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Everything posted by Klytyna

  1. No, not really... What the op ASKED was how to toggle the textures on different faces of an object, to fake movement, this sort of thing is already pretty common in pre bento mesh tails for example, where the "Tail" is actually several different tails, each in a slightly different pose. In that case llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast allows you to toggle the alpha on each of the 8 faces of each of the "8 faced mesh tail prims" so that only ONE mesh tail face is visible at any time. What you are suggesting is placing an animated texture on a single face, because... You didn't bother to read the damn question.
  2. In our house it was... Me: I'm bored... Mum: Got your yearly school buss pass? Me: Erm yeah... Mum: Remember where the British Museum is? Me: Erm Yeah... Mum: Seen the bit that explains how the Persians mass produced all those arrows they killed the 300 with? Me: Erm, no... Mum: Go find out, tea is at 7pm, be back by then or the dog gets it...
  3. And that comment confirms my assessment of you... You started this thread not out of any genuine concern to end all racial discrimination, but to trumpet your own "political correctness" to earn street cred and seem cool. If you had ACTUALLY been a concerned citizen, you might have done me the courtesy of checking my profile, to find out something about who you are talking to, as I bothered to check yours. If you HAD, you'd have discovered that... I'm a Lesbian, into the D'/s scene. If you'd checked my posting history you might have discovered that I've been a lesbian for more than 40 years, and involved with the RL D/s Scene for more than 35 years. You might also have discovered MY replies to the White hating racist, who I mentioned in my earlier reply. and read THEIR racist BS, and their assumption that their RACISM was ok, because it was targeted at white people, for your self. Instead, you simply chose the lazy path and as I correctly predicted... Just as in your earlier post you assumed that we're all Americans. Grow up, shut up, file an AR against the group if you are genuinely bothered, move on. You've been here since 2013, I've been here a bit longer, I can't say I've noticed a "tidal wave of racial hatred" in SL, and if such a tidal wave exists, why has it taken you 5 bloody years to find it?
  4. That's Doctor, not Vet... Bad Cat! Down! Down I say! *brandishes wooden chair and cracks Indy (tm) lion-tamers bullwhip*
  5. You used it as an example of "OK because its sexual RP", before claimingthat the reverse situation was obviously "Racists spreading tidal waves of hate". I quoted your own words, and commented on them, thats how replies to threads work, if you are unused to how a forum operates, please RTFM. Ah.... I see.... I point out that you are flaunting your "politically correct" attitudes, in an "It's ok to be a racist as long as the targets are white" manner, and give a very genuine example of another white hating racist, right here on our forums. And pointing out that racism is not ok if it's in a particular direction, apparently makes me a racist and a liar. You also claimed you were not bringing YOUR politics into the forums, but you are. You need to check your facts, next thing you'll be accusing me of hating LGBT's because I haven't posted demands that "slave girls for Masters" groups are obviously "sexual discrimination" but that fin-domme groups are ok because they are just RP... I'm really, really, looking forward to you being careless enough to tell me I hate Lesbians and the D/s scene. No, really. Oh and for the record I'm not an American, nor have I any wish to become one.
  6. I'm fairly tired of people complaining about how SL today isn't like the "good old days" when they knapped their own hand axes from flint prims, and used them to bludgeon prim mammoths to death so they could use the mammoth's skin textures on their system shoe foot wrappings... *end of thread*
  7. So you don't have a problem with White Sex Slaves for Black Masters... Just with Black Sex Slaves for White Masters... ... So, you are an Un-Equal-Opportunities Bigot? Yes you do, that is exactly what you are doing here... Goodbye! Oh, can we have your stuff? Indeed there are, the last one I encountered was right here on the Forum... A well known poster who stated in one thread that SL had "too many with coloniser skin tones" and that SL's skin makers "made too many coloniser skin tones". Then in another thread they suggested that people from Ethnic group A, in countries where Ethnic group A are 90-95% of the population, should be FORCED to make Ethic Group B and C avatars so that SL's apparent Ethnic makeup matched that of the San Fran Bay Area, because "places with too many coloniser skin tones" caused her mental trauma... Happily, I feel no need to defend my self against the "Lets play Piss on the White Folks again because we can get away with it despite being blatantly racist and violating the ToS" crew...
