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Everything posted by Aishagain

  1. @AlettaMondragonI am going to guess that your issue is due to a function (maybe scripted) that requires a destination location to be correctly resolved, and it clearly is not. There are a number of functions that LL either did not realise existed or did not realise that locations need to be fully resolved to function. This is a classic example of LL staff not fully understanding the intricacies of their own system. I suspect some of them (staff) are too new to really know what is needed. The "vanishing sim issue" today is another classic example of LL not being on duty on such a hoiday. It's a griefers' bonanza.
  2. @Drake1 NightfireThe problem with that is that camera setting persists across a relog irrespective of the account, so in order to be in the correct view for the next alt, you would need to log out in the appropriate preset, which might be really inappropriate for the other. Now while that is a workaround it is not anywhere near ideal. Since we can have many other 'per account' settings, I have to wonder why we cannot have 'per account ' camera presets. ETA: I have made a feature request on the FS JIRA for this feature today. FETA (no, not Greek cheese): I raised a feature request with Firestorm on their JIRA and very quickly Willow Wilder smoothed out the wrinkles in my ham-fisted submission and Ansariel Hiller explained why the answer is NO. Apparently this option is or was available in the Linden Viewer but it causes some rather unpleasant glitches. See for yourself: https://jira.firestormviewer.org/browse/FIRE-30646 Her comment on closing it: "Per-account camera presets are implemented in the Linden Lab viewer same as graphic presets - and nicely broken because it results in all kind of random behavior when for instance opening preferences without being logged in. So not going happen only to be able to set a particular preset on logout. If you desperate need this, you can do so by creating different shortcuts on your desktop and using the "--settings" command line parameter for each account - then you have everything per-account separated." That's pretty clear to me.
  3. Hmm. I'm going to stick my neck out here and I fully expect it to be hacked at by someone who knows better, but here goes. Do we know that LL enginneers actually perform the Sim-server restarts or is it possibly technicians of Amazon Web Services (AWS) who do thie job? If so is the communication between Linden Lab and AWS sufficiently robust? As a result, is it possible that hapless AWS engineers are restarting their servers in the assumption that that is what they should be doing?
  4. Those restarts presumably evidence the return, as predicted by Mazidox Linden, of the fabled Grid-poking Bot.
  5. To be perfectly honest I can see no advantage in having the camera options reset to default at every login, maybe I misunderstood @Anna Nova. What would be good, In my view, would perhaps be a facility to have presets storeable on a "per account" basis, this is something I have wanted for years, I suspect @Drake1 Nightfire would find that useful. The fact that I requested that feature back in 2016 and nothing has been done, either by FS or LL rather suggests that it was not practicable, shame!
  6. This is SUCH an old potato. Time and again I keep being told the since the simulator can only produce 45 FPS "anything more in the viewer is wasted and most folk cannot distinguish more that 30FPS in the viewer". That is nonsense. From my years in SL ponyplay and in car and bike racing in SL it is VERY obvious that 75FPS "feels" much smoother and allows many more inputs per simulator frame than 25 or even 50!
  7. After a few minutes of irritation, I found that the new FS camera controls are actually quite intuitive and provided you remember to "create a new preset" or overwrite an existing one you can place your camera pretty much wherever you want. Simply use the floater that appears when you click "position" and save the preset you create. I might add that you can also overwrite the three "standard" presents for front, group/side and rear view in this way. Inara Pey's turorial explains it pretty well, see Anna Nova's post above for the url. I now have several new preset camera positions and a rear view that suits me well rather than the view from 9 feet up that it used to be. As Solar notes, adjustment in "Debug settings" does not hold but adjustment via the "position" floater does! (provided you remember to overwrite the appropriate view!)
  8. @KarraSueWhile I am not doubting what you experienced, the version of FS you mention does not exist, at least officially. There is of the last non EEP releases, but I used that exclusively from its release until 6.3.9 and then 6.4.12 came along without experiencing any issues. What you describe sounds like a graphics glitch, something not unknown as a result of griefing activity, of which there has been reported a lot over the holiday period.
  9. @Phil Deakins: I suspect the issue you ran into is due to the changeover from Windlight rendering to EEP and the "Love Me Render" code now used by LL. Many folk are seeing big reductions in their viewers' FPS as a result and the best info I have seen so far suggests that there is a bug (STILL) in the EEP rendering code! It is also my experience that the new rendering system is far more sensitive to poor bandwidth on a user's connection. FS 6.3.9 gives much better FPS for the majority of folk primarily due to it still using the Windlight rendering system, while 6.4.12 is brought up to the current LL codebase, ie EEP. All viewers will eventually HAVE to update to the EEP code if they wish to appear on the TPV list, since the ability to render a "shared experience" in a prerequisite for TPV listing. This all gives me flashbacks to the chaos that surrounded the initial introduction of Windlight itself, when a number of previously perfectly adequate GPUs were rendered ('scuse the pun) obsolete at a stroke. My FPS went from about 25 to less than 10 and I had to drop my render quality to achieve even that! So presently some viewers, which have not adopted the EEP code, appear to give superior results simply because they are using the old code. I have little doubt that Niran Dean will adopt the EEP code, and if my experience of his abilities is anything to go by, Black Dragon will do a better job of rendering EEP than the current Firestorm. FS will improve, that is also in my experience, but how long it will take is anyone's guess. To my knowledge no other TPVs are on a par with the current LL codebase but I bow to the superior knowledge of others if I am wrong. To my mind this move to EEP is a classic case of "shiny for shiny's sake" - it seems to offer not much gain for a whole lot of pain, but others may hold a different view. Whatever I think, LL have decided to move to EEP and that is final...it's their world and their rules so we must come to terms with it as best we can.
