretching and snapping) uses harsh shampoos...just stretches, snaps and frizzes it, even though it would look just gorgeous if she just looked after it a bit. If she just refrained from actively attacking it!
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