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Everything posted by Klytyna

  1. I didn't claim that all the stores that vanished from the Madlands went Islands... Some moved to the MP, some simply closed up for good... But some moved, the point is that certain Rose tinted blindfold wearing, golden age mourning, doomsayers claiming that "All that empty wasteland is because stores moved from the Madlands to the MP" is over simplistic and almost certainly factually incorrect BS. Estate sims that theres no market for, close... LL doesn't leave them open and 'abandoned'. It's not "too much grid" it's clearly "too much Madlands", because the non Madlands sims, the new homesteads and openspaces, were being occupied, no customers for those sims, no creation of those sims. People LEFT Madlands for the new type of estate sims... Too much Madlands. Never said you did... The person doing that is Greek... Who's post was the one I originally replied to. All his threads go the same way... "Hi I'm Greek, and I'm an old account... SL is doomed! This is because LL have forgotten the Madlands, and forgotten people like me, who are special, I deserve special rules to allow me to increase my prim allowance without having to pay more money! Also, there are too many noobs around, and the MP is evil because, nobody wants to live and work in the Madlands! Close the MP, ban noobs, MAKE THE MADLANDS GREAT AGAIN! PS Can i have more prims without having to pay." ... It's like a one man Trump rally held by a village postmaster, in one of those forgotten towns that's been abandoned because the worked out coal seams under the town have caught fire, and the whole abandoned town can be bought for a dollar because the subsidence and toxic fumes make it uninhabitable...
  2. You ever seen that "famous" graph of SL population, the one from the grid survey site, that a;; the doomsaying sky-is-falling merchants for the last 10 years keep posting... Go find a copy, look at how the population slowly increased between the opening of SL, and late 2006... Then notice the MASSIVE spike upwards and then notice the fairly massive falloff after early 2009... Then tell us all how there was "no mass exodus". While you are checking the grid survey site, you might also check their data on average Madlands prices... and when they peaked. Apparently, after 2005/6 when according to you "Madlands was pretty much dead", land prices rose sharply during that 2006-2009 population spike, and then, slumped down below 8 ls /sqm (did you think I just pulled that number out of thin air?). Late 2006 to mid 2008 was a bit of a boom time for Madlands land prices, prices whos substantial drop coincides with a substantial drop in the number of potential buyers... The numbers are a matter of public record.
  3. One of the unused ones? I once terrified somebody by threatening to strand them on Noob Island with their ability to TP out restricted by RLV, with a float text over their head that said "I answer questions"... You did pick up on the fact that people were complaining about a lack of FUN things to do? Erm yeah... The Wiki/Knowledge-base... Thing is, a lot of that is obsolete and essentially worthless crud, and by the time you have enough experience and knowledge to tell which bits are worthless crud, you have enough experience and knowledge to never go anywhere near the wiki/knowledge-base...