  8. No. The "Cloud" is just balls... It exists to allow companies to subcontract their server farms to places in countries where server support techs earn $5 a day... Not really no, one of the major problems with sim crossings now is the way it involves at least 3 bloody servers to move from one sim to another. As for instancing, instancing sims is a real no-no... Just imagine the howls of outrage when somebody rezzes a no copy item on one instance of a sim, and it's automatically cloned on the other 9 copies of the sim, where the rezzers 9 alts are waiting to pick it up and send it back to the main account... SL isn't a "drupal website"... ... And before we drift off into another of your "tech people vs the sycophantic concussed puppy's suggestions for the inadvisable use of 'amazballs' tech the puppy doesn't understand...", let's end this... This conversation is over. Goodday.
  9. You can add multiple attachments to the same point on the body, but... Add too many to the same point and sometimes one or more might pop off, during teleports. How many is too many, well that varies depending on how much of a pain SL decides to be that day. Sometimes, you find that the mesh body 'pops off' the avatar center point, because, you use FS and it insists on attaching the lsl bridge there. Sometimes when an item pops off, your viewer doesn't notice... It continues to display it on your screen, often somewhat malfunctioned, until you either relog, or "refresh attachments". The easiest way to prevent important items popping off in this way is to attach them to points that are seldom used So, you don't attach your maitreya feet to right foot, because "shoes on feet", instead you attach your feet to the new bento hind leg foot, that your human avatar NEVER USES, same for hands, don't wear them on your forearms, add them to a bento bone you never use.. Same goes for clothing, do NOT attach all your clothing to the right hand. Spread it about, preferably in a logical way, so all "pairs of shoes/boots" get attached to the left foot (not used by maitreya) panties attached to pelvis, skirts/dresses/trousers to stomach, shirts/blouses/tops to chest, jackets on spine, and so on.
  10. The Official SL Inferiority Viewer limits at 512 mb... Allegedly this is because attempts to increse the max, led to the viewer crashing and burning... FS apparently solved this problem, at least partially,but even so... In addition you would NEVER want to assign all the vram on your card to any single application, as the OS needs to use it too, as do other apps. Not really, no...
  11. I'm not as old as some on this forum, but old enough, and with the added advantage of suffering from a degenerative and essentially incurable medical condition... I don't give a rats backside what people think of me. Destination guide... Yeah, it's fantastic if you enjoy visiting empty high brow art installations picked by a committee who don't know whats popular in SL, or care... A lot less education than there was... Firstly, "virtual education" in something like SL, was always pretty useless for teaching anything except... How to use SL, and it wasn't much good at that. And art... There's a lot of "art", much of it "conceptual & experimental", in SL, usually by people who are over rated and under-talented, and who get really vicious when others discover this fact. Or if you are on an M rated sim, in a skin store where people are trying demos before dropping a grand on a new skin, or clothing stores where people are trying demos, or close to people who wear all their mesh clothing attached to their right hand, and then 'wear' a coffee cup... Derp! Most of the "griefers" I've seen over the last 6 1/2 years were not naked... The crazier and more visually disruptive the outfit the more they liked it. I recommend growing thicker skin... The forum'sarchives are littered with the cold dead bodies of people who popped in here and posted... "Dear Forum, I am shocked that somebody told me to [ censored ] off, just because I tp'd into their skybox home and said their furniture was ugly, AND they called me a [ don't look ], it's as if they didn't know that calling ME a bad name is a Federal Crime, of Cyber Terrorism, and I therefore request that the Forum ban this person from SL, and report them to the FBI... Their name is [ blatant violation of the ToS by the thin skinned whiner making the post ]. Thanks in advance!" Perceptions of "warranted" can differ wildly, it's common for people to complain they were banned from sims but did nothing wrong and demand the Lindens do something about bans on innocent people... There have been a number of threads about it, where subsequent interrogation and the grudging revelation of the facts paint a different picture. One weapons grade a-hole on the forum complained that he had been banned unjustly from a sim simply for trying to steal the sim admins girlfriend, over a period of 5 or 6 weeks... Totally unwarranted ban by really rude people... Having 50 people in a sim is a laggy hell, having more just isn't practical, thats why most sims are limited to 40 or 50, or even less now. SL is in a long, slow gradual decline... But... it's misleading to compare SL now with SL 12 years ago, 12 years ago was the start of the Great SL Gold Rush, when millions flooded in, mostly for all the wrong reasons, and then, 3 years later flooded out again crying "Madlands parcels selling for LESS than 8 L$ a square meter? ALL IS LOST! FLEE!", it took a couple of years for most of the wrong crowd to disappear... When I arrived, concurrency figures were between 30-50 k online at any given time, depending on time of day, day of week, the season, the weather etc. Todays figures are not that much lower. And the ones most likely to leave due to changing policies are the "Last of the Worst of 2006-2009" crowd anyway. There are more unemployed DJ's in SL than there are visible stars in the night sky... And most of them deserve to be unemployed... As for escorting, these days you'd need a mesh avatar for that, at the very least. And there would be encountering all that "griefer nudity". Erm... Hahahahahahahahahahahaha... That's funny, no, really...
  12. You stand or sit, or press a cursor key... Your viewer sends a "changed animation state" notice to the sim server, the sim server tells everyone elses viewer what your animation state is. If you are using a client side viewer ao, your viewer tells the server what anim you want played for that anim state, if you are using a scripted ao hud, the server gets the desired anim id from the script, either way it then tells the other peoples viewers what anim id to download from the CDN and play. Generally, if other peoples animations look jerky, it's YOUR viewer that's lagging.
  13. Sounds like FirstLife, and every other "world" imaginary or real... Your account is created, you wander about a lot, surrounded by random people, some of whom may tell you to stick your head in a pig, and then your account gets deleted... Get used to it. We call it "Life"
  14. It's not a "straw man argument", you don't know squat, but insist on making suggestions that would, if implemented, cause MASSIVE performance degredation. You are OBSESSED with "reducing texture calls" because, in your appaling technical ignorance, you falsely assume they are the biggest problem, and they are NOT. You are, to use an analogy, like some madman standing by a freeway with a sign proclaiming that traffic pollution can be eradicated by making the pine scented air freshener hanging from the rear view mirror out of stale cheese... Fionalein at least, understands why "on the fly system bakes" for texture atlas mega textures would be MORONIC. You however, do not so lets run the numbers again... You have a "Head-Up-Your-Arse Artiste with the extra E" sim, the sim build uses more than 200 1024 x 1024 textures. Against all better advice, you use an on the fly baking system to assemble these 200 plus 1k x 1k textures on a single 16k x 16k texture atlas. Somebody who doesn't live in California, tp's to your sim, AND... Waits 40 mins for the texture atlas abomination to download, during which EVERYTHING in the build is grey, because NONE of the textures can be shown until the texture atlas abomination has finished loading. When this moron-tech abomination finally finishes downloading, the viewer tries to unpack it into memory, this will consume over 0.76 GB of main ram, for ONE image, assuming this doesn't push your viewers current memory usage over the 4gb per app limit, and cause the viewer to crash, you then have to wait a couple of mins while the texture atlas abomination is