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Everything posted by Pavon2

  1. I had the same doubts as you do have, many times after paying for the ad. I once got so frustrated that I was resetting the front page like hundreds of times But it is there. But yes.. you literally need to reset the page MANY MANY times, and then also every time scroll through all the other ads that are there at the same time.
  2. I'm having the same error since more than 3 weeks now. Basically can't shop on Marketplace anymore.
  3. I get the same error all the time. Really annoying And it's been for at least 3 weeks now.
  4. It's hard for me to say that and I would rather not... but I'm afraid all the fees raising has little to do with getting "extra cash" for LL, making more money etc. They probably do it because they have to, to make Second Life survive at all.
  5. To me, always best curly hair had Analog Dog, Doux also has few nice curly hairstyles.
  6. In HER profile I wrote, in Bubbles Clawtooth's profile.....
  7. Kathy, you have her name there on Flickr, it's Bubbles Clawtooth. And in her profile you have landmark to her inworld store. On Flickr it says it was at The Epiphany so it's a gatcha item. I was in the inworld store, and it's there, between gatcha machines.
  8. I would guess it's some [^.^Ayashi^.^] hair. https://www.flickr.com/photos/sl-ayashi/
  9. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Dura-Girl51-Dark-6-color-Fat/5543043
  10. Doux also had some curly hair
  11. It's very hard to find a mesh head which would satisfy you if you don't know which skin goes well with which head. So my advice would be to explore Flickr (SL community on Flickr) and blogs, find out who the best bloggers are and check what mesh heads and what skins they wear. Maybe between them you will find a look you like and then you could recreate it in-world and modify it according to your needs.
  12. 2- More stores (fashion Men) - but good quality original mesh only if you ask me
  13. Pavon2


    Dura always had nice hair for men.
  14. The image you posted is not loading, so I'm not sure what you mean, but maybe you just need to log in? If the items in the store have maturity level set to moderate or adult you will not see them unless you are logged in.
  15. I love Mon Cheri who has great bikinis, dresses, and lingerie. I love BigBeautifulDoll as Matty mentioned. Insanya has a lot of corsets, at BigBeautifulDoll you will also find some hard core tight ones, in latex and not only. I love Narcisse. They all have beautiful clothing, lingerie and stuff like that. All these brands are original mesh designers, means they make their own stuff, you won't find same copies with just different textures anywhere else. They are not the mainstream, but individuals who I think work alone and craft their products with care. The type of designers I always support. And they all make Slink Hourglass sizes.
  16. Pavon2

    Aditi/Beta Grid Down?

    Same here. I'm having problems logging in since a week or more than a week. Today I didnt manage to log in anymore at all.
  17. Same here, having problems logging in to Beta since at least a week. Sometimes it works, but on 20 attempts to log it, I will manage maybe once, all other times I get a message "Login failed (...)".
  18. Hello, recently I started to be seriously scared. So many issues are not being fixed since months. Like for example so very important issue with gifts transactions on marketplace. I've read that some of these transaction are not being recorded, so my current problem is probably related... ... people write me asking to redeliver a product, they swear they bought it but neither me nor them are able to find the transaction ID in the transaction history for it. It's obvious I cannot send another copy this way because I simply dont know if they make this up or is something really seriously broken in SL. I use Casper vendor systems and sometimes Casper fails to record some of the transactions that have been made. But each time it happened I was always able to locate them in my transactions history so it wasn't a problem. Not anymore. It happens more and more often that some of the transactions simply vanish. I'm running a store since 4 years and it never happened to me that people write, ask to redeliver something and there is no transaction recorded in transactions history. And these are NOT gift type of transactions that we all know are broken atm. Somehow it's hard for me to believe that suddenly so many people would like to get a product without paying for it, since I don't send it anyway, and since it never happened to me before. Does it happen to anyone else?
  19. Hello Does anybody know if there was some change on markatplace again during last weeks in the way products are sorted, in the way how search works or tags or anything else of that type? I'm asking because there has been huge drop in sales (mesh clothes). Probably more than 50% during last 3-4 weeks. I'm been asking around and two friends of mine experience the same type of downhill. While sales in-world remain the same as before (previous months), with marketplace it's getting worse and worse.
  20. Does adding new items to existing listing (on marketplace) docks the item's rank ? If yes. Does adding a new folder with new version and activating it (the old folder gets automatically deactivated then) docks the item's rank ? Thanks for help !
  21. Totally agree. The Marketplace keywords spam is a nightmare. We already discussed it in different topic. Though personally I don't agree that reducing the size of the keyword field would solve the problem. I think the main key-word-spammers are basically very similar to the one I talked with once in-world asking to sort out her marketplace tags (girl from multi-color huds). They just do it intentionally. If they will have smaller key word field they will just drop all the 'gorgeous, seductive, pretty, sexy' etc. and keep 'skirt, top, jacket, lingerie, pants' for everything. So it's not the right way I think. But then of course I don't know what would be Maybe a system where a person who reports a spammer also has a chance to point to a word which doesn't match the product completely. Like with the girl, I look for pants and I get dresses, shoes, lingerie etc. So I already know the non-matching key words this way. Then the person who verifies it, on the Linden side, approves it and somehow blocks the word from adding as a keyword for this particular listing. But of course I'm not a software developer, I don't know how much work that would requite and if it would be possible to implement at all. Every time I reported person mentioned above, with the marketplace Listing Violations - Spam or Disallowed Listing Practices - Keyword Spam (unrelated keywords that skew search results) she put the items back on. Then I only got angry IMs from her like "Great try &^$^$#^$!' etc etc. People like that just don't get that one doesn't do it against them (in the meaning that it's not personal). Reporting the way it is now changes nothing. They feel unpunished and they are unpunished.
  22. I do not agree with this opinion. 3/4 of the creators I talked with actually did file DMCA and the stolen items were taken down. These who chose not to do anything may not be realizing how the whole process of taking down stolen stuff actually works. Two times I came across an opinion that one needs to pay 200$USD to file DMCA, only because the first website that pops out on Google is some lawyer's website who does offer doing that for you and indeed wants 200$USD for that, but if you do it yourself it doesn't cost a thing. A lot of people really don't know that. Which is a pity.
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