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Everything posted by Finite

  1. Yes I can see that but animals will also endure pain to free themselves from a trap or when stuck. They'll even bite off their own limbs in some cases. Also, drowning is painless but people and animals who can hold their breath will hold their breath even though they are causing their own suffering in doing so.
  2. Haha yes. There's plenty of his content on youtube. I don't think I would need to play a game to get my Alan Watts fix. Honestly when I read "Everything" I thought you were referring to this song at first.
  3. Yes Ive always wondered why preys run from predators. Are they fearing death or do they just want to survive? I think the point I was making was life just wants to survive. It doesn't require us living forever to do this nor would it require us to kill other lifeforms in order to live if it had an issue or concern with death.
  4. I don't think life considers death. It just wants to live and spread and seeks any method how. Us as individual living beings don't have to be immune to death for this to happen. Life as a whole always finds a way no matter the circumstances. We are just along for the ride. We live off oxygen and water. Two things that also speed up our aging process. We also need to kill other living things whether plants or animals to survive. We even kill other people. Why even start with carbon based life forms if this is the ultimate end? Probably because life doesn't care about death. Eventually it'll be all part of some dust cloud floating around in space that will collapse into another star system that will spring more life. So maybe life is actually eternal. (Sorry I have a habit lately of falling asleep listening to Alan Watts)
  5. You would only need to concern yourself with it if your country taxes income. If they do, the only number you need to report is the total $value of what lindens you converted to actual money. Since that is considered income. If it stays as lindens it doesn't count as anything, at least currently.
  6. Ha. I actually pondered this. If we did one day decide to leave planet Earth there would be multiple ships of people. At least those "lucky" enough to be chosen. Once out in space, those ships would essentially be their own countries. Would they even trust each other? I'd guess it would be best to go their separate ways. If there were aliens at one point and they were anything like humankind, they likely would have killed each other off by now. And if there was a survivor would they really want to let another civilization know of their existence? After everything they've been through. And from our view, would you trust that civilization? Hmmm why is there only one mothership?
  7. Personally I think it's logical to think aliens at least existed. Probably unlikely their timeline coincides with ours considering we've only been broadcasting our existence for 101 years meaning our footprint in the universe is 202 lightyears. There's at least 1500 stars in the range and considering how many things had to go right for Earth to become and remain habitable long enough for us to develop into intelligent beings it's probably unlikely the odds of another Earth that coincides on a timeline similar to our Earth in that range is better than 1 and 1500. The odds are probably much worse. UFO's nope. Don't believe in them though xD.
  8. Ha just noticed you posted that 30 minutes or so before I posted my peeve. I'm wondering if we were witnessing the same scene unfold.
  9. People who derender everybody at events (which is logical) but don't at least turn their minimap on and just constantly plow through everyone in their way. This just happened to me today. It was like watching the parting of the red sea as they walked away.
  10. It's kind of funny which human rights abuses cause uproar and which human rights abuses don't. Have an entire country enslaved since like the 1950s, the western part of another country with concentration camps, a country where kids are dying because of a military coup and a strip where kids are dying because 2 governments can't agree on who should be allowed to exist there. But God forbid someone mass intercept our communications....
  11. Defamation in the States is not criminal. At least in most states. It would be a civil case 99% of the time. So no it's not a crime. There's no federal defamation laws. Also, you would have to be a person to be a plaintiff in such a case. Your avatar would not qualify as a person unfortunately. So this is kind of moot.
  12. Lol I was trying to find one myself. Found one for less than 300 usd annually but I’m not sure it was the correct type of license. It said it was for websites or apps. I also saw something that said a license isn’t needed for streaming unless it’s commercial. “Commercial” in copyright terms means ads or like promoting something. A club or bar would require a license but if you are just on your own parcel it doesn’t sound like it applies. there’s also the whole redistribution thing whether it’s commercial or not. im honestly done trying to wrap my brain around all this. /me turns on my Pandora that no one but I can hear
  13. Haha ya that sounds confusing. I think that would be answered by whoever you decide to license through. the internet really scrambles a lot of these things.
  14. It is what it is. Pro or against whatever the subject is everyone is an armchair something in an Internet forum. Take what you like and dismiss what you don’t like. It’s really up to the reader. It’s nothing really to get upset about. People post topics to see multiple views to help them form a decision. If they are only looking for the answers that appease them then they’ll likely be disappointed.
  15. They have already. Streaming your own music into Second Life It is possible to stream your own music from your computer into SL. Unless you have a large amount of bandwidth available, using your own machine as a streaming server is not really an option. With around 5 users connected you would using most of the bandwidth of a standard DSL line. Therefore to stream your own music you would require a streaming relay provider. You would send a single stream of music (around 6-8k/s) to the streaming relay provider. The relay would then stream multiple copies of the music into SL. The two most common streaming server systems at the moment are a Shoutcast and Icecast. You can either set up the server software on one of your own servers or pay someone to host it. Due to the amount of bandwidth required for multiple streams, the price of streaming can vary. Try searching Google for a list of other available hosting solutions. Remember that streaming copyrighted music across the internet requires a license from your relevant national licensing authority. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Streaming_Music
  16. They aren't anything really in any court of law. They aren't even considered property. So they can't be public or private. SL's own FAQ Page: Why do I have to pay for land? Getting virtual land in Second Life is a lot like getting a personal website: you can put whatever you want on it, but your site still needs storage space on a computer that is turned on and available on the Internet, 24/7. When you have land in Second Life, you're actually renting storage/server space at Linden Lab. Each piece of land takes up a certain amount of dedicated storage space - the more land, the more space. So, it's like renting a hard drive.
