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Coffee Pancake

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Everything posted by Coffee Pancake

  1. Ah yes .. because running your own spammer is better than using the group tools to announce stuff.
  2. We have closed in terms of model fidelity, but technology that's driving it all is hopelessly out of date UE5's rendering is what's known in the industry as jesustech, it's dramatically transformative in terms of the content that can be published and the workflows required to get there. LL can not hope to "roll their own".
  3. Event regions will do nothing for client side avatar rendering lag .. lots of avatars on your screen, very miserable SL viewer. This local cap hits way before the region population limits. Expecting better performance on an event region is like going to a more expensive restaurant hoping to consume a greater volume of food.
  4. I'm not sure posting a picture of a sociopath means what you think it means.
  5. My experiences only cover the original Linden operated mentor groups, it was never overt, but something mentors would frequently discuss amongst themselves. "Hi, I hear there is sex in this game" .. "oh, it's not a game and I don't think we have sex here anymore" Newbie is a jerk .. somehow newbie gets a grif gun and blasts people around the welcome area because they don't know any better (if I got a gun, shouldn't it be ok to use it?) .. mentors call in a permaban. Who armed the newbie? Actual newbs only have the information they picked outside of SL (if that), they are not clued into the social or behavioral expectations prevalent in SL. If a newb can't find their way around the viewer, it's pretty safe to assume they wont know where the AR floater is, or how to construct an actionable abuse report should they find it. Newbie jostle is to be expected .. especially if they can't find how to open chat, bumpin is the only communication tool they have. Much like how walking up to another player in a game or MMO and crouch/jump spamming is used in place of "hello!" I was an mentor back when it was a Linden supported role. While I would very much like to see the program reinstated, it was not without it's problems.
  6. Sacrifice your entire SL social circle, all your hobbies, interests and investments in the platform .. sounds a lot like letting the bully win. Victims of abuse, harassment and threats feeling like they have no recourse but to leave the platform is not and should not ever be an acceptable solution.
  7. The best you can do it ignore the twit (and have those also involved or close do the same), and take what measures you can to ensure your SL identity and RL identity are not easily connected. Do not block them as that only denies you information. Do not respond to the messages, do not have friends respond, do not respond to the avatar, act like you have blocked them and they are invisible to you. Get everyone involved to ghost them like last weeks bad date.
  8. My experience is that even with sustained harassment they do not get involved. They just don't. Accumulated evidence, an itinerary of reports, multiple reports from multiple people, if the individual incident and associated report doesn't raise to the level where they feel they must act because some plain and obvious rule is broken, no action is taken. Especially when they believe that users have sufficient tools to protect themselves .. which they don't. When I asked a senior Linden at a TPV meeting, I couldn't even get a categoric or even emphatic YES to abuse reports from 3rd party viewers getting the same treatment as those from the Linden client.
  9. Didn't we have an entire thread that demonstrated how pointless that suggestion is .. I'm sure you would remember.
  10. Its also not been unknown for actual helpers to feel they are the gatekeepers of SL. Part of their job being to determine who should pass and who isn't "the right sort".
  11. Wearing a prim and standing in the middle of a building while trying to resize it to match the footprint and not getting banned for grief is SL culture. If store owners gave footprints, this core part of the experience would be lost forever and SL would die as prims would finally have no purpose at all.
  12. 100% this. Our animation system could charitably be described as "basic" or perhaps "primitive" being as this is SL. What we have is the bare minimum and hasn't been updated ever, there is no simpler animation system than the one we have. It is quite literally the very simplest option one step ahead of nothing at all. And not just for the pixel bumping, although that does present a good test case for having two avatars of different sizes interacting with each other. We can't even keep our own arms outside our own bodies or our feet on the ground. We can't have couple animations of even the simplest and most plain without kludging things close enough and squinting. Getting two arbitrary avatars to hold hands in a predictable way is simply impossible. We can't even sit next to each other without scripted per avatar controls to nudge things around, tongue at the right angle. What we have wasn't acceptable 19 years ago, in 2022, it's a joke and represents a huge blind spot to the powers that be. This is what @Philip Linden should be focusing on, not facial expressions. 🤬
  13. I was filling the Coriolis effect under the general "not worrying about that here" part .. tidal forces would probably turn you to jello.
  14. Pegging the money to some natural "precious" elemental resource is a really bad idea. You end up with an economy who's stability depends on digging gold out of one hole only to store it safely in another and that stability is entirely dependent on it being a steady accumulative process. Someone suddenly finds a lot of gold, and we're all broke ... and the moment someone captures a single asteroid, the entire economy crashes and they're our gods now. (asteroid capture is very doable with current technology, it's impractical due to the expense .. but when the prize is a rock that gives you control over the bulk of a national or global economy, it's suddenly worth it .. even if everyone else ends up living under that rock. Right now the prize is abundance that crashes commodity prices, which isn't so lucrative to the money motivated)
  15. Terminal velocity is just an equilibrium state, you're falling as fast as the air resistance will allow. Terminal stopping is what gets ya. If you bore a hole right though the earth (and stopped it filling up with air or rocks), you could jump in one end, accelerate to the core, whizz through it, slow down on the way up and gently step off at the other end. There's a lot of reasons why making the hole would be impossible, but we're not worrying about that here If it could be done, it would be stupid fast and safety would be the least of the technical challenges involved.
  16. Don't presume they deliberately made the distinction that L$ is a token for purely external or regulatory reasons. If you lose your account, your tokens are gone with it. It is a simile, nothing more. Money is a tightly defined and regulated thing.
  17. For plenty of SL users, it is their livelihood. LL like to cite the big winners making bank, but the vast bulk of SL's creator community are on the poverty line. Policy and direction are very important.
  18. That's how SL is. The L$ is not money. Once you have L$ the only difference between them and gems in candy crush is you can trade them with other players for things or actual money.
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