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Everything posted by Aishagain

  1. This is the second week running that nothing in the way of new code has made it through QA to the RC channels. I have to wonder if anything is actually going into QA at all. Assuming the latter, what on earth are you guys up to...there are many things that are in need of solutions not the least those outstanding issues reported on the GSP. Would anyone at LL care to enlighten us?
  2. Oh my how I truly hate those odd character names.it gives me a headache just trying to work out someone's name!
  3. @JoyofRLC Acker: Since there was no code deployed to the RC channels last week, announced by Maestro, there WAS nothing to deploy to Main Server this week. It seems to be the Linden Lab standard procedure not to announce details of the rolls until early in the day of the Roll, my local time (GMT). So if there's nothing going to Main the announcement is not usually made until Wednesday (ie RC channel day) morning my time.
  4. @Prokofy Neva:Prok, I've been following your tussle with Linden Lab since 2008. Did it ever occur to you that you have irritated LL so much that they really ARE messing with you? Nearly all your gripes over the years have been down to your odd local system configuration or ISP maladies.
  5. @Wulfie Reanimator OK ok fair enough, maybe I took the wrong tack. I didn't mean that changes can't be good!
  6. I see Whirly so the folk that make the rules for others to follow cannot break them..what a good game! AdminGirl, thankyou there are none so blind as those who need new specs!
  7. I am puzzled as to why I am no longer able edit my own posts. Has something changed on the Fora?
  8. @MollymewsI wasn't dissing EEP, it's pretty good at some things though others look utter cr*p. No...I refer to the fact that releaseing EEP that was available to only a portion of the grid population broke the "shared experience" rules, which LL used to beat on some TPVs. I do however remember that the introduction of Windlight rendered my less that 6 month old PC obsolete at a stroke for SL (or.to be fair its GPU).
  9. @Profaitchikenz Haiku: I guess you are referring to the LL mantra of "Shared Experience", which they recently blew out of the water with the EEP farrago.
  10. @Jackson Redstar: Re BoM... imagine you would prefer to wear your pants inside your trousers...or maybe you ARE Superman...THAT is the why BoM.
  11. @davidventer: Well, you tell me that it is Vulkan not Metal that is buggy, with regard to Windows OS, Metal is....problematic at the least. True, Vulkan has issues as well, which rather reinforces my point...moving from one set of bugs to another simply makes no sense whatsoever. Your point re other gaming applications is valid and many of us have been quietly (and not so quietly) suggesting to LL that "a change gonna come"... it seems to have little impact, for the perfectly valid, if irritating reasons I mentioned.
  12. @davidventer: In the face of such stalwart negativity I am tempted to dismiss your remarks as largely irrelevant. However: 1) Replacing OpenGL, with either Vulkan or Metal, while desirable from certain viewpoints, is impractical due to the underlying code structure of SL. While it IS possible it is by no means simple. Besides although Vulkan is largely bug-free Metal most assuredly is NOT. Several of your other points are currently being addressed by LL.
  13. A rare thing....I am NOT confused about this! Regions will only be restrated if tey have been running for more than 10 days on Tuesday or Wednesday, otherwise restarts might be triggered by Estate Managers...seems straightforward even to me!
  14. @Gem Oxygen You are certainly one of many that would like this issue to be dealt with prompty. However, it is NOT straightforward and if you look on the Grid Status Page you will see that LL ARE working on it. Beyond that rather bald statement we have no further information, as far as I know, but the fix will not be quick to come, I'm guessing.
  15. D'oh! There are two possibilities. 1) I have lost it. 2) For some odd reason Maestro's post did not appear for me. Actually there is a third. I simply did not see the post. Whatever, Mea Culpa, Mea maxima culpa.
  16. No news yet...again. OK, we know what has been rolled to Main Server, if we've had our rolls, but why the silence yet again? And what of the RC channels tomorrow?
  17. OK...that's strange it all works for me. I wonder what all you guys have in common...I'm accessing SL from the UK....except when using that first link that Arabella posted.
  18. @RowanMinx No worries SL never ceases to surprise us all with its foibles! Now, how do I get this bee out of my bonnet?
  19. @RowanMinx Frankly yes, you are. The Bot mentioned by Grumpity (sorry Willow my memory is not what it wa) was supposedly fixed. There has certainly been a change since the 10th day restarts no longer occur but they have for some on the Tuesday AFTER the tenth day, if there is no general Roll. No, it isn't a big deal and I can and will do it since I have estate mamger rights on my own region.(which I DID say). My point was simply that it has been going on for some time and I decided to have a whinge. So, no need to condescend, it'll be over and done tomorrow! 😉
  20. Yet again I find myself wondering why Woods of Heaven did not get a restart. To date the region will have been up for 15 days and "should", if I am to believe the Release Thread header, have been restarted yesterday. It wasn't and unless LL have sneakily switched our region to an RC channel it won't get one today either. If this was the first time this had occurred I'd keep quiet. Probably the second time as well but this is the fifth time it has happenend in less than a year! No, I do not want LL support to restart my region, I can and will do it myself tomorrow. Mazidox and Maestro have both said the bot that is supposed to look after this issue is not perfect. As far as I can see it is FUBAR.
  21. @arabellajones: You highlight an issue that pervades the whole operation of SL. They, like so many other Americans in the US, seem incapable of understanding that there is a WHOLE world out here. It is akin to the idiotic attitude of some Brits who consider that "****(perjorative word redacted) begin at Dover". If your ping to SL is greater than 125ms, you must have a problem (or live overseas) and therefore do not fit our functional model of the World.
  22. Hmm more "Infernal fixes" to the RC channel. A bit light considering all the issues that have beset us of late, not least the script performance issue and the breakage of the improved region crossings. I HAD hoped we might see some progress on those. Hohum.
  23. If I recall correctly the throttling does occur at a server level...the LL servers could not (at the time this metric was set) stream more than about 2000kbps not 3000k. I doubt that that is still so and since that limit referred to UDP data and not http I cannot think that the limits are relevant now. However I am no tech so others will perhaps give the correct story.
  24. And the above not ten days after the new crossing code was rolled and appeared to be working! What has happened?
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