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Everything posted by MoiraKathleen

  1. You could take a look at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Second_Life_Road_Network_Directory . That has links to pages showing/talking about the road networks on each of the mainland continents. It's older documentation, but I think in terms of the mainland roads, the info is probably still good. That is where I first got started on learning about the geography and road networks. A link back from the link above is http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Second_Life_Geography which has a section on Transportation and has links to more information about sailing, flying and trains (not sure how up to date info about flying and trains is, but that's part of the fun of exploring). There is a group inworld also - can't remember the name offhand - that generally has a little building along a route on each continent with wall maps showing the routes. As you travel along the roads, there will be periodic rez zones. I generally take a LM and keep it in a folder under continent and then route #, so it's easy to find your way back to a spot along the route where you can rez a vehicle if you want. There are some channels for flying and/or boating between some of the mainland continents, but not all of them.
  2. Take a look at the https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/424299-free-mesh-bodies-and-heads/ thread - scroll thru towards the end (or start at the end an then go backwards).
  3. Usually you install an Omega applier by wearing the item it is to be installed in (in this case the head) and then adding the installer (it will be a hud on the screen) and then clicking the installer. I've never purchased a skin from LAQ, but it seems to me that you should not need an Omega installer for putting a LAQ skin on a LAQ head... Are you at a location where scripts are enabled? (if you are not allowed to run scripts at the location you are at, that might interfere with the skin applying). If you're still having issues with getting the skin applied, then I think you will need to ask in the LAQ inworld group. The LAQ Hud lets you change makeup options, hairbase colors, brow colors, etc., and facial animations. You "add" it and it displays on your screen - it you do that and all it shows is a small rectangle, click on that and the hud should fully open.
  4. Also, look in the items in the folder that the head was in to see if there is any other item in the folder with "skin" in the name. I'm not currently wearing a LAQ head, but for the two that I have, one has an item called "LAQ ~ headname skin appliers" and the other one has an item called "LAQ ~ headname skin 2.0". Also, is Omega already installed in the head? The last LAQ head that I bought had a notecard in the folder that an Omega installer was needed.
  5. The Shop to Hop event has 5 sims with the stores, yet has 10 surrounding waiting/cam shopping sims - of those 10 at the moment, 6 of those are completely empty and the other 4 have between 1 to 9 avatars in them. It certainly doesn't look like a situation where anyone would be turned away from any of the cam shopping sims. I was really glad to see all the additional cam shopping sims available on a big LL event like this one is. I realize though that not all resident-ran events are going to be able to afford this ratio of additional cam shopping sims, but there are events that advertise having cam shopping sims available for the event, so perhaps that idea is becoming more popular. I generally bring the map up for the event sims prior to trying to TP there, to see how full sims are, if there are cam shopping sims, etc. and then choose where to TP to based on the population of the event sims.
  6. I'm not sure where you got your information about the "old" project second life or why you think it's about to be abandoned soon, but I think you should check your sources or your understanding of what you heard. For an update about what LL has been busy with in the Second Life product, you might want to check out their latest blog post: https://community.secondlife.com/blogs/entry/2461-second-life-end-of-year-update-wrapping-up-2018-what’s-next-for-2019/
  7. So I took this picture before coming back in here and reading Saravendi's excellent tips above.... so I didn't include hardly any of suggestions. I'm mainly just a point and click after playing around with windlight (sometimes) type of picture taker. I see something on my screen that I like the look of, or the coloring of, or something that I want to be able to look back on later and remember … and there I am snapping a picture... I took this one after spending some time messing around with how I look and deciding to go back to a look that I was very comfortable with in terms of hair color and body being used.
  8. You need to notify whomever owns the IP rights to it. Then they can decide whether or not to file a DMCA.
  9. In my mind, a Linden sponsored event should not be just the "best" top brands. It should have high quality items, for sure, but just because one hasn't heard of some of the creators at the event before does not automatically mean that their items are not high quality. I enjoyed seeing all the new to me names at the event, and I was thinking how refreshing that was after seeing the same names at so many other events in world. I also don't think that just because a creator is at all the "popular" events necessarily or automatically means that they are "top creators". There are so many creators that there are bound to be hidden gems out there, and a LL sponsored event that gives them a possibility of being selected is a good thing in my book.
  10. Whether a queue, determining activity state or setting a "max" time limit to be on an event sim, I don't think any of those are necessary. I was at the Shop and Hop event for quite a while yesterday (longer than 1.5 hours mentioned further up) and most of the added sims for cam shopping or the ones labeled as 'overflow' area where one could cam shop from were mostly empty. So even if there were people who couldn't enter one of the main shopping sims, they still would have been able to enter one of the attached sims and cam shopped from there. Same with the first evening that the shopping event was open - the cam shopping/overflow areas were mostly empty. When something comes up and I think I will be AFK for too long of a time, or I don't know how long I might be AFK, I will TP myself home before leaving the keyboard. I think that we should at least try to think that people attending events will be responsible about their activity status while they are there.
  11. Enjoying a very large latte while walking around town
  12. Just a note more for others reading the thread who may be interested in trying out mesh/bento heads. All the ones I have purchased come with a sample/starter shape - make a copy of it and be sure to wear that initially. Don't worry about the body part of it at first, but use it as a starting point for all the head related sliders. This holds true even when demoing heads. After you've found a head that you like, copy down your favorite shape's numbers for body, torso and legs, then wear the shape that came with the head, make adjustments as desired for the head related sliders and then set the body, torso and leg slider values to those from your favorite shape. There are things that I do like with how my system head looks, and I still wear it for a few places, but there are also things I don't like as much and notice now (after wearing a mesh head for awhile) that I hadn't noticed before with the system head. One of those things in particular, is a jagged little bump on the chin of system head that I can't seem to get rid of. It's not visible from all angles, but now that I've seen it and know that it's there, it bothers me.
  13. I didn't look at the starter male avatars, but the current offering of LL female starter avatars are ranging (just using the Edit Shape height reading) from 1.72 M for a couple of the fantasy avatars to 2.02 M for one of the classic female styles that is wearing heels. Most of them seemed to be in the 1.8 to 1.9 range. Not as short as some ladies have posted above, but I think considerably shorter than the female starter avatar I choose back in 2014.
  14. If changing the name of a region costs money, then I would not expect that the land owner would automatically pay to have the name changed to something else, nor would I expect that new tenants would automatically be requesting a name change of the region.
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