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Everything posted by Finite

  1. Sadly if someone cannot afford to copyright their works or file a DMCA it's really like the only thing they can do. To let people know about it.
  2. It might be against SL's ToS to name people but there's no law preventing you from factually making claims about someone. Like they can't say you are defaming them if it's the truth. But my guess is that SL has it in their ToS somewhere where it's probably not allowed to make claims against someone. Also SL can do something without a DMCA. They just chose not to since it would require a dedicated investigative team and there likely would be all kinds of frivolous claims to sort through.
  3. Also to tac onto this a lot of games show cinematics or graphically enhanced versions of their games for commercials. Or have snips of the game coinciding with some real life celeb. Check out blizzard and Mr T or Blizzard and Ozzie Osbourne for instance or any p2w mobile game commercial. I don't see SL doing anything different than what a lot of other games do. I actually like this version much better than the placeholder they had before. And if we all do want more traffic in SL I don't see how this hurts. By the time new players wrap their heads around mesh bods, Heads, Bom, land and everything else, they won't remember watching the commercial anyways.
  4. oO just noticed it. Yes I absolutely love what they did.
  5. Not sure what you mean. Its a video.
  6. I think anything you want on the bottom you want to “wear”. Other layers that go on top you want to “add”. Usually I “wear” my body skin and face skin and “add” everything else. If the body and head are using the same system layer then “wear” the body and “add” everything else.
  7. Yes it still has its uses. Extensions or whatever.
  8. A picture says a thousand words. But a video says... I might have gotten her hair wet a tad.
  9. Try out Paragon. IMO they're better and you can talk in their group...
  10. Yes, the last two days they had a dunk a Linden event at Sci-Fi Con. It was pretty fun. Figured I would share.
  11. Hmm a lot of them have other things to manage and get enough foot traffic where they aren't dependent on the market place. I find a lot of the good ones who aren't in MP probably wouldn't get too many poor reviews if they were. MP is far from the be all end all I find a lot of new players think it to be. For blocking, I don't know about useless. I admit I can't think of many but today I ran into an instance where someone had the word "Full Perm" in their store name even though none of there stuff is actually full perm. So while I was shopping for full perm items her stuff kept popping up. This is one use I could think of where blocking the vendor would have been helpful.
  12. This is true in most cases but when it comes to something like this it would have to be proven that you did so knowingly however it varies state to state. I think SL would have to see more than a singular purchase. If she purchased a bunch of the same gachas from the same reseller at a way lesser than value price then I'd see that as a flag. But 1 singular purchase and resell isn't going isn't going to cut it. If it was direct from a gacha vendor she would have reasonable expectation that the product is original. Especially if purchased at an event. I'd expect a warning from SL and probably worse if its repeated and some scare tactic from a lawyer. But not much more than that for a one off. I'd guess whoever ripped or duped the item got much worse than a warning. And if SL had reason to believe she knowingly did so, she likely would have gotten worse than a warning as well.
  13. We have New Hampshire and a lot of the cities in the Northeast are named after cities in the UK and pronounced similarly. I think if you just add an "H" at the end of your pronunciation it would reflect how it's said in the Northeast US. Just about every city you listed exists in Massachusetts alone. Leicester is actually right next to Worcester lol.
  14. This would be similar to receiving stolen property. There's variance across states in how you are charged depending on if you knew or not but in the end you still lose your money. The hand slap from SL is probably just that. A hand slap. The worse is you lose your investment which would happen in any situation like this real, virtual, intellectual or actual property. I'm a gacha reseller as well. I also like to purchase things from CGtrader and Turbosquid for personal use. I can generally recognize if I've seen something in SL on either of those sites. If you are ever suspect I'd suggest checking through sites like those. Also, there are some pretty dead give always that someone didn't make the product. The biggest red flag to me is a nicely crafted mesh and a poorly crafted advertisement for it. A lot of these creator are artists in one form or another in the real world and likely have taken some arts classes. There's a lot of crossover and I can't image someone being very good at creating mesh meanwhile having a very low standard for how their pieces should be displayed or advertised. If it was a copybotted item I feel like that should be on SL. I feel other places that allow people to upload mesh for the purpose of selling them protect their creators a lot more than SL seems to be able to. I don't mean to knock them but I don't see how it's impossible for them to be able to detect when someone is exporting a large DAE file from their servers. And also not have something in place that scans imported files. I uploaded a video to youtube the other day of me exploring a sim in SL. I had the radio station from the sim audible in the video. It was autoscanned during the upload and demonetized automatically because of the copyrighted music in the background. So the technology isn't impossible or anything. Maybe with the risen fees and such this will be one of the new trinkets.
  15. I can't wait to break out the grill. Grilled pineapple with some jerk sprinkled on is a nice quick snack on a hot day xD. I'll throw everything on the grill.
  16. Oof a good steak doesn't need sauce. I just like montreal seasoning and a tiny pinch of jerk seasoning. And chopped scallion. I dunno why, i put scallion on everything. That sauce does sound good though. Wouldn't mind trying it on a rack of ribs xD.
  17. Reminds me when I moved to Florida for year. Eventually my ahs converted to ers and I figured out why some people in the south say idear instead of idea. It's one of the few words Bostonians actually say correctly.
  18. I like putting a couple drops into a bloody mary with some lemon juice.
  19. Haha I never heard that. We're they missing some teef?
  20. Yes R's don't exist to me. I was going to type 'wohstah' but figured someone would take that as woahster or something. Ive never heard wooster (Rhymed with rooster?). Maybe they say that out in the sticks.
  21. its only 3 syllables. worce(worse)/ster/shire(sher) but some people do this and add an invisible H to it. wor/c(h)ester/shire and make it 4 or 5 syllables.
  22. Reminds me of Worcester, MA. People like to call it Worchester like they are Italian or something. But it's freakin' Worstah!
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