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Everything posted by Finite

  1. I left my avie logged on like this last night on someone's sim as I went to sleep because I thought it would be funny for someone walking by. No other reason.
  2. Somebody didn't watch Who Fwamed Woger Wabbit.... God 1988 now I feel old...
  3. Oo. Wasn't chopping anyone's head off. Also I guess I should clarify, I am no expert on the subject (apparently thats required statement before posting anything in these forums). It was just the only common denominator I noticed.
  4. Just looking at the ad it looks like it might be an old product. The creator might not even play anymore. In the future do not purchase a product that is no-copy unless it's like a gacha or something. It's pretty abnormal for a product like that to be no copy.
  5. I think it has something to do with Firestorm. Ever since the change there's a handful of sims that I visit regularly to shop or explore in and I can barely walk. For months I thought that they just never restart their sim or something then I happened to go into the same sims with another viewer and everything loads quickly and I can actually navigate them without lag or feeling like I'm walking through some sort of invisible sludge.
  6. probably this line where you had asked me to google a wet market when replying to me. "I was responding to Jackson's wet market statement. If you don't know what a wet market is, you can Goggle it." Sorry I'm really not in mood for a go right now lol.
  7. Ya but wet markets are found all over the world so I didn't think that was where she was going with it. Sorry for my misunderstanding.
  8. I think you meant to say raw meat here. I hope we all enjoy fresh meat... But I am not sure the raw meat thing applies to Chinese. Since that's more of a Japanese thing and I think Thai (at least when it comes to seafood). Chinese cook their meat. There are some small religious sectors who eat some raw meat as a medical cure but that's not the entire Asian community either.
  9. Doesn’t Altamura do full head and body in one?
  10. It's a good idea to explore and navigate around sim's with similar themes you are looking for and seeing where they shop. If you see an item you like or even if you just like the style of the item, just right click and click edit and it will tell you who the creator is. From there you can click their profile to see if they have a store. Usually they'll have a TP to their store or link to MP store somewhere in their profile.
  11. Shouldn't do that it will stunt your growth.. oh too late
  12. Honestly, I would just do it and see how it plays out in court. I don't think there is any precedent currently. And it might actually be a good thing to go all way as it could clarify a lot of things and set precedent. I can only go by how other games do not go after content creators on Youtube and Twitch. And they have bigger wallets than SL.
  13. If you take this literally just about everyone on Flickr is violating it. I remember when this policy came out a few years ago. Wasn't it taken more as a "cover their own behind" policy than anything with actual legal standing?
  14. I didn't forget that at all. My initial post on this thread was a reply to a comment said that we needed permission from everyone in a screen shot. To which you replied to what I said to that. As far as I know this has been what we've been discussing (for like the last 2 pages). As for the OP I'm pretty well aware what it is about.
  15. PS that link you posted answers this question "Q: Can I print Bob Ross on a shirt? I have a direct to garment Printer" (this is not "can I sell a photograph I took"). As a printer I can actually answer this. If a customer came to me and wanted to pay me to do this for her, I would decline. It's very gray area and it's better to be safe than sorry when running printing business. However there are no laws preventing her from doing it herself if she had the machinery. She could wear the shirt. However she wouldn't be able to sell the shirt even if she personally took the picture. But she could sell the picture itself. If she bought the picture from a photographer the photographer would not be breaking any copyright laws buy selling the image to the person. Since the act of selling an image doesn't make it commercial. Putting it on a shirt (use) does make it commercial. Paying me to do anything with it, commercial on both ends. Hence me declining.
  16. The "use" is the key term there. No I cannot use it commercially but I can sell it. I would only push the envelope if I were to mass produce said photo. If I couldn't we wouldn't have a paparazzi. A lot of people would be out of work. And we'd probably see more artist renderings and stick figures on the news prints and media.
  17. I was referring to the photographer's pov. If I took a picture of Bob Ross out in public (if he were still alive). I could sell it. I wouldn't need his permission. Selling it does not make it commercial in copyright law. It's how it is ultimately used that would determine the commercial use. Whoever bought it couldn't use it in an ad or other commercial uses. But could use it in say a news article or other non-commercial piece. But the photographer can sell the picture.
  18. Thanks you said what I said just worded differently... But I think you're off a little on the "commercial use" term on how its defined in law. I posted an example earlier in this thread. "I cannot use a picture of Bob Ross in an ad or as a logo for my brand (commercial use). But I can certainly sell a picture of Bob Ross assuming he was in a place where he wouldn't have a reasonable expectation of privacy (not commercial use)."
  19. The fact I can save the bom in my outfits and not have to go searching for an applier every time I want to change my outfit or looks is reason enough for me to go full bom.
  20. I think an interesting counterargument to the post you made with the picture of the sim is that even though that sim is private and owned privately, anything being displayed on it could be considered public since we do not have any reasonable expectation of privacy over the internet. It's all public according to law. ToS is another thing. Like I can take a picture of someone's avatar in their private SL home and sell it if someone was inclined to buy it and not break any privacy laws in the process. However I am sure I'd be breaking some ToS lol.
  21. Yes totally understand your perspective and a lot of it probably hasn't been determined yet in courts I don't think in terms of photos taken in a virtual realm. Like are those still considered "photos" per se in a legal sense? We can only really go on current precedent really. When I first started paying attention to SL photography I initially considered it illustration in my mind and I think that rubbed some photographers the wrong way but after having done some photography in SL for the past year I feel as though it is actually photography. So who knows really.
  22. I'm fine with that. However just think of a freelance photographer for a news company. He doesn't and has never needed permission from everyone in his photos to sell it to a News company for use in a News article or News segment on a show. If he used the photos commercially he would need permission but the act of selling said photo is not commercial use. And the use of the News company on their show or in an article is also not commercial use. I mean if this were the case they would need to ret-con some of the back story of Spiderman xD.
  23. Yes the model release you sited only applies to commercial use. Like in ads or commercials and branding. The act of selling a photo is not commercial use in terms of copyright law. In a dictionary yes but its not how it's defined in law. Judge's determine the definition of words and terms in law. Not dictionaries.
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