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Everything posted by Aishagain

  1. @Solar Legion Yeah my bad wording, I should have said "My point" not "THE point". I wasn't sniping at anyone really it was just my ham-fisted attempt at humour. However, the point about why the two bits were not moved at the same ime to avoid the current discombobulation is a valid one. BTW, I don't think I am alone in not knowing what the reason for the issue was, even if it was so obvious to you. That's why I asked such an obvious question. er...is that too many obviouses? Oh well, no matter.
  2. Um, how long is a piece of string? If it's a year old create a new one...even if it is closed as a duplicate someone at The Lab will have noticed!
  3. Well Solar if prizes were given out for stating the blindingly obvious you'd be a front runner. The point was that Oz took the trouble to answer, that is primarily all that was needed.
  4. Just random musing...I wonder if this is related to the map tile failures?
  5. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-229888 Let's see what this does!
  6. Well I have to hope it is some sort of error since my home sim always gave a traffic figure of about 350-400... only myself and my SL partner use the place. Today the traffic figure is 7! How that can be calculated is beyond me.
  7. Three weeks now this issue has dragged on without significant input from the SL operations team. Anyone might think they didn't know how to fix it! Yes...anyone might think that but of course I couldn't possibly comment.
  8. This is ironic. A while ago I had this issue of not getting ANY offline notifications and LL support advised me to move my designated email TO Gmail! Now I get scripted object emails and notifications from Tillia and other system messages, but no group or individual messages. This has been intermittent for a few weeks, but now all non-system messages are not being received. I am NOT about to change it again! LL, fix this. I am,by the way watching that JIRA. ETA 10.00amPDT9ish) I had ONE group notice come to my Gmail...just one, by this time I'd normally have had over a dozen.
  9. OK maybe I am just thick but what on Earth does this inscrutable entry mean on the Grid Status Page? Scheduled Maintenance Scheduled Maintenance for Internal Services Dec 16, 13:00-14:00 PST We will be doing scheduled maintenance on a service which may affect agent or region presence. Please follow this blog for updates. Posted on Dec 16, 10:41 PST "Agent or Region Prescence"??
  10. Just this, although I have not, yet, got over my frustration with EEP.
  11. Well this is all well and good but EEP has been a "work in progress" for well over a year now and it is still very obviously not "fixed", leading me to suspect that it cannot BE fixed. As far as I was concerned Windlight "days" looked good and I understood how to use them. I never contemplated changing the day length and I still don't, so I really do not see what advantages EEP has for me. That said I live on a Homestead not a parcel on a full region and not high in the air, so others will have different needs. I just see very little gain for a whole world of pain.
  12. It pains me to agree, but the new EEP system (as operating in FS 6.4.12) is an epic fail for me. It cannot get the settings I want, at the moment moonrise looks more like sunrise than it should, the moon is a dullish blue and resetting to Default settings does not appear to set things back to what I remember as being default in Windlight days. The overall performance is acceptable but the rendering, while I admit it looks fine most of the time (sun, moon and sky excepted). In complex or busy environments by FPS is less than half what it was in the last (6.3.9) version). I accept that getting my head around EEP will take time but currently it makes almost no sense to me!
  13. The failure of group chat, as it is used now is probably not seen as a particularly urgent issue by some of the operations team at LL. However the failure of the system of itself is a matter that should be considered urgent! Just recently and very germane to this , Mazidox Linden said this on another thread in this forum: "we do have a few more end of year changes we're working on, so watch this forum and the grid status blog for information on any additional rolls." So...fingers crossed.
  14. Well so there wil be a roll to Main Server on Tuesday. Good. Perhaps this time you will remember to roll Woods of Heaven! We were left out of Friday's remedial roll to 553685, and Support simply told me that we had to wait for the next roll to get the region back to normal. Fortunately the wait has not been a long one. Colour me confused but while the post header on the GSP states the rolls are to the Main Second Life server, the body text says that the RC channels are to be rolled as well. Which is correct?
  15. Well... 'S been three days now and I have reminded support but there is still no ETA for the rolling of my region (and of course all the other regions that must be on the same server as mine) to the correct version of software that completes the EEP error fix. Frankly I am disgusted. I accept that the original failure to roll that server was a simple oversight but the seeming inability to correct it is NOT.
  16. It is interesting (cue irony) to wonder just how LL expect to grow SL in an environment where maps are useless, teleports are unreliable and group chats are all but useless! If one's motivation is either commercial or role-playing then inward investment into SL would be (to say the least) unattractive. LL are very close to shooting themselves in the foot.
  17. @afr0taku94Have You made sure you have whitelisted your Viewer, cache and various .exe files in your antivirus? If you don't know how, there are intructions in the FS wiki. I will post the url in a moment. Here it is https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/antivirus_whitelisting
  18. Hey @Solar Legion believe me, you are NOT the only one irritated! Yes, the updating and the wording of the GSP seems very variable and I suppose this is due to whoever is doing the posting and updating. This last bout of perculiarity seems to have been sorted by now (script communications) and the issue has been marked as "resolved". I guess we had been lucky during the uplift process and our (and LL's) luck ran out on Friday!
  19. @Solar LegionYes and no they are not taking! Further I just contacted support and apparently I must now await the next batch of rolling restarts in order that my region be updated!
  20. Well having just done a thorough check, I can say with certainty that Woods of Heaven has NOT been rolled to 553685, though Estings and Sheer both have. I will be approaching support about Woods in due course. Looking again at the timings of the GSP announcements, i am astonished at Solar Legion's contention that the rolls were scheduled before the EEP issue was mentioned...they clearly were NOT! Frankly I neither know nor care to speculate on that. The relevance of the script communication issue is merely that it would appear to have arisen as a result of the roll to 553685.
  21. @Solar LegionI am surprised at you, you normally get your facts right! The two rolls last SL afternoon were very clearly arranged during the investigation of the EEP error. They were announced before the resolution was announced, which again clearly stated that LL had addressed the "back-end" element of the issue. The subsequent rolls were to apply the server element of the solution, as Miller Thor remarked. Beatrix noted that Nuggy was restarted, as were the adjacent regions. Strangely, my region Woods of Heaven has not been restarted and neither were either of the other regions I spent Noon until 6pm PST yesterday. I won't speculate on why that might be. I note that Sharie Criss's thread is more recent than any of that activity, so I imagine that more back-end and Server-side fixes will be applied in due course.
  22. The Grid Status Page announced that, as part of the fix for EEP settings borkage caused by Server vsn 553176, Rolls for both RC channels and Main Server channels would take place on Friday 11th, ie today, yet neither have been commenced (apparently). So ARE they going to happen or did someone realise that a Rolling Restart to ALL regions during the busiest period of the week was a bad idea?
  23. @Anna Nova The thing is, Anna, that LL have a very good and reliable Bug Tracking system in the JIRA and they rely on reports from folk who know what they're talking about, like Henri to give them firm evidence of problems which possibly do not affect everyone. Henri's experiences plus his insight into what "might" be the cause or cure are vital to their clearing up problems in SL. It would be good if Lindens had enough time to spend significant spells in SL themselves but they simply do not have the time to be both the operators of SL and users.
  24. @Phil DeakinsThe bug you refer to is indeed old in SLterms. It occurs when an account logs out and receives a communication of any sort but principally personal IM before the avatar has left the simulator where it was. This seems to fool the system into thinking that the avatar is still online. In some extreme cases the avatar then NEVER logs out until a further direct IM is received. This ghosting was officially eradicated back in the SL middle ages but in certain circumstances (region crashes being one) the bug rears its head, it would seem.
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