  4. Do tell... Can't disagree with that, but I do ask what exactly the drop in the number of estate sims between 2010 and 2018, has to do with the drop in average Madlands prices between 2007 and 2009? Or with the mass exodus of would be Madlands property speculators from SL, between late 2008 and 2010. You know, that massive drop in the population graph, that marked the end of the "Golden Age of the Madlands". Mhmmm... Too much bloody Madlands... Land Glut, caused by poor market research. Wait... You blame people abandoning the Madlands on the creation of Homesteads and Openspace sims? But... Why would Happy Contended Madlanders abandon their Cheaper Than Ever parcels, to move to more expensive homestead sims, unless... So, you claim my point is wrong, then cheerfully cite the evidence that supports my point to prove the point is wrong... Hahaha... Two ways of saying EXACTLY the same thing... People left the Madlands because they decided it was a craphole, and the Islands were better EVEN if it cost them more to live there. Really? How exactly? The excess Madlands you referred to... ...Are still there... And while there has been a slow but steady drop in the number of Estate sims, there's also been a steady drop in the number of people IN SL, and living on the Madlands... How exactly does "Same amount of dirt, fewer people willing to buy it" correct a land glut? The answer is it doesn't. There has been a land glut for most of the last 10 years, there has also been an inflated market for that glut of land for most of the last 10 years, the only large surge in demand has happened RECENTLY, as in THIS year with the "Tiericide" campaign. Well hell yes... Logical at last, yet more un-needed Madlands, will only increase the glut... Personally though I don't expect it to have that much effect on prices, the Madlands prices are part of a "bubble" economy maintained by the land flippers anyway, with little connection to "supply or demand" thinking, adding more un-demanded supply won't change artificial prices by any significant degree, especially if the new plots ARE "Entitlement Club" properties that can't be sold or otherwise used for "land speculation". And odds are the old 512 entitlement club ghettos will simply be trimmed back further, as they have been in the past to compensate for falling "EntitleMent Club" membership figures, so the creation of new club ghettos, won't do a damn thing to lower stupid inflated bubble prices for roadside on Zindra. Sure in worlds stores have closed, but , again, a lot of stores have MOVED from Madlands to Islands..., seeking to escape griefers, or laggy neighbours or whatever, you can't blame Madlands store depletion entirely on the MP. ... Simple truth here is that the claim that "The MP is destroying the Madlands, LL has forgotten us, close the MP and make the Madlands great again..." is just clueless wailing from people mis-remembering a "golden age" that never really existed.
  5. What? You didn't get the memo about the lead weighted throwing sticks? Bloody useless pyramid obsessed lazy Kemet scribe bastard... I *TOLD* him it was important... *rolls eyes*
  6. Actually, it would be more accurate to say that the Madlands has vast tracts of empty land because... 1. Late 2008, average sale prices dropped below 8 L$/sqm, and the majority of the 2006-2009 crowd, realised they would never get RL rich by 'playing a video game' and just... left... 2. Many of those who stayed decided that the griefers and the dirty fighting of the Madlands Parcel Wars, made the Madlands a terrible place to live and they emigrated to the Private Islands, where life was, simply, better...
  7. Don't encourage him... It's bad enough he's skived off work, finishing the new continent, to unpack his shoes, without you talking him into taking a second 'sickie' to arrange the bloody things on display! *rolls eyes*
  8. That's what quad barreled, belt feed, tripod mounted, autoloading, 6 Guage shotguns were invented for...
  9. Surely, the most likely identity for an account "created" at the zero date of the SLuniverse would be... ... The Grim De-Rezzer... ...
  10. You kind of missed the point... The identity of the DMCA filer has to be verified... That is, that the DMCA comes from a REAL person, with a REAL Snailmail address, and a REAL tel. number, and that they or their Lawyers can actually be contacted... What's supposed to happen after the temporary take down is that the takedown victim is given the DMCA filers Firstlife contact details, included in a DMCA to that the takedown victims lawyers and the DMCA filers lawyers can meet in court to do battle... DMCA is and will always be a failure, because, it's far too common that a takedown is issued based on a DMCA from people who subsequently cannot be traced, no contact, no court case, no proof of innocence or guilt, no chance of a defence... "Fraudulent DMCA's from un-people as vendor vs vendor black-op covert warfare" That's why LL require the paperwork they do, before accepting a DMCA report. Your "valid document"...
  11. Didn't you get the memo? Mesh is of the Devil, it was invented by filthy griefer alt noobs who don't have proper last names, to promote Communism, Satan Worship, , Sexual Deviancy, and voting Demopublican... It's all part of a sinister International Plot by Euro-Commies to help Canada invade California via a tunnel under the South Pole, and destroy John Wayne's house!
