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Everything posted by Klytyna

  1. It's simple really... Proper Scientific Time, was first invented in England, by Redcoats, at Greenwich, to facilitate global navigation by the Royal Navy, making it easier to deliver Redcoats to foreign places, and teach the inhabitants to drink tea, lose gracefully at cricket, and wear Proper British Trousers... Hence "Greenwich Mean Time"... Other inferior foreign times were not invented scientifically, and are based on people simply looking up at the sky and asking "is it time for lunch yet?" As you can see, GMT is all part of the plan to "Make the World England"! Resistance is FUTILE!
  2. So far, the sum total of your arguments for forced auto-updates consists of... "Hi I'm Nirans the Great, I am the most leetest dev in history, and not arrogant at all, and because of this, despite EVERY single dev team that's adopted weekly forced auto-updates followed by daily hotfix patches being a pile of crap, *I* can make it work because I am so much more leet than everyone, especially the FS people..." ... Sorry I don't find that argument convincing in the slightest. You claim that Forced auto-updates are good if done right, and that EVERY incidence of them being completely crap is down to '"bad developers" misses one vital fact... People who use forced auto-updates when there is no absolute need for them, ARE bad developers... If you don't like the way the statement on your blog is interpreted by English speakers, change it. Bento was more than 12 months ago, closer to 18 really... Seems you have problems keeping track of the passage of time. As for Catz not including BakeFail-on-Mesh yet, since it hasn't been released yet, strictly speaking it shouldn't be in ANY tpv yet, and you can hardly blame a tpv for not including an unreleased beta feature that didn't go public beta untill after the last update on the tpv. You didn't start this thread to listen to other peoples thoughts, did you? You actually started this thread to scream your opinion at us all, and tell us how stupid we are for daring to disagree that you are the greatest tpv dev in history, and far more talented than the FS people, who you seem to hate. You moan and whine that their "slow" cycle is holding SL back and causing their viewer to be a "pile of crap", but odly, Catznip, which has an even slower cycle, isn't a pile of crap at all. According to your argument, Catznip's slow slow cycle should make it an unusable piece of buggy crap... Seems your opinion isnt as "unchallengable" as you like to think. Now, I'm not a fan of FS, i consider it bloaty , over featured, and over updated, and I've had encounters with one of their dev members who I would gladly describe as not only incompetent but even more arrogant than you... But... If you want to host an Anti-FS Rant thread, be honest, and don't start with a pretense of wanting to hear opinions on a non FS related topic.
  3. Pay attention... The 'first story' isnt a story it'sd a statement of why corporations do not auto-update major software... Pay attention, it had EVERYTHING to do with both SL and thge Evil of Auto-Eff-Up-Dates... SL uses opengl... Their directx games worked fine, their desktop worked fine, the glitches that made them think they needed a NEW gfx card, were all in SL, and all based on opengl, because some muppet decided that the broken opengl files from Microboat were obviously better than the ones included with the drivers from the card's manufacturer, and... Auto-Eff-Up-Dated regardless. For a "tpv dev" yopu seem a bit ignorant of what's in other tpv's... Catz supports Bento just fine, it's the 32 bit version of Dr. Singularity's Frenkenviewer that doesn't. As for supporting EEP, Animesh and BakeFail-on-Mesh, meh. Because the reason she coul;dn't install the official SL inferiority Viewer was... a) it had been recoded to demand that you accepted all the latest auto-eff-up-dates from Microbloat, and b) it wasn't optional, welcome to forced updates, you HAVE to update to the latest SL viewer to run it at all, and it wont install the latest version because... blah blah, this was an old old account who was scared that they could bnever use their account normally again because of forced version updates, demands to accept auto-eff-up-dates, and bloody minded tech illiterates on the support desk. No, I was professional corporate IT operations, the person who was supposed to see that the crap handed us by 'devs' actually worked, and throw it back in their fac es when it didn't, the person who went round and told them you couldnt play with alpha test software on live customer data files, and would they kindly clean up their test data copies when they finished... I used to use your viewer... I stopped when YOU decided that rlva was 'broken beyond using" and pulled it, even tho nobody else could figure what the hell you were on about, as the 'breakage seemed to be entirely in your mind, and in fact rather than demanding your help, or spitting in your face, I was one of the people who told YOU that it wasn't rlva that was broken but that you had gotten two of the settings crossed between the menu and the debug settings, so that each setting had the WRONG value. but hey, as it says in your blog... "I don't listen to people , its my viewer for me" right?
