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Coffee Pancake

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Everything posted by Coffee Pancake

  1. The entire events infrastructure and purpose needs to be rethought from scratch and hasn't been fit for purpose in years. Events need to be managed from the perspective of people wishing to find an event, NOT from the perspective of people hosting an event trying to spam for traffic. Clear tight limits need to be placed on the number of events a region can have in any 24 hour period with the total number divided up between land owners. What's that, your tiny parcel only gets 0.25 events per day .. guess that limits you to one every 4 days. Buy more land. Reset the counter on transfer of ownership to prevent gaming. Put the UI to create an event in the viewer, and redo some UI to find events. No more posting events on a website, viewer posted event listings appear here - got to be in world to have an event ...
  2. Well, either it's ok to do or it isn't. There are no guidelines and so far all i can gather is unless the region is on it's knees it's perfectly fine.
  3. ThunderCo69 : Hey sexy how ru ? BigBooBot : I am fine, I said I was, and you ? ThunderCo69 : wanna hop on this pose ball ? BigBooBot : I know I do, but do you? ThunderCo69 : Im waitin for U bby. BigBooBot : I do not have a bby, and find the suggestion. Tell me about your pose ball. ThunderCo69 : Are you a bot ? BigBooBot : No, I am not a bot, you are a bot, I remember it, with your pose ball. BigBooBot : do you believe in a god, I do not but I'm sure you do. ThunderCo69 paid L$27 ThunderCo69 : same time next week ? BigBooBot : yes, and please bring your BBy, I am certain to be sure.
  4. It just feels like I should be putting everything I own in a temp rezzor and letting a parcel I bought for additional prims go.. what was I thinking.
  5. Following abuse reports from myself and his immediate neighbor, a Linden was seen on the region .. the temp rezzors are all still in place. The immediate neighbor has put their land up for sale and intends to vacate.
  6. Regular sit teleports can be used, experience tools ones just provide an instantaneous port and can be triggered on contact as well as touch.
  7. Newp, although I have ... I'm not sure how you figure arguing with you on the forums would be good for business, unless that's why you're here. The figures for horizons I posted are specifically for double prim land and the how Horizons as the cheapest supply of said double prim parcels was the best value right now, that statement is based on the math (which you didn't understand or read) ... I thought it would have been obvious that if you were to accept half the prims and didn't care where you lived the deal gets exponentially sweeter. Just the math .. Damn those frivolous numbers and their tricksy ways.
  8. Corrupted texture! Right click on them and pick "refresh textures" if you're on a TPV. It happens, the download might have gone wonky, or the decoder got in a mess (more likely). If you can't refresh, relog. And don't worry, other people wont see it.
  9. You're hoping for an ideal solution that wont happen. We will end up with onion skin avatars that support BoM. Appliers will function exactly as they do now. The only hope is that given time they go the way of flexi skirts and torus based hair. Waiting for script support wont actually change anything as none of the primary mesh body makers will take the step to release their primary product with no applier support. Maitreya, Slink, Belleza, Catwa .. you're dreaming. The key advantage of BoM is the resurrection of clothing type inventory assets. From a customer perspective BoM + onion skins is the best of all worlds, them being technically terrible didn't prevent this mess and it wont end it now.
  10. Oh yes. It totally breaks the continuous open world aspect of Second Life we're used to and have been building for since day one. The problem is and always has been than SL is pretty terrible at providing that kind of open world, and it's been getting progressively worse since mesh. Object Occlusion with prims was somewhat effective, with mesh .. it's borderline junk and won't be getting any better. That's not to say people haven't been trying this approach, RP regions and clubs often place the entrance / mall well away from the actual venue. It seems like a bigger deal that it actually is .. we all already teleport about to get to isolated rooms, skyboxes, dressing areas, naughty boxes, etc. The difference is this approach places the route to locations in world dispensing with the need to find and interact with a teleport pad .. which will always be out of place in most RP environments.
  11. An experience teleport, once granted permissions, can instantly move an avatar anywhere on the region. No menus, no sitting, click - WOOSH! You do still get the teleport screens, but they only last for a second and can be disabled in firestorm. Edit - to add I have scripted these as portals that you can walk though, and as clickable objects .. such as a telephone or door.
