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Coffee Pancake

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Everything posted by Coffee Pancake

  1. Generally it seems to be that if you have your own private region, you can do what ever you like on it .. if that's filling it with AFK bots then .. LL are like "fair enough". It shouldn't be allowed at all, and I do wish LL would enforce the rules at least for mainland. It's never fun living on a sim and some fool cheating at tiny empires or running a club moves into a small plot and parks 20 accounts on it in the sky.
  2. Going forward what are Linden Lab's plans to bring new users into the fold and to reincentivize past users to return ? Keeping in mind that user evangelism drove a lot of SL's growth, what would you like the community to do in this regard, or to put it another way; How can we help ? Have you read Snow Crash ? Do you believe that the user perception of Second Life as a true metaverse still holds true ? Is there room for licenced content in Second Life beyond Brand_X simply doing it themselves as has been attempted previously, and would the Lab be interested in assisting with or procuring such licences and bring wide adoption of real world pop culture content to Second Life - either on behalf of limited merchants or as a grid wide free for all ? (example, LL helps negotiate a licence for Brand_X to be sold in SL by Creator_Y, or LL negotiates a licence to allow Brand_X content in Second Life on behalf of all residents, perhaps in a time limited way). (As individuals operating independently, residents can't even talk to the relevant people). Can a system for in world resident run Live help be brought back ? We understand that it never appeared to help the numbers and that there were problems, but those of us who were helped and those who did contribute time and knowledge found the experience and involvement meaningful, if for no other reason that to provide some structured purpose and engagement. What is the future of the Lab's commitment to open source development ? Will we ever see a broader commitment that we currently do ? If you could spend an afternoon being shown around by a resident, what would you like to see ? What is the possibility of porting Sansar technology back to Second Life ? (Avatar dressing and clothing adjustment for example) How do you plan to reconcile the high hardware demands Second Life presents with the majority of users on mid range hardware & integrated graphics ? Is it said that some people dance, and some do not. Do you ? Have you read Ready Player One (the book, not the film). How do you compare the Oasis as a social and educational space to Second Life ? (ignoring the obvious VR tech-porn aspects). Second Life users often struggle to find purpose, a blank page with near infinite possibility is intimidating, is there anything the Lab could or should be doing to direct ? What are the Lab's short, medium and long term aspirations for Second Life ? How do you address the perception that Second Life is just for 'weird pixel sex' ? What content are you surprised hasn't been created in Second Life ?
  3. I was playing with this and the failure seems to be that subsequent collision events fail to trigger. Fixed it by making the "portal" a thin plane that the avatar passes though very quickly and trigger the teleport on both collision start and end. A much simpler script that works 100% of the time. collision_start(integer num_detected) { if (llDetectedType(0) == (AGENT | ACTIVE)) { llRequestExperiencePermissions(llDetectedKey(0), ""); } } collision_end(integer num_detected) { if (llDetectedType(0) == (AGENT | ACTIVE)) { llRequestExperiencePermissions(llDetectedKey(0), ""); } } experience_permissions(key agent) { llTeleportAgent(agent, llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_LANDMARK, 0), ZERO_VECTOR, ZERO_VECTOR); } Edit - To add. If the experience teleport occurs on collision_start, no collision_end event is triggered , so duplicate teleport do not occur.
  4. Not expecting that to happen as (if my understanding is correct) this system depends on the use of linden skin, tattoo & clothing layer inventory as the 'applier'.
  5. If this feature isn't developed hand in hand with makers of the main onion skinned avatar bodies and once released, onion skinned avatars are aggressively punished using ARC and jelly dolls. Then all that will happen is onion skinned avatars will incorporate some of this functionality in combination with existing onion skinning. Perhaps even going as far as just releasing an additional "special" onion layer to be used on top of existing products, compounding the problem and giving us the worst of all worlds. It is of special note that the avatar body and clothing industry in SL in general are paranoid to the point of insanity. Nothing is released modify and any requirement to do so will never gain any traction as vendors will simply write it off as unusable. Appliers exist for one reason only. They keep the actual texture that is being applied a secret. They would be used for this purpose even if the bodies were sold fully modify by the end user (which most aren't). I hate to say it, but this feature is practically DOA if it isn't forced. Consumer demand alone will never be enough to change the SL fashion industries entrenched position. Other that that, awesome! Please combine this beautiful carrot with a big stick.
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