chopped up and slapped on all the different objects. Contrary to MORON Tech claims, you haven't eliminated 200 plus texture calls, you still have those, only now it's calls to find part of the Texture Atlas abomination and "cut n paste" that onto some object. AND THEN, the moron who struts around calling themselves an "artiste" decides the sofa would look better in turquoise than blue, and changes the single 1k x 1k texture, forcing a brank new on the fly rebake of the entire 16k x 16k texture atlas abomination, and the ENTIRE SIM goes grey as the whole bloody 40 min download process starts over. And this doesn't take into account the complete and utter waste of your visitors bandwidth caused by resending them that 0.76 GB texture, even in a compressed format like jpeg2000 (which has its own bandwidth wasting 'progressive preview' feature built in. See the paragraphs above the quoted request... Reducing texture calls, insignificant benefit... Increasing load and rez times and texture handling overheads, and memory consumption, significant performance degredation. "Baking" as in a baked texture, in say Blunder 3D, is permanent, but this thread started with the idea that the very impermanent BakeFail on Mesh "bakes" using system layers, could be used to make texture atlas abominations, for whole sim builds... I think it took more than half a thread page before he finally caught on that having a helicopter coloured ass or an ass coloured helicopter, made that idea one of his more useless contributions to the field of human technological development. First page of the thread... Helicopter coloured asses and ass coloured helicopters... He's a slow learner. ... Every tech-improvement post you have made on every tech-improvement thread you have participated in (most of them your own) has been worthless tech-illiterate rubbish, that, if implemented would cause more harm than good. Maybe you should ask your self, why commercial games makers, who use texture atlas technoogy in their commercial games, use it for things like, oh... the hundreds of small textures for user interface buttons and icons, but do NOT use it for the LARGE textures used to actually texture the environment and game characters to any significant degree. Then ask your self, what does SL have more of... Hundreds of tiny textures for UI buttons and Icons, or... LARGE textures used on environments and characters. You are an arrogant ignorant artiste wannabe who refuses to admit that every suggestion he's ever made on the technical aspects of SL, and how to improve it, is wrong. You probably believe that dumbocracy is a valuable thing in technical discussions, and that everyone, no matter how ignorant should make a 'contribution' to tomorrows "futureness". I on the other hand spent over a quarter of a century discovering first hand why tech-illiterate people should NEVER have any role in tech development, other than as test subjects. The time has come... I find all of your posts offensive for a variety of reasons. This conversation is over... Goodday.
  15. I keep mine on all the time, and before anyone replies with "oh but you can just attach it using the fast-inv box before you dress for the day", I often end up changing clothing not as whole outfits but piecemeal, many times a day, and I use RLVa... It's hard to attach a hud when you have NO inventory access, and cannot add attachments even if you did due to rlv restricts... But not being able to toggle an alpha cut when needed, or enable/disable a catsuit on a clothing layer, is a complete pain, or switching from high feet to flat feet when somebody strips off your boots... In fact the mait-hud along with the ao, are the TWO of the three huds i always have on, and which are locked in place using RLVa, to prevent them accidentally being removed, along with the body it's self.
  16. It's in Catznip too, and it's a damn sight faster than relogging, and easier to use. That is why they added it...
  17. No no no no... You are a CAT... Cats do not bribe mice, they pin the mouses head to the floor with a paw and say... "Hello squeaky snack toy... You have TWO choices... Obey my commands or wear this overcoat I made for you from a sesame seed bun and some BBQ sauce... " You're letting Cat kind down here Callum, ask your self... "What would the Bad-Kitteh do?"