  12. WARNING: Fact free tech-illiterate FossilNoob SL-Neanderthal BS Attack detected! All Techy types, please report to battlestations, this is NOT a drill! No, that's simply not the case, and hasn't been since well, before YOU were rezzed... And here comes the vapid collection of clueless "mesh is of the Devil" crapola we've all come to know, expect, and despise in posts that start like yours. Wrong, it streams to your viewer just like a texture then sits in your cache... it doesn't "constantly stream". Prims are NOT directly connected to SL, they are constructed in your viewer from information that is... Yes you guessed it, STREAMED from the Sim Servers & Asset Servers! And yet more tech-illiterate SL-Neanderthal Bollocks! The mesh is streamed from exactly the same Asset Servers as textures, and the contents of your inventory, and all the prim linksets in world. If the Asset servers went down, EVERYTHING goes poof... If you thinks something the size and scope of Sl can be "fixed in a few days", you obviously have NO concept of technology, hardware setup, programming, or objective reality as experienced by the rest of the human race. Enjoy your trip, send us a postcard from Cloud-Cuckoo-Land when you get there, if you enjoy it, why not extend your vacation, take a 6 month sabbatical!
  13. I refuse to use ANY version of the SL Inferiority Viewer because a) it's inferior, and b) no RLVa. And the knowledge that the many and varied water presets are being removed to make room for a new system, doesn't make EEP more attractive. The new controls look interesting, but will mainly be for the technically minded, so the majority eagerly awaiting "per parcel" windlight settings will suddenly find themselves without water settings to complement their chosen parcel windlights... And a need to suddenly learn the basics of optical physics, and then learn how the parameters shown above relate to the actual scientific terminology used in optical physics. For example, I see sliders for refraction scale, and blur, but nothing for setting Index of Refraction, which in manyways is far more important in determining the nature of a liquid's visual appearance. Lakes of liquid nitrogen on some distant moon don't have the same IoR as sea water for example. ... PS. From your screen shot, I can see why your water is opaque from above and clear from below... Like I said, go and learn how to use your viewer before demanding that something needs to be "fixed"
  14. The appearance of LL Water from above is largely the product of which "water preset" your viewer is set to use... From clear Caribbean lagoon shallows, to dense black lakes of crude oil... Assuming that therefore "Water needs fixing because clueless artistes didn't bother to check their viewer settings" is a bit premature. Go find out how your viewer works first eh?
  15. I have nothing but condemnation for all your "ideas" because I've seen all of them before, from people a lot smarter and more tech savvy than you, with the EXACT SAME pathetic "griefing is ok if it's on your own land and for ART and /or against RLV users" egotistical BS. Your suggestion that one of the major reasons for introducing your "super invisiprims" was to "eliminate 85% of skyboxes, for example. Who the HELL are you to try and DICTATE that people should have their skyboxes "eliminated" and be forced to live at ground level because YOU think its more immersive and "amazeballs". Then this this current plan to use an RLV/Experience Hybrid Abomination to carry out Art-Griefing... Where "people can log out if they don't like it"... And NOW you've discovered guns... So whats next? Rlv/Experience Art Cannon, to deliver your Ego-Whore Art Griefer attacks grid wide? People like you are why Grid Wide experience code has been so slow in coming. You disgust me. This conversation is over.
  16. If a griefer, attacked you with some scripted griefer hud, that left your avatar stiuck, embedded in the sim boundry, 3700 above ground, unable to move or TP, FORCING you to have to relog, you would quite rightly, file an AR against them. Because they were a griefer But like all clueless non-RLVa using vanillas, you assume that because your victims are using RLVa that you have some god given right to FORCE them to relog to escape your actions, and that you should be immune to all comeback. Because they are just "rlv ho's who cant say no" and YOU, YOU are NOT a griefer, YOU are a NICE person, with a RIGHT to screw up other peoples day, because YOU are an ARTISTE! You assume wrongly. I'm British, not some arrogant yank spelling-fail... Theres support in lsl, for scripted prim guns, and for "LL damage" which automatically sends people "home" when they are "dead". Nether the less, most regions in SL do NOT have LL Damage enabled, and prim gun based ePeener vs ePeener combat is a minority interest. Once again you assume that EVERYONE in SL MUST enjoy what YOU enjoy, because "LL put code for it in the system". You assume wrongly.