  12. Better building techniques really should be something that's taught. Not talking about model making or texturing, etc, but the process of assembling premade items into a series of well performing scenes rather than a single solid build. The goal - Higher frame rates and faster loading. I would be interested in hearing other peoples ideas. -- Build for an avatar walking rather than an avatar standing on the landing point and caming, an avatar caming your build adds nothing to your location. Make them enter your build and move around to explore. Object occlusion (don't render objects/avatars hidden behind other objects) isn't so great in SL. So taking it for granted or hoping it will work in your favor tends to produce poor results. Your viewer still has to deal with objects you can't see and the region still sends info about those objects to the client - end result; poor rendering performance further kneecapped by the viewer processing stuff that isn't even visible. Poor experience all round. Knowing this, it makes no sense to construct your entire build on the sim floor, or even on the same level. But that is what were all used to doing. Placing buildings on the sim floor, and then using experience teleports in doorways to shoot the avatar up to isolated skyboxed interior spaces will have a dramatic improvement on performance all round. Interior and exterior spaces will load faster and present a higher framerate. If the interior space has windows, include those in the skybox and duplicate the parts of the ground level build that can be seen. Interior spaces don't have to be the same size as rooms on the ground, if your scene calls for a bit more space or a higher ceiling, then you can easily add it and no one will ever notice. You can even step up the amount of decorative stuff in a room because the client wont be trying to render the bathroom in a house over the road. This also means you can get away with fewer buildings and rooms overall and you can design for a list of purposes rather than "this house has 8 rooms, so I guess i need to decorate all of them". What is this "scene", what happens here, why does it need to exist, how to people enter and exit. People aren't used to clicking on doors to enter rooms, so whatever you do to denote a door the user can "pass though", be consistent. As a side effect, interior rooms all become distinct private spaces. The viewer only has to worry about avatars in the same "scene" But I only have a house and my garden?! Easy, you have 2 scenes. Indoors and outdoors. 1. Place your house, decorate your garden. Then go though the house , unlink and remove as much from the interior as possible. Loose all the opening doors, stairs, everything you can. Place a teleporter in the main front door (experience ones are best as they are one click and instantly bounce you anywhere else on the region). If from the outside your house looks like a broken shell .. tint the windows a bit or toss in a huge dark prim. Optional .. add a greeter script informing people to click on doors to enter buildings. (or just give guided tours, showing off is half the fun) 2. rez a copy of your house and place it 1000M up (basically get it far away from wherever the outdoor scene is located), decorate the interior as usual. Place a teleporter on the door to scoot people back to the outdoor scene. If windows, add a copy of some key landmark details outside the house so it doesn't look like you're in the sky from inside the building - it doesn't have to be perfect, just some floor and a tree etc. Keep this as minimal as possible. If you can, get rid of any exterior details. 3. If you don't have a use for a particular room, close the door and remove the script. Why waste resources on spaces that you aren't going to use. 4. Optionally split off other individual rooms into there own dedicated spaces. Bedrooms are suddenly private.
  13. Clearly we hang out on different parts of the intertubes....
  14. I can't help think this is like trying to dress up a trash fire with a nice pretty ribbon.
  15. There will always be edge cases where legacy user asset band-aids are in use.
  16. Your stuff won't get returned, and if you enable auto return then the attack you endured the other day will be rather time limited - especially as you can just open about land, Objects tab , owned by others - hit return. Shows over.
  17. Deed the land to a group, make sure all your stuff is in the land group and don't let random bob join your land group. Not letting anyone build is the safest, but .. kinda unfriendly and a pain in the butt. You will be fine letting everyone build just enable Autoreturn .. 5 minutes .. 45 minutes .. just have it enabled. Untick No Pushing, Tick Safe. Leave everything else set so everyone can do everything. If you are on the ground and you untick "Avatars on other parcels can see and chat .....", you make it more likely that random bob will want to come onto you land just to see your avatars. You can tighten if down a whole lot more by setting things to group only, but really it's a pain in the butt .. it's far less stressful with autoreturn cleaning up for you and taking a little joy in idiots being idiots. Half the fun of mainland is random bob trying to be clever .. if you're not in the mood, just eject and ban. I've had mainland & my own region set up this way for years, not taking a once-bitten-twice-shy paranoid approach really is way less stressful, also .. being hyper paranoid about your own land is pointless when your idiot neighbor forgets autoreturn, gets jacked by self replicating cubes and you have to call in a Linden to clean up anyway.
  18. That looks like a decent gaming PC. It will do everything you need for many years to come.
  19. If someone pays you like L$1000 .. will you be their best friend forever ?
  20. Don't think I've managed to block 100 people in almost 13 years.
  21. First up, lag is not poor client-side frame rate. Lag is almost always caused by a regions inability to track and send object/avatar updates in a timely manner, this may be caused by time dilation on an overloaded region, more often than not, it's bottle-necked UDP traffic (and the bottle neck is typically at the clients end). As far as hunting VRAM heavy objects goes .. if you are even equipped to do such a thing, keep in mind that mesh geometry also occupys VRAM. So your avatar, all that decorative gatcha tat ... Meshes are supposed to drop down to lower LOD models .. but that doesn't work so well when you crank the LOD factor in the viewer though the roof so poorly made objects don't fall apart when you're "arbitrary distance" from them. Textures in SL are streamed to the client in increasingly higher resolutions. the resolution rendered on screen is in part dependent on how much screen real estate the object occupies. If you have spare VRAM then the viewer will try to keep it full. You see this in action when the viewer swaps textures out, it's doesn't always pick the best texture to derez, swaps out something like the floor that then get puts right back because it's occupying a lot of screen space. -- if you want to improve the frame rate & user experience on your region, open the linden viewer, set the LOD to medium and adjust your build so that object deconstruction is taken into account - ie, no long views from one side of the region to another, small contained spaces, lots of occlusion. This is the most basic kind of optimization. Three words - Visible Object Density. Think of your build as a series of "scenes", keep each one limited to content needed for that scene, and build your scenes far apart. Spread your build out by putting interior spaces into dedicated skyboxes and using experience tools to port people about when they pass though doorways - Try to keep the loaded scene limited to the scene at hand - if you're in room, does a viewer really need to care about the trees outside? No .. then don't build your room near to the tree, or near to those other 4 rooms the user can't see. It's not the experience we are used to in SL where the world is a contiguous space, but this building practice alone is responsible for most performance woes.
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