  4. In professional corporate IT... It's common for "updates" to be carefully tested, on an isolated system, well away from the live main system, for days or weeks on backup copies of data, before going 'live' with it, just in case installing the update should, accidentally DESTROY tour customer invoice system and leave your company unable to do business for 2 weeks losing $10,000,000 a day... Because you KNOW that the weasel words in the EULA and "limited company status" mean there isn't a hope in hell of getting the software dev company to cough up $140,000,000 to cover your losses, or of fixing it in the two weeks. ... 5 Years ago, a good friend, who wasn't that techy, had serious graphical issues, JUST in SL, but they decided their gfx card must be dying so they splashed out $300 on a new card and, still had glitches, THEN they asked me. I asked them if they were foolish enough to have Windon't Auto-Eff-Up Dates enabled, and kindly explained that the latest eff-up date included a 'fix" for people using opengl, that basically overwrote the card makers opengl support with dysfunctional windon't opengl, in a bid to encourage a shift to directx. I told them to disable the eff-up dates, and reinstall their card specific drivers, problem solved. ... Recently, LL implemented a Launcher, to perform Auto-Eff-UP Dates on their SL Inferiority Viewer. Due to bad habits, this foolish and worthless software insisted on trying to install 64 bit viewers on 32 bit platforms, which of course, failed totally. ... Many years ago, a Software publishing Company hired a dev company to write a sequel to a highly successful game. They gave the dev company a bag of money and a deadline and waited, then the deadline arrived and "can we have more money and time please" so another bag of money and a new deadline... Finally the puplishers demanded that the game be presented, and the dev company sent them the master install disc - retail release 1.0 for duplication at the dvd pressing plant. The game went out, and the dev company staff buggered off to an industry convention for the weekend. Then the in itial reviews came rolling in, followed by complaints, and the puplishers called the devs at the convention and screamed "wth? this game is a 0.3 alpha not a 1.0 retail", the devs replied that they didnt know what went wrong, but would "hotfix patch" the problem on monday. They hotfix patched on monday, tuesday wednesday thursday friday, and 5 days a week for the next couple of months, then bi-weekly, and eventually, a YEAR after initial release, they announced the "all clear". When people asked what the hell an "all clear " was, the reply was "we have patched the game back to the intended 1.0 retail version standard we should have released a year ago. The only explanation ever given for all this was "goblins broke into the office and swapped the 1.0 disc for a 0.3 alpha in the night, before we put it in the post..." Even after a year of hotfix patches, the game still wasn't 1.0, more like a 0.8 beta, not even an RC build. The dev company almost went bust, they were forced to resort to crowdfunding for an 80's style sideways scroller to try and earn enough cash to keep the lights on. ... STO... They did a forced update to their client that had a critical directx buglet in the loading screen, and a failed error handler buf, that combined meant 20% of the user base couldn't run the game without it crashing to desktop. The first bug failed to use the auto-detect for directx version, and sent a dx11 command to dx9 and dx10 systems. Those systems reported back with a 2 part error code, first part refering to a generic multi problem code, the second telling you which problem was refered to. Second bug, in the error handler didn't bother checking the second part of the code, so it assumed that it was ALWAYS the first on the list "Error your gfx card has fallen out of the back of your pc" and CTD's the game, rather than realising that it should have been "Warning - invalid dx command recieved, command has been ignored" The company's customer tech support, didn't know what was wrong, and simply told the affected 20% of the users "your pc are too suck for STO", the devs didn't know because tech support NEVER told them it was broken. ONE user noticed what was going wrong, and she posted the first workaround for the problem ion the forums, she did this because she had been in tech support for decades... Can you guess her name on this forum? ... Rapid release cycles have become a major thing these days, to such an extent it's regarded as "normal" for groups of "high fashion cluster-shag github programing in a theoretical user free environment" fanboi faux-devs to release broken 0.7 beta software as 1.0 retail, then hotfix patch it to usability over several months while the customers rant andfoam that their software doesn't work and doesn't do what it claimed. The WHOLE "Bug of the Week Build" thing every Friday, with the "Hotfix of the week" on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, which is why the faux devs don't have time to TEST Fridays NEW "Bug of the week build" I use Catznip, I love their "we dont fubar your SL for 12 months at a time" approach, it allows me to spend a year laughing my ass off at users of over-updated viewers that end up on the forums complaining about "does any one else have problems with the new version" Forced Updates are great