  17. I's what ever the Immersive Artiste-Wannabe griefer uses to screw with other peoples SecondLives, on the assumption that their "Immersive Conceptual Experiemntal Art Project" is FAR more important than anything the visitors might possibly want or expect... Your plans will require a mix of RLVa and Experience code, to actually achieve what you expressed as your goal in your initial post, More than that they will require the use of these elements to a point where you are basically a border line griefer. "Welcome to Macr's Art Griefer Mi9ni Game, please enable rlva and accept the experience... to continue... Thank you for complying... Got ya you sucker, now i forbid tp so you cant escape, force you into mouselook so its more immersive and arty, and screw with your avatar! Wait! No! you cant rage quit from SL and relog somewhere else, how dare you leave my art before the shows over! Come back you ungrateful low brow plebs!" And you arrogantly assume that EVERYBODY visiting your art-cesspit will be "tons of tris", and that whatever frightful abomination you pan to force them to wear, will be more "optimised and better performing" that what they had. Problem is you have already proved beyond any shadow of a doubt, in previous posts on previous threads that what you actually know about optimisation and performance could be written in neon letters 10 feet tall, on the back of a postage stamp, and STILL leave room for an amusing haiku ridiculing Art-Griefer-Wannabe's... ... As I said... You want to do this whole "force visitors to wear whatever badly conceived, badly designed, badly made, Immersion-wear you have in mind, and mess with their camera settings, griefer style, move to Project Stupid, that's the sort of thing Project Stupid was supposedly created for.
  18. Oh Dark God's of the Grid preserve us... Here we go again! So, no change there then... There are limitations to llAttachToAvatarTemp, that if ignored (as they almost certainly will be) will in fact render it next to bloody useless... Basically, no, not a hope in hell, just forget it... Hiding an avatar via a script, while still allowing a rigged mesh of your chance to be seen? No. Not a chance in hell, no... With RLV/RLVa on a target wearing an auto-relay, and using an RLV/RLVa enabled TPV, you could STRIP an entire avatar, send it a folder with a whole body alpha layer, and force it to wear that before attaching whatever bloody awful thing you have in mind. But vanilla viewers, no, not a chance in hell. Yes, every "Immersive Art Griefer Wannabe" thinks like that... Awww, too bad, the majority of SL's population will be immune to your art attacks! Nope, not a chance in hell... To make them appear as a bakefail cloud, you would have to... Detach one of the 4 supposedly undetachable required avatar components. No script will allow you to do that. Even if you could, with out that component, the entire avatar AND EVERY THING ATTACHED TO IT, is a cloud, including whatever bloody awful thing you had planned to inflict on them You want to do stuff like force victims of an Art Griefer Installation to wear your chosen avatar, move to Project Stupid and build an "experience". Many people in SL already use RLVa capable viewers, but refuse to enable RLVa in them, because "reasons". Many of those who DO use RLVa would cheerfully lynch you from a tree, after tar-&-feathering you, and THEN set you on fire, for what you plan to attack them with. Yes in deed, I've lost count of the number of times I've foolishly sat on something and discovered it was scripted by some retarded lsl hack Artiste-wannabe whose dumb ideas about where my camera should be have massively dropped my FPS... Please don't. RLV/RLVa users already get enough grief from arrogant hacks who assume that us using RLVa is a grant of open permission to be griefed by a-holes. Griefing RLVa users because its supposed to be "art" is not a valid justification. The ability to use RLVA if desired is commonplace, the actual enabling of RLVa in the viewer is much less so, and even then, for you to interact with it and use it against the user as an Art-Griefing weapon, would require them having an auto-rlv relay, which means you'd have to FORCE one on them with experience code, and mixing rlva and experience code is an ABOMINATION that will almost certainly get you repeatedly AR'd by disgruntled RLVa users who didn't WANT your relay attached to them. It wall also almost certainly get your art sim a reputation as a place sane respectable RLVa users should avoid at all costs. See, I was right, you ARE an arrogant Artiste-Griefer Wannabe... And you fraudulently assume that another of your tech-illiterate schemes will some how magically "improve SL's performance., without bothering to consider the performance effects od people mass-rage quitting from your sim, because doubtless, once you start abusing RLVA, you'll decide that forcing people into perma-mouselook and preventing them tp'ing out before the "show" is over would ruin the "immersiveness of the experimental conceptual art experience" and thus compromise your "integrity as an ARTISTE!".
