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Amina Sopwith

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Everything posted by Amina Sopwith

  1. People with ASMR seem to be describing the chills/tingles as pleasant sensations and, as I understand it, the ultimate purpose of the experience. I don't think that's how I'd describe my experience of chills and tingles from music or musical sounds. It's the music that gives me the pleasure; the chills and hairs rising on my arms and the back of my neck are more a sign of how beautiful the music is and the sound is what I'm seeking, not the chills. It's not that the chills aren't pleasant, but they aren't the key sensation I'm seeking. I keep hearing people say, "Oh, ASMR is amazing" but what I think is "Oh that music is amazing". And often enjoying the colour of it. I don't know if what I'm experiencing is ASMR, though. I tried a few more ASMR videos. Some of the microphone scratch ones were sort of satisfying but I don't think it was the sound that got me going as much as the way they invoked the thought of a nice back scratch, which many people find pleasurable.
  2. Ooh, I still would. Harrison Ford too, and Paul Newman right up until the end as well.
  3. I was about to say much the same thing. Human? Most of them look as though they've never seen a human in their lives.
  4. (Why would anyone not have heard that phrase?) Service bell.
  5. I have an unopened pack of Stilton in my fridge. I would share it with you if I could.
  6. Run while you still can. It's too late for me, but you can still save yourself.
  7. Ah! If any video is dredged up from that era, it should be Stealth Cat.
  8. I got a few seconds in when she said it was about a news report on emo kids (there's not much left to say about Covid, I guess), thought, "they're still a thing?", saw the video was over nine minutes long and just killed it. They were annoying then and I don't think it's the kind of subculture that ages well.
  9. You got two minutes in? I'm impressed. I had no idea emo kids were still around. They were a thing when *I* was a kid, what on earth are they still doing here?
  10. That doesn't peeve me itself. But I do get annoyed when peeve threads turn into places for people to take swipes over personal conflicts or arguments that belong to another particular thread.
  11. At least their track and trace works. But ours will knock the stuffing out of it when we get it going in 2030.
  12. I went to sign this. I was devastated to find it had disappeared.
  13. I wonder how many of those people are sculpted Venuses and Adonises in RL... I suppose this leads into a related peeve of mine. I know we all want immersion and there are occasions when the lines can blur, but I do get a bit irritated when people lose all sense of reality and seem to think they really do look like their av, that they really are a seven foot swordsman with a harem of 20 year old supermodels or whatever.
  14. I'd expect them to be less reliable once you know what's coming and how they test you.
  15. I slipped into lurk mode and I'm slipping out just to say...Dano, you did not. Surely you did not. Even if that event were relevant (and it isn't), or made the point you think it does (and it doesn't), you could have just posted a link to the Wiki page.
  16. Watched Disney's The Sword in the Stone yesterday for the first time in a while. I always loved the song in this opening scene, not just the song itself but the singer's voice. Clear light brown with beautiful resonance and timbre and that lovely constant vibrato. Always get chills on the note when he sings the first syllable of "London". I don't know if this is ASMR, I don't get tingles and ASMR videos generally just annoy me, but it seems to be the closest I get and it's always with music or musical sounds. I hate the way voices are so often compressed in recordings so even if there is that timbre, you can't hear it. It also means proper, un-autotuned, un-compressed, trained voices start sounding "thin" to lot of people, even though that's what a real human voice sounds like, dips and shimmers.
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