  10. Dear God, I hope this is not a common view, moreover I hope it is wrong! I and many of the folk that I know in SL do not operate anything like this way!
  11. Over the 12 years I have been in SL I have seen Linden Lab flout, ignore and seemingly defy that time-honoured maxim. Never have I seen a company so intent on committing commercial suicide as LL has been at times....and yet SL survives! One of life's conundrums, I suppose. At times LL has tested SL's resilience and its users patience almost to breaking point. One might even believe they consider SL indestructible...yes, one might! Innovation is good but so is having a loyal customer base. I just wish LL believed that.
  12. @CrazyLaraCroft:you must raise a trouble ticket or if Premium go to Live chat about this. LL support.
  13. Yes, "closed" and "expected behaviour". *sigh. 'Twas ever thus...to LL the behaviour was expected since the situation was as Oz explained. That, however does NOT hide the fact that SL maps are not working, have not worked for nearly a month now and are not, it seems likely, to work for some time to come. LL also do not want the "watching" list to show just how many of us are seriously impacted in our leisure pursuits by this. You have to accept (we have no choice in the matter) @Malin Sabra that LL simply does not see the issue in the same light as most of us residents that are impacted. The fallback JIRA is as it ever was https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-225252 That one has been "accepted" at least. It doesn't change anything, all it shows is that LL do things THEIR way.
  14. There is a great mystique surrounding the SL viewer Cache. It is, as Whirly says in one of the above posts, a "snapshot" of the assets that are linked to your account on SL servers. Occasionally the snapshot file corresponding to your inventory gets corrupted, more often than not due to a corrupted or incomplete process on your computer. Clearing that folder/file and relogging results in that asset list being downloaded again to your computer. It is wise, especially if your computer is not powerful or your link to SL via the internet is not strong, to sit still in a non-laggy area while the files download (your Cache "repopulates"). Once complete all "should" be well. It's not rocket science! If that file containing all the assets of your inventory does NOT fully repopulate, you can get what is called "Inventory loss". If that happens on one viewer (say Firestorm) it can be useful to download and log in with another (say the LL default viewer). If your inventory fully downloads on THAT viewer, there are a number of strategies to correct the corresponding folder in your chosen preferred viewer (Firestorm or another viewer) and that is listed in the Firestorm wiki http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_missing_inventory . While the process can seem intimidating to the digitally challenged (like me) it does work...I have personal experience of it! Clearing cache is not something to be done frequently but it is also not something to be feared and "can" be a useful solution to texture corruption issues, as I have found in the past.
  15. And in a nutshell that is the problem, as I see it. Communication, yet again. It's been the achilles heel of LL right from the Get-go and this illustates it beautifully. Now quite frankly I don't think LL will be beavering away on arcane back-end systems maitenance during the holiday break but they just do not seem capable of phrasing their downtime in any other way. It is as though they are afraid to admit their abscence from full time monitoring of reports of issues during their holidays. Franky I find that faintly ridiculous. @AlettaMondragon I'd like to believe what you write and think that there were some technicians at work on the substructure of SL at these times, but I am afraid I don't. LL are rarely pro-active, their modus operandi is re-active almost exclusively. If LL would treat its userbase as if they had more than half a brain, they might actually find that the userbase would respond well to it.
  16. @Oz Linden One aspect of the move to AWS cloud servers has been a substantial increase in pings to each region...in the order of 10-25% dependent on the part of Europe the user is located. In ordinary day-to-day activities this has a negligible effect on in-world activities. However in any and all competitive activities those outside the USA have long been at a significant disadvantage due to increased response times...this has now been magnified by the increase in ping. That surprised me and I must assume that the routing to the simulator server now has more steps to it, since the geographical change is insignificant. It sicncerely hope that LL will put significant effort into ameliorating this historical disadvantage suffered by non-US users.
  17. Aren't we all at present, Solar!
  18. Ignore this idiotically empty post, please!
  19. @Solar Legion Yeah my bad wording, I should have said "My point" not "THE point". I wasn't sniping at anyone really it was just my ham-fisted attempt at humour. However, the point about why the two bits were not moved at the same ime to avoid the current discombobulation is a valid one. BTW, I don't think I am alone in not knowing what the reason for the issue was, even if it was so obvious to you. That's why I asked such an obvious question. er...is that too many obviouses? Oh well, no matter.
  20. Um, how long is a piece of string? If it's a year old create a new one...even if it is closed as a duplicate someone at The Lab will have noticed!
  21. Well Solar if prizes were given out for stating the blindingly obvious you'd be a front runner. The point was that Oz took the trouble to answer, that is primarily all that was needed.
  22. Just random musing...I wonder if this is related to the map tile failures?
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