  19. Ok... Ummm, yeah this is what we technically refer to as "Tech-Illiterate SL-Fossil Permanoob School of Everyone Knows Class of 2006 'I spoke to a Linden once so it must be true" Bollocks" Depends on what exactly the problem IS, and if it's one that can be fixed by a restart... Poor sim perfomance from "memory leak" due to excessive time between restarts, or lag caused by lots of heavy landscaping and building... Restart it. Poorsim performance caused by having too many scripts, or physical set linksets, or pathfinding. Resetting wont help worth a damn, don't even waste your time looking at the button. Maybe a restart will relocate your sim to a different server, and maybe it won'tr, maybe relocationg will make things worse, and maybe it won't, you have no way of knowing, and no way of affecting the outcome, so don't waste time worrying about it. Sims update their 'stored state at regular intervals, if you reset very quickly, after throwing down a build, it can SOMETIMES mean that when the sim restarts, it does so from a saved state prior to the new build going in... You'd have to do a build damn fast, and restart damned fast and be unlucky for it to be a major problem. Yup you're right, a lot of that problem is really old accounts who knew nothing worth while, and just "chinese wispered" some garbage they heard from somebody who heard from somebody, who asked entirely the wrong Linden (what exactly does PayRollClerk Linden know about the sim server hardware?), and which is assumed to be "True" because you heard it from a 12 yr old account, who's SL-IQ is automatically believed to be equal to their SL age measured in weeks, and who *gasp* once spoke to an actual member of the Linden Clan!
  20. A) Why does England have to have neighbours like the French? B) What exactly is Belgium actually for? "Congratulations! You are smarter than a duck!" Punching teenage middle class suburban vegan girls repeatedly in the head while screaming "Remove head from arse, grow a brain, eat BACON, you jaundiced, sallow skinned, stuck-up freak!"
  21. No, it's LL's prototype for the forthcoming "Entitlement Club - Lite" reduced LI starter home...
  22. You might have a graphics card that can generate 144 fps, you might even have a monitor that can display 144 fps... But, like most clueless "leet gamerz" fps braggarts, you only have the standard Mk 1 Human Eyeballs, which can only SEE the image at a measly 25-30 fps... That's why analog televisions half a century ago were made in 50-60 fps INTERLACED, for an actual fps of 25-30. That's why video games consoles of the 90's boasted of 60 fps (they forgot to mention it was interlaced). That's why tech illiterate "leet gamerz" think that 60 fps NON INTERLACED and over, is in fact, needed at all...
  23. Look at this picture! Yes, that's right, you too can spend hours every day to be so poor in SL, that you have to dress your avatar in Wold-O-Crap Discount Freebie Warehouse's "Worst of 2007" box set castoffs!
  24. Contact your Dumbocratically Elected Professional Liar on Crapitol Hill, and demand new laws creating new tools... That's because DMCA's need to be verified... SL has had problems in the past with "disposable alts" filing fraudulent DMCA's against rival brands as a form of "Black-Ops" vendor vs vendor covert warfare. DMCA was/is a poorly designed law, and that in part is why it doesn't work as intended. The only fix for that is... You elected professional liar on the hill, who is probably the same clueless oaf who voted for DMCA in the first place...
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