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Coffee Pancake

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Everything posted by Coffee Pancake

  1. Just keep in mind .. a head alone is junk. You need to be able to skin it and your choice of body at the very least. Catwa might be expensive, but everyone support it.
  2. The new windlight features coming from LL may allow for arbitrary SL length days
  3. Now I have vintage computer epeen envy. All my stuff is in boxes, in my parents loft .. in another country .... and they refuse to mail any of it because the postage would be high, even though I would be paying for it
  4. It's not a valid point, it's attempting to win an argument with semantics and zero respect for the subject matter at hand. If there is a trap here, you found it already.
  5. Because this issue is bigger and more complicated than satisfying your simple pedantry.
  6. I guess it really needs saying because too many in this thread are more concerned about semantics. Black pride & power is about empowerment of an institutionally oppressed minority. White power is literally about imposing systematic oppression. TBH. This sounds a like kink shaming in an attempt to justify an equal platform for white supremacist [REMOVED]boys.
  7. Rendered objects often have significantly higher poly counts that the object you get in world.
  8. Wrapper libraries are universally terrible as a direct "by the book" translation is never ever enough to actually guarantee compatibility. They have to pick up and include bugs fixed in the drivers (for which there is no source and no documentation), bugs worked around in applications (undocumented at best) and bugs in the new target API or it's implementation. The older forum members will remember the steaming pigs mess we had with running OpenGL games on Voodoo hardware (which didn't support OpenGL). Wrappers were made by a few people, but none were perfect, and often getting a game to run involved swapping between half a dozen different DLL's in order to find the one that worked and performed acceptably on a game by game basis. More often than not it was a choice between Nope, dead dog slow but mostly ok or Fast & badly glitched. The best wrapper for one app would hard crash your PC on another. In the end everyone just gave up and bought new hardware, the old voodoo titles were abandoned.
  9. Phone technology wont catch up, there isn't unlimited growth and what we have right now is hard up against physical limitations. A desktop GPU can pull well over 140W, your little cell phone battery .. can manage about 1W, much more than that and it's in danger of coming to a dramatic end. The TDP of the chips on a phone is minuscule. But worse .. SL is CPU bound. Downloading textures, objects, meshes, movement, decoding it all, rendering prims into usable meshes etc etc etc puts a massive load on the processor. Games don't have to do any of this. A mobile CPU just isn't cut out for a sustained intensive load. Aside from being several orders of magnitude slower in output terms, it can't handle running full tilt. Mobile CPU's are designed to throttle back to almost idle, and then spin up super fast for a split second when you need it, run them hard and they get hot and will throttle back very aggressively ... or they would literally melt themselves to slag in your hand .. and then ignite the battery .. Your PC pulls a lot of power and that power results in a huge amount of heat, your PC gets rid of this heat with large heatsinks and fans .. your phone ..has the chips pressed up to a super thin bit of metal .. This isn't to say more powerful phones are't coming, but they are selectively more powerful and carefully engineered to very specific workloads. Mobile games are equally carefully engineered to the specific conditions present. We have some text clients and .. they are problematic, they separate people from the world that makes up SL and reduces it to yet another chat app. It's a poor experience for the user and the people they are trying to interact with as Second Life is based around avatar presence.
  10. This is normal behavior. Changes to attachments are only saved on detach. Wandering around SL scripting on your avatar is not a good idea, if possible, always work inside rezzed prims.
  11. People have been trying to save SL for 15 years, it's outlived most of them who left bitter and frustrated that the world didn't bend to their whims.
  12. Ho Hum ... https://i.imgur.com/9UmzRGB.gifv
  13. The problem with the destination guide isn't the idea or it's content. It's how that content is offered in the viewer.
  14. The only way you could do this is with an account set up to hold the funds and people pay into the account via an inworld object ... but that's starting to sound a lot like a bank, which is explicitly banned by the ToS - even if you aren't offering interest or anything, it's probably not worth the risk. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:New_Policy_Regarding_Inworld_Banks Suggest you pool currency outside of SL and then use that to buy L$ as needed to operate .. seems paypal have you covered. https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/money-collection
  15. Does anyone honestly think Mr Eyepeen would have sat through basic orientation ?
  16. Sansar has no plans on OSX as there is no VR. Sansar is a radically different beast to Second Life.
  17. @OptimoMaximo You know ... there is nothing stopping you from putting some code together and contributing it ..
  18. Sounds like clean install time ...
  19. He came with a bias and a deliberately incongruous avatar and found exactly what he was looking for. Second Life can be a bit of a mirror sometimes, this clever idiot looked and shared all the s*** he saw reflected back at him.
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