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Coffee Pancake

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Everything posted by Coffee Pancake

  1. Which is basically the news we have had since they killed off the communicator app. Although .. doing the streaming thing .. here we go again again again again I guess. I can't take this seriously anymore, it's a bad experience with major accessibility and usability issues, expensive to run, bandwidth thirsty with breathless PR and poor user uptake.
  2. Oh, I bought an iPhone and a Switch to replace it. Once the OEM batteries dry up, and samsung are especially aggressive when it comes to cutting off supply, everyone ends up stocking the same Chinesium bootlegs
  3. Sure Lumiya can do it*, very impressive considering .. and it can bake your phone in the process*, hammer your irreplaceable*** battery into an early grave, consume all the ram and then crash taking the phone OS down with it. * If you side load it from some sketchy APK source. ** My poor Samsung Galaxy Note, don't worry baby, I wont make you run the mean thing, you wont ever have to run anything again - RIP ☠️ *** It doesn't matter if you can get "the battery out", when you can't buy a replacement OEM battery and have to do with whatever scam fake ebay or amz serve up, then yes, it is irreplaceable.
  4. Even if they hide it, something will still show. If the name is free, it will show a message "The page you were looking for doesn't exist".
  5. I will also add .. PLEASE @Linden Lab Let us have a robust and (actually) iterative preview / beta period. Let us find all the jank, all the areas where it falls down, all the sliders and poses and gotchas that don't to the magic. Let us whale on it and iterate a little. We're really good at picking things apart and finding problems, often by accident. We go places QA don't even dream. Let us help you make it as good as it can be .. it wont please everyone, it can't. But please let us help you get this body into a final state where NUX doesn't become shorthand for some social judgement call, and adding it to existing workflows is a no brainer. We all need this to be a huge win.
  6. Go to https://my.secondlife.com/firstname.lastname and if you see a profile .. it's already gone.
  7. Well then .. this is finally progress. I await the BLENDER dev kits and documentation. Not Maya .. B L E N D E R
  8. yearly is ALWAYS better as in .. WOW .. that's extremely better, I should only ever do that.
  9. Why can't some people just say "oops! My bad!"
  10. I dearly wish we saw the attention to personal detail and variety of avatars in Linden staff as we do in moles. Accessing parts of the PP offering via support tickets is like the secret menu at your local McBungers. More Linden home options for existing Linden home owners is a bigger deal than 2048's IMO.
  11. If there are hoops to jump though to get the desirable thing at the best price, people will jump though the hoops .. and no more. This is no different from agreeing to an Amazon credit card to get a massive discount on an expensive purchase, then paying the card off and never using it again.
  12. But we sorely miss the energy that comes from the "kids" in the sandbox.
  13. This is because Meta has significant market clout. Brett was right at the marketing meeting, there are lots of journalists who's only job is to breathlessly cover whatever Meta are doing today. Making the best counts for nothing. It's just an extension of thinking that "build and they will come" is true. Like it or not, Meta are the leading player right now simply because they are present to a large degree is most people's lives.
  14. That person can still be someone else's reason to log in and stay engaged, motivation or inspiration for their creative pursuits, the difference between a lonely day and fun one. I've had plenty of close friends over the years who weren't able to afford frivolous shopping or the latest avatar bits and accessories .. yet they did ok, because their friendship was worth chipping in and spoiling them. It's never a zero sum game.
  15. But that's the point - you're giggling. Not feeling like you just walked into the local thrift store's creepy doll section and fighting the urge to run away screaming.
  16. It is, but not for obvious reasons. Stylized "cartoony" avatars age very well, they will look as ok in 5 years as they look today. An SL avatar on the other hand ages like milk, which is why we spend so much time and money constantly updating them. They don't fall into the uncanny valley, at all. We're used to how SL avatars look because we have trained ourselves to be ok looking at them. They are easily uncanny - a feeling you can recreate by just trying to find a new head for your own avatar. They are easier to make expressive, derpy big grins and wide eyes and over the top expressions actually work ok on simplistic avatars. They are so bad on SL avatars we go the extra step to disable that entirely and look like creepy dolls half the time. To someone who isn't used to assigning personal identity to an avatar, a simplistic avatar is a much easier gateway to the entire concept of an avatar. Personal uniqueness is easier to achieve, The crappy mark head looks like mark. It's instantly recognizable. The female avatar is Eva Chen - and it's easily close enough. Are these the best avatars possible or the most realistic, hell no, but we're sat here patting ourselves on the back for looking like something from a PS4 game with none of the facial expression and movement capabilities. Sure we look great in still pictures .. but real time SL and flickr SL are entirely different propositions.
  17. I will honestly be surprised if that ends up being more than just off the peg starter avatars to replace 70's man and dog bag lady.
  18. Mojo has really made an impression at TPV developer meetings, he brings a lot of confidence for the technical future of SL and he's not afraid to look around SL and call out the jank. There is a hidden value to free accounts that I don't think gets as much recognition as it should. While not directly contributing to bottom line with memberships, they do buy L$, they are our friends, they are the hooks that keep us coming back day after day and they are an enormous driver of trends and interests. Free accounts was one the best things to happen to SL and we certainly wouldn't be here debating it today if that hadn't happened.
  19. 😐 We really better get used to people blindly bumping us at shopping events because they have derendered everyone.
  20. Hi did. However the newbie experience is not in any way representative of anything in SL, neither is having a member of staff work out a well tailored avatar. Can you image the priority bump things we've been struggling with for years would get if it frustrates the boss for 5 minutes? Let alone the perspective gained from having a truly accurate new user experience, shopping for an avatar, getting utterly bewildered by the range of options, prices and systems required to assemble something half decent. Getting a home, no not that one, a nice one .. decorating it ..
  21. Especially as they still have "SL For Business" right there on the front page.
  22. I will not be upgrading, at least until the package is complete and I can run the numbers and see how the value works out then, because right now, it's just not there. Soon in Linden speak might as well mean any time in the next decade. So let me rephrase .. I will be upgrading SOON, just as SOON as LINDEN SOON happens to be.
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