for devs... You always know what version of the software the users are complaining about... They are bloody awful for users... You never know if the next auto-eff-up date will break things to the point where you can't use it at all, and there's NO option to NOT install the busted crap. Auto or Manual updates... THEY ARE CALLED AUTO-EFF-UP DATES FOR A REASON How often should updates be released... WHEN THEY ARE READY Should updates be forced... HELL NO Hahahaha! Like that thing where YOU decided people shouldn't use the "cursor keys" to move around, because the Gods of 80's Retro Gaming had decreed that we should all use WASD? Some years back LL updated their installer to demand that your OS had all the latest service packs installed or it wouldn't run... This ended with people being unable to install the 'latest viewer' and their old one wouldn't run because "theres a mandatory update". One RLV tpv user, who tried to install the SL viewer to break rlv and reset gear, found she couldn't. She contacted Livechat support to ask why she couldn't install the SL Viewer and was told... "Installing an RLV enabled tpv permanently alters your pc so you can never run the sl viewer again..." *I* had to calm her down, and explain that Livechat.Linden was a two faced lying sack of tech-illiterate crap, and that all she had to do was install an RLVa capable tpv, and then turn off rlva support in preferences when she needed to relog and break out of gear. See also the "suppoort response" at STO when their devs fubared an update. Stupid support responses" are an industry standard these days regardless of release cycles or forced updates, because ... Tech-illiterate call center staff using badly made un-updated "tech support knowledge base" apps. Good Practice: Download, discover its buggy crap, report he bugs and roll back to Until the bugfix build is announced... Bad Practice: Download, discover its buggy unusable crap, and you are stuck with it, unless you follow the dev's advice to... ... Change brands by moving away from Arrogant-Ware to people who understand tat they make mistakes at times and that users might NEED to roll back. So... You already KNOW why forced updates are bad... Yet still you insist we have them... Go figure...
  5. *GASP* You don't use "paint on" brows in FirstLife?
  6. I turned down the offered "free upgrade" to Windon't 10... I just love sitting on my copy of Windon't 7 watching W10 users complain about the adspam-malware-OS's inability to run Windon't compatible software without constantly demanding that you upgrade things for which there is no upgrade... Best cure for W10 problems ever... W7!
  7. This reminds me of a store "cctv footage" video I saw ages ago on SpewTube... Guy A, a typical Murican 2nd Amendment type is loitering in front of the beer fridges in the store, Guy B, who is shorter and weaker, and obviously very, very drunk, comes in and tries to stagger to his favorite brand of carbonated alcohol infused horse urine... Guy A is in the way so Guy B tells him to move his ass, then getting no response he shoves Guy A. Guy A puls out his Clot .54 Yank-Pistol, and shoots Guy B in the cheat at a range of less than 2 feet, then claims he's allowed to do this because of the 2nd Amendment, and because he's completed the paperwork and "gun skill tests" for a Concealed Carry permit, and because "I felt threatened..." There's a lot of blather about demanding "respect" these days... Most of the people demanding "respect", don't in fact deserve any. We should "respect" the "right" of some gun nut to act like an ass and stand in peoples way, and commit 2nd degree murder on anyone who disagrees, because, he owns a Clot .54 Yank-Pistol? And when this tendency branches off into "race" then it gets really insane. A while back a well known forum regular, essentially stated that RL White people from parts of the world with a radically different RL Ethnic Mix than the San Fran Bay area, were making "too many white avatars", and that a greater proportion of the noob starter avatars should be non white. But you can guarantee, if the RL white people took the larger percentage of non-white starter avatars, as a not so subtle hint that they are supposed to make Ethnic Avatars, that the very same ethnic complainers, would then scream blue murder about denigration of their race/culture, and cultural appropriation, blah blah blah. ... RL, I spent a fair part of my childhood growing up in a part of London where our nearest street market, for fruit & veg, and groceries etc., was in an area with a large ethnic population. I grew up eating rice & peas, dumplings and Jamaican patties, and goat curry, from a takeaway van at the end of the street market, it was one of those weekly post grocery shop treats. I can't go "home" now and walk to that catering van... Last time I was back in my "home neighbour hood" some ethnic complainer, one of those reverse racists shouted across a public street that I should "go back where I came from...". I recognised the a-hole... We'd been in the same class at the local primary school together... His family lived in the next street to mine. ... To the OP... Wear a white avatar, and they will b*tch at you, wear an ethic avatar and they will b*tch at you, it's a no-win situation, so just tell em to go fornicate themselves rectally with a chainsaw, and wear what you damn well please... Welcome to SecondLife...