  18. Vomit Cam has been "just getting started" since the late 80's. Project Stupid was designed to be and originally opened as Vomit-Cam only, use of a regular non-vom display is an afterthought because ofthe underwhelming response. ...the lesson that telling your customer bae they are a "nation of geeks" in a public blog post by a senior company exec, and telling them that your new project is intended to replace the system they use, and they can't carry anything over to the new system, and that the new system will be in vomit-cam, and in a desperate bid to overcome motion sickness, will pursue the magic 90 fps option with hardware requirements most of your customer base cant afford... ...That such a strategy is bloody stupid... Vomit -Cam WAS in the works, and there was a project viewer for it, some years ago, that was abandoned and the reason given by LL was that vomit-cam was "inherently incompatible with the SL UI..." And the biggest pitfall in any such project is... "Tech-illiterate Executives with no clear idea of what they wanted, decided it would take a year or two, then hired a bunch of junior tech people who had never worked on anything like this and had no idea where to start, and placed them under the command of some tech-illiterate junior execs who's main skill was warming a leather office chair with their own overpaid exhaust..." That's because you know nothing about efficient texture usage in a system like SL, and consequently talk out of your arse. I'm guessing here that you think arranging a whole 3D model in little "cookie cutter pieces, with gaps between them and around the edges that waste 30-40% of the texture map is "a proper job", but that's because you know nothing about it, and talk out of your arse. Three 512's with 80-100 % pixel usage are less of a hit than a single 1024 with only 60% pixel usage. You don't get this because you know nothing about it, and talk out of your arse. Unfortunately, you appear to know exactly nothing, about optimisation, and consequently, talk out of your arse... But with regard to "overall appeal" of your "additional style"... Ask your self which is MORE likely to appeal to a visitor... Option A: You arrive oin the sim and it starts to rez in, each new 512 and 1024 texture streamed over the CDN, fills in another little piece of the build, until it's all there, and you can wander around, with only the bits your pc can vcope with rendering, due to correctly set draw distances etc. or... Option B: You arrive on the sim and discover it's been made with Tech-Illiterate Talk-With-Your-Arse Tech. All the textures for the ENTIRE SIM (more than 200) have been assembled by some MORON onto a single "Texture Atlas" with an image resolution not of 2k x 2k, but... 16k x 16k... This abomination takes about 40 mins to stream to your PC over your connection because you do NOT live in California, during which time, EVERYTHING is grey because the SINGLE texture hasn't loaded yet. When it finally has all arrived, the viewer attempts to unpack just over 3/4's of a GB into memory for processing, on top of the viewer's existing memory usage and your viewer crashes... ... Think hard about that and see if you can guess why SL does NOT use "Huge Resolution Texture Atlas" technology for whole sims, and why only a person who knows nothing about SL or it's tech would want it to. After you have guessed the correct answer, try not talking out of your arse. For a change...
  19. Odds are those old Collar DB nipple chains are not made of fitted mesh, so... Check out a store called "Tam's Trousseau", who sell Fitted Mesh piercings for specific mesh bodies, including Slink, for under 150 ls, that will probably look a lot better, and will move with your avatar physics layer.
  20. Ok... Facelight... Take it off unless you are taking a new profile picture at night. People hate them and most are too bright. You are wearing TWO collars... One of which is basically very old, generally you don't need two, I'd rip all the scripts from the CollarDB, it's essentially obsolete anyway. The gag, hmmm some elderly dari freebie by the look of it, if you have funds, get something newer and lighter in script load, also look up details on setting up your #RLV folder, so items like that can be ADDED via the collar WHEN NEEDED, rather than worn all the time on the offchance somebody wants to use them, Losing the collarDB scripts, and taking off the cuffs and gag except when being used, would drop your theoretical script memory usage by about 3200 kb out of 7000 kb, and lower your script count by 50 or 60, which should silence a great many nag-meters. ... Edit: Try a simple ball gag from "Real Restraints" or "Restrained Freedom", cost you 200-300 l$, and look at replacing the cuffs with a set from "Mesmerize Dungeon", for 900 l$, better poses, and reasonably low script load.
  21. Yeah... A pair of 500 mb 7200 rpm drives are better than a single 1tb 5400 rpm drive. In addition, having more than one physical drive means you have more than one set of read/write heads, so putting the cache for SL on the 2nd drive, leaves the read/write heads on the first drive to handle the OS's disk access needs without affecting the average seek times for the 2nd drive and your cache. It's a minor performance boost, but, every little helps...
  22. Ahhhh... So NO Muricans EVER exercised their 2nd amendment rights to "pick up a readily available gun" and blow .45 sized holes in complete strangers, for the most trivial of reasons prior to the 1960's?. Oh Wait... "Y'all shoun't have said what y'all said 'bout mah faverit brand 'o booorbun, Mister...I'ma callin you out, make yer play..."
