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Everything posted by Finite

  1. The "512" you are referring to is not the same 512 in the settings you posted. The 512 in textures is 512(square) pixels. Which FS does not limit textures to. The 512 in the hardware settings is 512 MB. It limits the amount of resources your systems uses for textures as a whole. It doesn't limit the size of the textures to anything less than what SL allows which I believe is 2048 now. However I have noticed issues with the new version as well. Whenever I turn off Ultra for whatever reason like say if I am in a crowded sim or have multiple accounts on at once I find that the lights and shadows don't full reactivate when I switch back to Ultra. In fact the only time it fixes itself back is when I log out and onto Black Dragon then switch back to Firestorm.
  2. When you've been shopping at one of the biggest events of the year for the past two days and rock the free jacket anyways...
  3. I honestly don't get the traffic generating concept at all. The cost of some of these items which may or may not generate traffic or may or may not generate the target audience you are looking for. I feel like that cost could be far better used paying a group that actually promotes things. And to be honest, these types of gimmicks and ad banners are part of the reason I avoid going to mainland at all.
  4. Ty yes I am a bit confused about the whole ordeal. Was it a public offering of an SL business? Seems everything is valued in Linden money and seems he ran it as a private company and not necessarily as a public one where people hold shares and there's a board who runs the company not a single person.
  5. I usually just buy unrigged hair. They tend to at least come with a resizer.
  6. If you updated your head to the newer version, the sliders are different which could cause slight variation in relation to whatever shape you were using previously. You probably just need to tweak your head shape some.
  7. This website is under heavy load We're sorry, too many people are accessing this website at the same time. We're working on this problem. Please try again later. Who would have thought $1 head would cause a heavy load...
  8. But its the cheapest way to get a head in (second)life.
  9. I don't think vendors work that way. The "owner" would need to get paid. Since you would be the "owner" of such a hud you'd just be paying yourself and redelivery wouldn't work. I'd guess this is what happened. The large uptick in requests probably alerted some security measure they have in place for ddos attacks.
  10. Lelutka's Ryn head is great for Asian look and they just released a new one as well. Ceylon. I've also seen very nice Asian looks with one of the Genus heads. Just can't remember which. 6DOO too.
  11. Hush hush... Voices carry...
  12. Business as usual... https://flic.kr/p/2kGFBig
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