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Everything posted by Fionalein

  1. In the profile, it manifests as a star icon next to payment info.
  2. When I signed up for Lifetime Premium I had no intention to let everyone know, nor was it made clear to me that LL would blurt out that info to just about everybody in the near future. I think it's only my and LL's business what kind of account I have, none of other residents. So please let us hide those badges. @Linden Lab
  3. You can always TP to a busy shopping venue and back. Overload all* of your caches with new data. That way the club visitors will get dropped and you get a new chance to render them right upon return. *that's why clear cache won't work - it only clears one of them
  4. Bribing the right bloggers I fear... If the popular people wear your stuff others will want it too.
  5. If I made an orb like that I'd hand program it, no way is this suited for a marketable program... just imagine "Dear customer please enter the formula for your house's shape parameters in the next 30 popup text fields." No way I'd do customer service for that.
  6. In my case it transferred me two 1 digit cent amounts and asked me how much both were to verify.
  7. if you are good with math you can even define slopes to determine space inside the roofs...
  8. Happy Birthday! Also... Is there an EVYL!!! Kinder-Egg 🙀 on the cake?
  9. No BoM*, rest yes. You need to link clothes so some building skills and mod items are required. *well if you don't use BoM on yourself you can on your worn animesh - but who the heck wants to do that?
  10. And less sim crossing due to megasims, purrfect for drivers and pilots.
  11. Why has no one dared reverse the argument yet? "Unhappy with banlines? Just stay within Belli!" No one forces you to use Mainland.
  12. Firestorm has a teleportation history, not sure about LindenLab viewer. Also: Some places give you LandMarks on arrival.
  13. So "every reasonable effort" is "one of them"? I must have missed that lecture when learning English...
  14. I doubt it's special treatment. It's just nobody bothers to AR them...
  15. The legacy product of The Shops now labelled Classic used to be called TMP (The Mesh Project), their current product is called Legacy. Confused much?
  16. AVSitter is also modular, theoretically you can build your own "select rug" menu button from scratch.
  17. What Emma says, but it has to be the same sitting surface height on all meshes. (not so problematic with rugs). Also: make the root prim's hitbox way taller than the rezzed rug's.
  18. SL Blogger Network, a.k.a. those weird Forums threads that were closed after the first posting.
  19. Try to climb every furniture then complain about cat-incompatibility and bad physics modelling.
  20. I'm not sure how many of the userbase even know it exists.
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