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Everything posted by Finite

  1. Lol I am not an engineer. I just had to take that writing class for an IT major. It's essentially just about how to write manuals.
  2. Or go to the merchant's store where the actual gacha machine is located.
  3. That's usually me typing faster than I process thoughts. Thought: "The cat in the hat is black." Actually typed: "The hat in the black is cat."
  4. Ha no worries. I have to admit that it sounds weird to me hearing "I'm" multiple times in an apparent first-person thought. And goes against just about everything I've learned in college writing I and II as well as in engineering writing.
  5. I got u. no worries. My comments were in reference to the rest of the discussion about gachas but I had a funny feeling someone would home in on that comment without the context of the rest of the discussion going on at the time so I tossed in a little disclaimer (which didn't work apparently). (I'm) Not trying to "end an argument". ( I )Don't think I was making one to begin with. (I'm) Just trying to continue a discussion without it going of the rails. Fixed I hope. I probably should have closed the statement with an "I'm".
  6. It's not poor grammar at all. In fact it's quite common (and proper especially in English since we don't like redundancies) in both English and Latin languages to leave out "I" when it's already been implied.
  7. My comments were in reference to the rest of the discussion about gachas but I had a funny feeling someone would home in on that comment without the context of the rest of the discussion going on at the time so I tossed in a little disclaimer (which didn't work apparently). Not trying to "end an argument". Don't think I was making one to begin with. Just trying to continue a discussion without it going of the rails.
  8. Look up No Devil secondlife. This if off OP so I don't want to divulge too much into it as it'll likely go down it's own rabbit hole. But ya that's what it's called.
  9. Lol. Have you seen the devil game in SL? I forget what its called. Something Devil. If that game has lasted as long as it has without any regulation then I don't see anything happening to gacha any time soon. At least you get equity from gacha.
  10. I also haven't had this issue however I do not purchase often from the MP (assuming this only happens with MP purchases). I think the only issue I had was one time I was buying gachas from a machine in a laggy sim and noticed after the fact that I never received an item on at least three of my tries. I contacted the vendor and nothing came of it but I ultimately decided I probably shouldn't have spammed the box while the place was super laggy so I never made a big issue of it. Sometimes if you go directly to the store who made the gacha they'll have demos. I know off the top of my head that GB, Scandalize and Violent Seduction offer demos for their gachas. I think Luas and Una do as well.
  11. I was just trying to make the point that it's not gambling. At least for me. But I can see how someone who only purchases them for the purpose of reselling could view it as gambling. (this is me just having an open mind for the counter-view. Not literally agreeing that it is gambling). As for MP. I only use MP if I feel the odds of me getting the desired item to be very low. For example, a gacha with too many possible items in it. The ones I actually win have a special place for me xD.
  12. I love a good Gacha and some of my favorite items in the game are rares. And I enjoy flaunting them even if they're old ones. I find it to be more of a mini-game than gambling. Depending on the items, I generally set a price of what I think it is worth. I generally value most fatpacks around 1500. At 75L per gacha that gives me 20 chances to get an item from a gacha that typically has 20-25 items. So the odds of me getting what I want are fairly high. And the extra pieces you have you can sell to recoup part of what you paid or trade for other items. I think it becomes gambling when your only purpose is to hit a rare and sell it on the MP.
  13. Not a problem. Just asked that you not modify my posts when quoting me. There were two replies to the same post. One was productive and yours wasn't it. Regardless as Chaser stated, we are both off topic. If you have some issue with me you can IM me if you like.
  14. People still play on mainland? Only time I've been to mainland is by accident and I feel like I got sent back to 2008 whenever I do go. Am I missing something? Edit: Sorry if this came off as bashing. If there's something going on on mainland that's worthwhile, I'd certainly like to explore it.
  15. I agree that search is broken. But I've never found it to be a hinderance. I play on Firestorm and still don't utilize it much and as I said before Im not a big fan of MP search as it is just as bad. I'd rather go out an about shopping anyways just for something to do. Fair enough if that's just me. PS Im not sure whats so great about Firestorm search. Do you mean the tab that shows and sorts traffic? Just about anyone who isn't new knows that traffic is bs. I just did a search for the hell of it and had a laugh because the place that came up first I know for a fact is a ghost town.
  16. Well if you do promote then maybe its your attitude? Word of mouth is another form of advertising. However it works both ways. Assuming you treat your customers similar to how you talk to people here I'd guess many wouldn't have a lot of good things to say about you. PS Ive been around SL nearly as long as you have. Coming up on 15 years next month. And I'm not sure that 17 years works in your favor.
  17. Have you tried promoting your business at all? I see land places routinely sponsoring events or making posts to get their names out there. Relying on search is not the answer. SL search is not very good. Also, for 30L a week or whatever it is, you're not going to get Google quality search. The marketplace search is even worse. For what it's worth, I initially found my land through a listing here on the forums. And the same place sponsors events I regularly attend.
  18. I never thought of search as something people relied heavily on to get around SL. And if you're some sim or property owner that isn't getting traffic it likely has nothing to do with the search engine no matter how many keywords you put in the description. I don't see the issue here. I mean, worse case scenario, there's a bunch of sims with bots luring new players because they're on top of some traffic list. I feel like they'd just end up being the first places new players decide not ever to visit again once they realize it's nothing but bots.
  19. Yes I saw that but it just says when it was modified. Doesn't say when it was created. I don't think I was playing in 2014. Think I stopped playing around 2013 so it must have been at least before that when they implemented the change. I'm not dead set on 2010, that's just when I vaguely remember it.
  20. Not recent at all. Here's a link from a post back in 2017. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Scripted_Agent_Status. Who knows how long the wiki's been up. I recall it being around 2010ish when they revamped the search to not be weighted toward heavy traffic.
  21. It was changed like 10 years ago which is somewhat of a shame since places with actual traffic took a hit because of places that botted traffic. I don't think bots actually count as traffic nowadays anyways.
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