  23. 1. It was a knee-jerk reaction, 4 years ago, to a threat that didn't exist, based on fraudulent claims by a would-be competitor for SL... 2. The decision was taken to ignore ALL the lessons learned from SL and start the whole thing from scratch with an inexperienced dev team, and literally "reinvent the wheel" on everything, which is why it's a;lready some 3 years behind the original knee-jerk schedule. 3. When they opened the "public beta" in glorious vomit-cam only, response was... Underwhelming. Even adding "non vom-cam" support, hasn't turned the failure around. 4. The whole Project is based on no clear idea as to who it's for, what they will do in it, or why. There's a vague assumption that it will be for high brow conceptual art, but nobody will pay serious money to look at that for very long, there's an idea that companies will pay serious money to use it to display NEXT year's model of 4 door saloon car via the miracle of Vom-Cam, but, odds are the IP Right problems involved in using Project Stupid will prevent that. 5. It assumed that EVERYONE would rush out and buy the Overpriced Geek Goggle Co's over priced geek goggles, but they didn't, VR is, from a public standpoint, a failed technology. Which is why smart tech people don't take you're ideas seriously... Lots of bad ideas fail before they get off the ground, it's not a surprise at all. Hand carved cuckoo clocks made from runny cheese produced from Whale Milk, for example, is just one of many ideas that have Epic Failure built right in from the get-go, as does steam powered robot cats that run on pellets of dried llama dung, and the idea of a VR based conceptual art gallery and imaginary car showroom that required a ridiculous amount of expensive tech to even load never mind run, severely limiting the potential audience of people willing to pay big money to look at virtual art and imaginary cars... Ah so he didn't in fact say ANY of the crap you claimed... You just didn't pay attention to things you couldn't understand... Right... 32 bit applications can only use about 2 gb of main ram (there are options to improve that but...), and that places a limit on how many textures and what size, can be handled in the viewer, unpacked from jpeg 2000 format into bitmaps and passed to the graphics cards. A 1024 texture uses 3mb of ram when unpacked, a 2048 uses 12 mb, a 4096 uses 48 mb, a 8192 would use 192 mb, in an app that already pushing the 2 GB memory wall... Going 64 bit allows the app to use 4gb of memory from a much much larger total system install. So theoretically, it *could* handle larger textures, rather more importantly, it can handle more of the same sized textures for passing to modern gfx cards, allowing LL to increase the "video memory usage" slider in the viewer from 512 mb to the 1 gb that Firestorm offers, or maybe higher, for those lucky people who have 4gb or 8 gb gfx cards. ... some content creators asked if they could have bigger texture maps, because they can't uv-map worth a damn and their inefficient cookie cutter uv's don't deliver the pixels-per-polygon they want at a mere 1024, so to compensate for their failure as uv-mappers, they want "MOAR Pixels", and Oz won't outright say no, because at those stupid meetings he has to play politician as much as tech-spokesman. Telling some users "No you can't have that, you are a tech illiterate low-talent cretin" is bad PR... You may want to stop being smug and STFU until you learn to listen at meetings, to people you subsequently attempt to inaccurately quote, and until you learn exactly how much about SL you don't understand at all...
  24. LMAO... smart move for Project Stupid? with it's concurrency figures of... 15 ? No... It's related to Project Stupid failing, and so cutting back in it's dev budget wastage by relocating staff to SL where they don't have enough dev staff, because 3 years of being left to rot while Project Stupid wasted all the money... Now this paragraph makes no sense at all, literally none... Oversized textures and excessive vram usage are caused by 32 bit potatoes, and the cure for oversized textures is to allow EVEN BIGGER textures... If that's what Oz actually said, then he just lost all credibility, if thats what you thought he said because you don't have a bloody clue, then you lost all credibility. More evidence that you have NO idea what you are talking about AND that you didn't read ANY of the posts in the BFoM Feedback thread about backing normals and how it might be done. Like I said... 5 mins on yahoo answers wile stoned... I'm already used to them being complete and utter tech-illiterate crap...
  25. Try Irfanview, it opens them, and it's free...
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