  8. ... Hey... Like it says in the sig... Give somebody a fire and they are warm for a day... SET somebody on fire and they are warm for the REST OF THEIR LIFE!
  9. Maybe, foolish as he was, he still had enough sense to instinctively avoid the mistake of sending me an IM...
  10. The members of the League of Laughing Lesbians, have eaten it all, while we were watching this "pass the hidden boyfriend" nonsense...
  11. Living in a university town, within a 1/4 mile of the "clueless middle class pseudo-intellectual drunken teenager ghetto" I can honestly say that the thought of a petting zoo filled with collared under-grads, fills me with horror... If you want to make one, do it in Australia, far, far away from us... Somewhere out in the Bush, where the poisonous snakes, spiders, salt water crocs, and heat maddened sheep roam free...
  12. Nowhere, he hasn't finished trying to create it yet...
  13. One thing a lot of SL users think, is that we are sick and tired of students coming to SL for no other reason than to... Ask us what we think... This isn't some under-graduate's "test subject petting zoo" or "amateur market research practice zone"...
  14. Works for me... It's actually quite annoying... "Hi customers, we're having a snapshot contest to win a free copy of our latest product! This contest is only open to customers that use self-entitled-head-up-arse-bastards.net..." Are they allowed to do that, yes, is it fair to their customers that don't use that particular "social arseware" site, no. Go back and look at this thread again... "Oh WOE! The universe is ending because some social arseware using idiot misread an announcement on a social arseware site and started a pointless petition to complain about a non-problem!" ... This sort of crap is why I don't use ArseBook, or Splatter, or Pucker, or any of them.
  15. Because fairly recently, SpewTube changed from the old standard video formats, mostly flash, to "new high fashion overpaid web monkey geekware" html5 video formats that ONLY work in the current crop of "high fashion" web browsers, and do not work in anything that triggers "Warning, our overpaid under talented web monkey code has detected you use an UNFASHIONABLE browser". MoaP apparently isn't "fashionable" enough to support SpewTube any more.
  16. Yeah, well that happens... "Normal" SL people would expect that, because, the people currently in a group and currently online *MIGHT* be, you know, in the middle of something... "Cant answer now, plane is crashing!" Obviously, people didn't find you as amusing as you believe your self to be. That tends to happen when people start whining that the other members in the group, didn#t immediately drop everything they were doing and pander to the whims of the "Queen of SL", but instead start muttering dirty revolutionary talk about lynching some "self entitled self important special snowflake"... It's NOT growing in popularity, it's in genteel decline, with an aging population who, as as we get older, get less and less tolerant of "self important self entitled special snowflakes" making demands of us... I don't suppose it occured to you that most of the people in the group ARE NOT FS TECH SUPPORT STAFF... They do NOT get paid to drop everything that 's going on in THEIR SLives, just to meet your FOOLISH expectations of prompt VIP Customer Service. Even the ACTUAL FS Support Staff are unpaid, AND have their own SLives... And yes, I used to do tech support for a living, RL, and if you'd used that tone with me, you'd have been lucky if your ears didn't bleed by the time I'd finished "calling you rude names" (British, working class, ex-military, and able to walk into a dockside bar and have sailors come running out 5 mins later with their hands over their ears...).
