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Amina Sopwith

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Everything posted by Amina Sopwith

  1. In the other place I go to, that's often the sign of a common standard wind-em-up-and-watch-em-go troll.
  2. I recently discovered Bardcore and I think this is my favourite one. The singer's voice is heavenly too.
  3. Look, as long as it's really you...I genuinely thought you might have been hacked. It really was just that weird. It was bordering on Gorean. Grammar? I don't recall that featuring in the discussion. Unless you're referring to the clumsy phrasing of "feeling human". I'd call that syntax, personally, but from my perspective it's immaterial since I felt it was the sentiment rather than the actual choice of words that caused the problem. Anyway, uh....many juddering babies to you, since you apparently like them.
  4. No, I can honestly say I've never seen you posting like a drunk reality television star in a Twitter flame war. I was seriously wondering if your account had been hacked by someone who doesn't like you, especially when you straight out admitted you had no case. It was absolutely bizarre. If it really was you, then...phew, I suppose.
  5. It's like a personality transplant. At least you're admitting that you're no longer even trying and have no argument. That's less scary than the alternative, which is that you're following your MA with a PhD in the Gorean School of Critical Response.
  6. What exactly is up with you today, Luna? I don't always agree with your points, but you do at least usually make some.
  7. Then switch off transmit, go to receive and try listening! Very occasionally I think we do get a glimpse of the real you. It's usually marked by an absence of "LOL" and fewer than 500 exclamation marks. I'm sure you actually are a nice person under it all but dear Bog, how are we supposed to find that out if all we get is ESCORT I'M TOO SEXY FOR MY SHIRT ESCORT on permanent transmit? It may be that you want to be only your sexual escort self in SL and on the forums, and that's fine. Really, it is. We could still get to know that side of you, I daresay we would enjoy it. But we can't do it if you're never on receive and don't interact with us as if we are actual people for real two-way discussion. You could have avoided this whole debacle if you'd just listened to what people said the last time you brought disability into it.
  8. She is an escort because it's her sexual fantasy; she's been open about that and her kink being about getting paid. That's totally, 100% brilliant. Lots of others do the same. In SL, there's no chance that she's being forced into it or turning to it in desperation. It's her thing, it's fine. What's not fine is trying to use disabled people to claim an extra moral layer to it, that she's somehow doing it for their benefit, when it's nothing but her own fantasy and she wouldn't help them if they couldn't pay her. Again, wanting to be paid is fine, exploiting disabled people to claim some kind of superiority is not fine. That's exploitative and really offensive. You're not offended, fine, but several other people are and they've told her before. How can you say you're trying to help disabled people and then continually ignore them when they say you're hurting and offending them? And where on earth do you get the idea that she needs affirmation that what she does is ok? First of all, nobody on here has ever told her it isn't (though they wish she would occasionally talk about something else and not exploit vulnerable people). She's always telling us how much she enjoys it (that's great!) and she started this thread to tell us that she thinks it's morally fantastic (disabled people). She's also always telling us how fine she is with people not liking her for who she is. Frankly, I have no idea if I like her or not because I don't think we've ever actually seen the real Bagnu. We just get this endless one-dimensional character who's absolutely obsessed with being an edgelord escort and literally nothing else, even though she's told us it's a fantasy and she doesn't do this in RL. I wouldn't mind, some people are only their character in SL, but as I said, there's no exchange, no back and forth. You literally can't have a conversation with her. She's just now told me that she has no intention of ever switching from transmit to receive. We're not people to have discussions with to her. We are nothing to her but her personal image projector and advertising billboard. You know she is absolutely secure in her profession (which is fine!) because she so explicitly does not give a toss what anyone says to her. She does not listen and she does not intend to listen. And that's why she's offended several disabled posters more than once by doing the same thing. This is less than sod all to do with her profession and everything to do with her total lack of respect, whether or not you personally are offended by it.
  9. Several disabled posters have said that it was offensive to them and frankly they are the ones who get to decide. This isn't the first time.
  10. The point was this: She's literally claiming that her SL escorting is a moral act, because RL disability. Here: Well, if you are going to say that, then I'm going to ask if you give favourable rates to disabled people, or even offer the services for free. I'm guessing not? Fine, it's a business. But don't then try to use disabled people to add some layer of higher morality to what you do. It's exploitative. Anyone who does sexual roleplay is helping people live out their sexual fantasies. Hell, there's a boat load of "free use" women,under various titles, who won't charge at all. They're the truly moral and altruistic ones, if you're going to look at it like that.
  11. No, sorry. I just meant that if anyone thinks I've crossed a line they can AR. The A stands for "abuse", so it's the word I tend to use in this context.
  12. I've reread my posts. I think they're pretty restrained. I certainly don't think they're abusive. I guess the one about discounts was a bit tart but if you're going to try to gain ground with the "service for disabled people" thing, then I do think it's a fair question. The AR button is there for anyone who disagrees. I also understand what OP is saying, even aside from the clumsy phrasing. That's why I was prompted to respond (as I said, I've bitten my tongue on this one before because I wasn't sure it was my place to say). I am really, really uneasy with the way people with disabilities have been brought into this, more than once. I'm very sure it's not malicious, but it is bothering some people and they need to be able to say so.
  13. I'm sure none of it is meant maliciously, but there's a difference between mixing up the meaning of words like "vanity" and "narcissism", especially if English isn't one's mother tongue, and outright bringing disability into it, more than once. That's not a language nuance.
  14. If it's such an important service for disabled people, I'd be interested to know if they get discounts if they're impoverished.
  15. Something about this "I'm doing a service for disabled people" schtick, which OP has mentioned before, really sticks in my craw. As I'm not disabled, I've felt it isn't my place to say anything, but if it's come up... I think it bothers me because escorting is clearly your sexual fantasy, OP, and that's fine, but I wish you'd just own it without trying to claim altruistic morality points for helping the disabled at the same time. It feels a bit exploitative somehow. It's for you, that's fine, just own it. Nobody is disabled in SL anyway unless they choose to be. Again, I'm not disabled, so obviously take the opinions of people with disabilities over mine. Someone let me know if I'm overstepping.
  16. Her name is Alberta, she lives in Vancouver!
  17. All humour offends someone. A good survival strategy is to remember it's not about you (I mean that nicely) and also to look at the real target and function of the joke. In this case, it's funny precisely because we know the kids are certainly not going to be sold or abandoned and because literally all parents relate. You're going to have to make peace with this particular joke because I'm a parent and I promise you it's not going anywhere. Parenthood is brutal like that. We love them more than life, though, the little sods.
  18. I'm sorry to hear that. All I can say is, the joke is most certainly not about that.
  19. I also had an abusive upbringing and I hear you, but honestly, there really isn't a parent alive who hasn't made this joke at some point, usually long before the teen years. It was exactly what I thought when I first saw the feed line. Since March I've been hearing a lot of "if the scientists don't find a vaccine soon THE PARENTS WILL!!!!" You obviously don't have to find it funny (though you say you did) but it really is that relatable a joke that I think they even made it in the film Hook. I've seen many friends putting their kids up for sale on Facebook, or in one memorable case, offering to pay for removal. Of all the things that will distress you (and as one child of abuse to another, I really do understand how many of those things there will be), try to let this particular one go. It is just too ubiquitous in the parenting experience. We love our kids really.
  20. Another thing that gives me the "don't know if this is that ASMR thing but either way it's lovely" shivers. Something about the sound of a violin on certain notes.
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