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Amina Sopwith

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Everything posted by Amina Sopwith

  1. You're watching The Apprentice, aren't you? Peeve: Joe got fired when it wasn't his fault and Cannon Guy got fired (haha) when he shouldn't have either. Further peeve: The Traitors won't be so good next time either.
  2. I actually tried to throw the guy a bone. I knew what he was angling for, obviously, and I was in a frame of mind where I could have been persuaded, but, well, he'd need to persuade me. Do something to make me actively want to, as opposed to merely be open to the possibility. A bit of seduction, ffs. I'm sure people still do it. So I did actually try to engage him in some conversation. He lived in an interesting place and had an interesting job that I would have liked hearing about. But that was all a waste of time to him. He had no interest in conversation when I asked about it, he just wanted to get his end away with no effort. I don't know why he didn't just go and drop some Ls on a professional if he wasn't interested in establishing a dynamic or doing any seduction.
  3. One of the most common acronyms I used in that "notes on the profile that only you can see" part was NFG, or Normal for Gor. There were several occasions when I found myself in the company of a total blithering pillock, went into the notes to write down the acronym, and found I'd already done it.
  4. Occasionally, if someone is pissing me off online, I'll mention being a millennial just to see if they take the bait. I've done it on here and elsewhere. They have absolutely snarfed the bait every. Single. Time. I think it's literally irresistible. I think people are now finally starting to work out how old the millennials actually are and the "feckless, lazy, stupid, entitled yoof of today bringing about the collapse of society" mantle has passed to Gen Z, who frankly hid behind us for much too long. But we're still being blamed for all the avocados.
  5. Currently, this on a loop. Sir Tax-A-Lot. (Whatever the Joe video editing team gets paid, it's not enough.)
  6. I dropped in the other day for the first time in ages. Two creeps messaged me out of the blue from finding me in groups (I really need to go through those and leave about two thirds of them). They weren't in my vicinity. One kept asking what I liked to do in SL and when I failed to proposition him, told me that he was sorry but he didn't think we had enough common ground. For what?? I didn't ask for anything! I didn't approach you! The kicker is, I was really bored and actually a bit lonely, and had no plans. I was just standing in a forest. When he messaged, I knew exactly what he was hoping for (obviously) and if he had put an iota of effort into it, he could have got lucky. All it would have taken was an invitation to wherever he was, so we could actually see each other and a bit of time talking to me so we can attempt to strike up some sort of dynamic. Sorry mate, but if you're not going to put any effort at all into making me feel like I might enjoy this, you're not going to get anywhere.
  7. I'll be honest. With the greatest of respect, as much as I enjoy your posts whenever I've read them, I haven't been paying close enough attention to form a view on it. It's not something that I regularly wonder about or try to suss when interacting with people....I see how they're presenting and wish to be seen and just go with it. It's just that sometimes someone will say something that makes me wonder, or they consistently come across in a certain way over time. I certainly don't claim to be infallible! I suppose I still only have it on trust that the people who claim to be gender bending are telling the truth. But when they did, I was inclined to believe them because it explained a few things and my antennae had already been twitching.
  8. I might be prepared to talk about it in IM but for obvious reasons it wouldn't be public!
  9. Well you'd need a definition of what "acting like a woman/man" means. Hmm. I never say it when it happens, but there have been a few people on the forum whom I suspected were gender bending and I turned out to be right. And sometimes inworld. Sometimes it was because the persona was clearly someone's fantasy, but it's usually more subtle than that. It's not that men can't enjoy shopping or women can't be interested in cars; clearly that's rubbish. It's sometimes in the way they write, although I accept that's a bit of a blunt instrument, because of course men CAN write a certain way even if they usually don't and vice versa. I've been mistaken for a man online quite often. But usually, I get the feeling it's happening because, for example, a female-presenting person is very surprised to learn that hormone treatments can affect someone's mood. That suggests to me that this person has not experienced menstrual cycles and has never been prepared for menopause. In my experience, the generalised differences between men and women (and I do mean generalised) aren't really about hobbies and interests. They're more subtle. I could go into this but it might start a bunfight so I won't. And like I said, it's a blunt instrument. I'm reminded of Norah Vincent, author of Self Made Man. She is a gay woman (not a transman) who disguised herself as a man for about 18 months and did things like join a bowling team and monastery, and date straight women. When speaking to the women online, she made no attempt to "act male". She simply acted as herself, and many women went nuts for her emotional intelligence and engagement, and the way she wrote. When they met up, though, the women were often not attracted to her physically as she was rather small and not typically masculine, which should come as no surprise, really. Funnily, she said that in her normal life as a woman, people always found her mannish. As a man, people found her effeminate. It makes no difference to me as I'm fully in favour of presenting however you want in SL and having the right to keep your RL secret. But since you asked, that's what I think.
  10. Of all the glitches, crashes and rez failures I've had over the years, I've never experienced this one. Someone had to show me a picture on here because I'd never, ever seen it and still haven't. I suppose I should feel fortunate, but actually I feel excluded!
  11. I guess we'd need a Linden to confirm if you could post a picture here. I'd struggle to think of an actual TOS reason against it; as people say, if you're in the public domain then you can't really make a logical case for public information not to be made public. I don't see how you couldn't have the "legal" right. But in the interests of courtesy, consideration and community, it would behove one to check with the subject.
  12. Did you ever play Assassins? You have to be in a sizeable group, preferably in a residential setting. Everyone is given someone else's name. You have to get that person alone and say, "Bang bang, you're dead." They must hear you but nobody else can witness it (a degree of honesty and trust is involved). They're then dead and they give you the name of the person they were hunting. Last two standing usually get into a fight over who said it first.
  13. Please do me a favour and if you do spot me inworld, don't take a photo. I really can't be bothered to learn the intricacies of mesh and I look like absolute hell. That doesn't bother me for the purposes for which I'm inworld, or else I'd do something about it. But it would be like tagging a picture of me on Facebook which you snapped on the school run.
  14. That actually reminds me of the time I was exploring a sim and noticed a guy had walked in. I checked out his profile and saw he was an RL Master with tons of RL experience and had "recently enjoyed some Domme breaking". And if you wanted the honour of submitting to him, you'd have to message him first because he was armpit-deep in naked, willing subs already. I ignored him, obviously, and carried on looking around, but after a while I became aware that he was following me and kept standing rather close.
  15. Chaucer is Middle English. Old English is something like Beowulf or The Dream of the Rood. It's very different. It helps enormously if you've learned Latin. Peeve: I never learned Latin.
  16. Mine's always been like two badly parked Volkswagens. (3.05, although you should watch the whole thing.) Peeve: What Red Dwarf became after once being so glorious.
  17. I used to have something that turned your whole body into a floating pumpkin. I agree with @Scylla Rhiadrathat it's become more tasteless in recent years. I opted out for a while. Now I have a small child I'm back in, but very much in the "pumpkins and black cats" kiddie mould. I used to watch a horror film every Halloween but I've gone off those too. I like the idea of marking Samhain in some way but I'm too culturally ignorant to know what that involves, other than hacking out a turnip and putting a candle in it. I will read up on it.
  18. Peeve: my Chinese food delivery is late and I really, really need it. ETA: It arrived. Peeve: I ate too much and now I'm bloated and thirsty.
  19. If you can be better than the Manicfesto, I'll vote for you.
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