  17. I don't use FS, but on the preferences panel, there should be a tab for 'chat' settings, and another for "notifications", I'd expect it to be there, where you can set an alert sound for incoming IM's, or for new lines in chat and group chats, etc.
  18. There, NOW those lines are in the RIGHT order...
  19. This is really easy to do, and a really bad idea, as it just makes pointless script lag. A better option is to go in to your viewer preferences, and set the notification options to play a sound every time something is said in local, which should be an option there.
  20. No. Yes. It's happening because the uploaded texture is 32 bit rgba, instead of 24 bit rgb, this makes SL automatically set the texture's alpha type as "alpha blend", and this is causing an alpha blend sort glitch with the texture on the lenses. On the texture panel, set the alpha type for the "frame" texture face to "none", and that should cure the problem, if you made the mistake of making the mesh ONE face instead of two, you'll need to remake the mesh.
  21. They haven't... That isn't LL's fault, thats just how things are, people want stuff that looks like stuff, and doesn't break the LI piggybank on their parcel. The days when you could charge a couple of grand for a 238 prim eyesore that looked like it was made of scrap plywood by a 5 year old, are GONE... What makes you THINK that anyone at LL actually knows how to use Blender to make optimised mesh for SL.? It's not what they do, that tends to get subcontracted out to... The Moles... LL have a proven track record of not reaching those of us who actually pay attention, as well as they might. Reaching people with their heads buried in the sand, is, I suspect way beyond their capabilities. Ah... A Frankenviewer user... Try pulling the "Viewer 1 belongs DEAD" lever down in the lab under the castle, hmm ?
  22. I'm sure Netflix's legal affairs team would agree with you after Disney bankrupts Netflix with punitive damages for taking down all the disney content because they received a DMCA from a "Mr Noname Mc Nobody" with no traceable RL contact details via a mobile Web cafe in a Yurt in Outer Mongolia... Obviously, if Mr Mc Nobody felt strongly enough about Disney pirating all that movie IP from him, to climb on his pony and ride for 3 days and two nights to the web-yurt to file a DMCA, no further validation is needed to takedown all Disney owned IP, right? Hahahahahaha
  23. The problems are... 1. It's Voice-spam, LL don't supply it or control it, it's a 3rd party product run by Vivox, and it's integration into SL has ALWAYS been flakey. 2. There is no known guaranteed to work set of "trouble shooting steps" that will always cause Voice-Spam to function on ANY pc, because... It's flakey and always has been., praying to a photo of Presidump Trump, is about as reliable a way of fixing it as anything else, overall, in the long run. 3. You talk about "troubleshooting" which almost certainly means you ran the near worthless "Microbloat Windon't Troubleshooting" thing, which won't tell you a damn thing about SL, or Vivox, or why one isn't talking to the other. 4 You did a clean install, which is fairly pointless, as the most likely causes of Voice-spam failure have nothing to do with your viewer install at all, being either server related, the link between SL, and Vivox, and you, or with the widespread adoption of Windon't 10, are auto-update related, where it turns off your sound. Reinstalling your viewer was basically a waste of time. 5. Actually, it's HIGHLY likely to be the case, what versions of Windon't are running on the two computers, What auto-update settings do they both use. One machine disabling Voice-Spam after an update that the other didn't get, is a distinct possibility. 6. Your attitude isn't going to help, as the people best able to help you, simply, won't 7. Voice-spam is an Abomination unto the Dark Gods of the Grid, and they have cursed you... You must repent your evil Voice-spamming ways, and type in Local Chat as the Dark Gods intended, and show your submission to Their Will, by sacrificing a noob in one of the Stepped Temples on the Forgotten Isles to the North West of the Bones of the Leviathan... ... Hope that helps, but if it doesn't, meh not my problem, nor my job to help sarky tech-illiterates who mouth off at the people foolish enough to try and help them...
  24. Ahhh! the "I don't need no stinking facts, I have misremembered memories seen through Rose Tinted Welding goggles!" defence... Well done, now we all know that your memory is failing, we can safely discount any testimony from your corner...
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