  17. The reason those places can file a copyright claim is because musicians sold their music to them to distribute and to protect their works from the type of piracy you seem to support to promote your own brand of distribution. It's really not much of a high horse to be on to be honest. And I've literally spent the past week listening to great DJ's nearly every day. I'm not seeing any dying scene. In fact it's better than I can recall. Some are even implementing visual effects into their shows. Which for me is awesome.
  18. It's not attitude though. It's a fact. Read the fine print when you buy a CD. By broadcasting the music you are redistributing it.
  19. Anything you do in SL is considered over the internet. You would be webcasting since the stream is coming from the web. Just because you only access it in SL doesn't mean it can only be accessed via SL. It is a web address that you plug into SL to play a stream right? And I am not disagreeing with your reasoning. I kind of doubt you would get caught anyways unless they have software that autoscans streams like youtube has for their vidoes. I wouldn't be surprised if that software already existed considering it swept my video before it was finished uploading. Like it even named the names of the songs that were on the radio in the background. It is all pretty stupid but it's where things are at right now unfortunately.
  20. Idk of any but this is right from their own website. " In the United States, most Internet only radio station’s (webcasters) pay royalties for sound recordings copyrights through what’s known as a “statutory License”. It covers public performance rights and allows the radio station to play any type of music in the United States. Webcasters are defined as “non-interactive”, meaning they fall under the statutory license which covers pre-programmed shows that listeners cannot skip or select their own music. To obtain a statutory licence in the United States, you will need to contact SoundExchange:" https://help.shoutcast.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000936894-Where-can-I-find-more-information-about-music-licensing- edit: sorry I quoted the wrong thing you posted. Meant to quote: Youtube is different, they have algorithms in place to scan uploaded video for copyrighted material and take action. (Sometime this action is completely at odds with reality but that's another story.) Unlike Youtube there are so many different Shoutcast providers, spread across so many countries that I'd actually like to hear of a single case of one being taken down for playing "unlicensed" music.
  21. I hear your point but people actually get paid to sweep for these types of things and there's software that does it as well. I had a video demonetized on Youtube because there was a stream playing music in the background lol. I'm not a youtuber or anything and just posted the video to share with friends and other people in SL. I have 1 follower and the video I have with the most views has 78 views. You likely wouldn't get sued or anything. They would have to prove damages which would be pretty hard, but they can certainly have your stream shut down and I am sure whoever you're streaming with has a policy where you wouldn't get a refund if that happened.
  22. If I wanted to make a treat for myself it would likely be dumplings. In all it's about 20 dollars for a week's worth of appetizer (7-8 dumplings per serving, at least for me). I'm not Chinese or anything but a friend of mind from Guangzhou taught me how to make them and I've been told by others from Beijing that they reminded them of back home. However they may have been just being polite. xD. I don't make the wraps. I typically buy two packs which range from around 40-45 wraps each. I also buy a 1lb of shredded or ground pork. I use scallion and either bok choy or Chinese celery. And 1 or 2 eggs (depending on how you plan to seal the dumplings.) The mix is pretty easy. Just chop the scallion, bok choy or Chinese celery and toss into a bowl with the ground or shredded pork. Add an egg and a pinch of salt. How much salt and veggies you mix in is really up to you. It's a trial and error process. I like a lot of scallion personally. Mix everything around and its ready to go. The wrapping part is what takes the most time. It's taken me 1-2 hours to wrap 80-90 dumplings. You can use water or a scrambled egg to seal them. I usually just use water. I let them dry out for about an hour before packaging them and placing them into the freezer. This way they won't stick together. Takes a bit of time to create, but your belly will be thanking you the rest of the week. They're great for a quick bite (after the initial prep time) or on the go snack. Can cook some off and take them to work for lunch as well. Just add some water to them before placing into a microwave to reheat. I wouldn't nuke them for more than 20-30 seconds. I usually boil them. They're done when they float. But you could seer them in a pan as well. Sprinkle some scallion on top and add a bit a soy sauce and you're good to go.
  23. You never have to prove you are telling the truth. They have to prove you are lying in a defamation case. DMCA wouldn't have anything to do with it as they are not related so filing a DMCA to prove you are telling a truth would be unnecessary. DMCA would only stop them (temporarily at least til the case is heard) from selling or distributing whatever it is that was copied. It's only a crime if you are lying. DMCA doesn't determine that. If someone stole my car I could tell people that someone stole my car. I wouldn't first need a police report to do so. In fact, if I couldn't tell people that someone stole my car before filing a police report the mere act of telling the police would be breaking whatever law this is that's being referred to.
  24. Haha I'm the same way. People often get the opposite reaction from me compared to what they may have expected when harassing me. I'd probably even expand on what I had said previously.
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