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Everything posted by Klytyna

  1. Just so the paperwork is all clear and sorted... *coughs, puts on scarlet military frock coat and a tricorn, and assumes heroic pose* I claim this continent in the name of Her Most Britannic Majesty, and name it Brittopia! May the Dark Gods of the Grid bless refrain from cursing all who sail near her! (The continent, not Her Most Britannic Majesty...) *removes colony claiming costume* There, all sorted...
  2. Paging @Callum Meriman ... Callum Meriman please report to SSP aisle 5...
  3. Sailing Sim Paramilitary... The SLCG goons are gonna love this, and immediately claim authority to AR people for standing still near, on or in any of it's waterways because "Self-Important Paramilitary Goon RP Uber Alles!", as soon as it officially opens... *groan* We must immediately found the SLRN to defend the coasts of Brittopia from these aquatic fiends!
  4. Ya know... Looking at SSP as a whole... It occurs to me that it's shaped like a badly drawn UK currency symbol, say one done by a 5 year old in crayon... £ Does this mean we Brits are getting our OWN exclusive SL Continent? Suspiciously Shaped Pounds
  5. Realistically... Voice-spam has NEVER worked properly, as for advice on making it work, you can reset routers, re-boot your computer, burn incense before a statue of a goat headed hermaphrodite, or walk backawards, counter-clockwise around a lucky-rabbit's foot... All are about as reliable at making voice-spam function properly when it randomly decides not to... That being said... Do you use win10, and do you have auto-fubar-updates for win 10 enabled... Win 10 apparently has a habit of turning off your voice when it auto-fubar-updates... ... Also... Lost Connections is a sub-forum for threads about finding friends who have gone missing, not for complaining that glitchy stuff that never worked right, doesn't work right and is glitchy.
  6. Realistically... There are enough problems guaranteeing DELIVERY for the MP, never mind redelivery for the whole grid...
  7. Joined the military straight out of school, got assigned to some R&D section, doing "weapon analysis", on results from test firing assorted naval ordinance at ship sized chunks of basalt off the coast of Scotland, then I left the military after the Falklands war and went into IT Operations, mostly on "mini computers" the size of Italian cars, then PC Support... Now I'm retired on health grounds...
  8. "Halloween", with the pumpkins, and the obsession with orange, and the trick or treating is very American... When I wasa kid, we didn't go trick or treating here... Nobody did, except a tiny handful of middle class kids with trendy parents trying to be 'mid atlantic' in their lifestyles. All the things Americans associate with the 'holiday of Halloween" are relatively recent imports to the UK, and other non American countries... Thanksgiving... We don't have that un-holiday here... Columbus Day? Why the hell would WE celebrate an Italian NOT reaching America with an un-holiday, here in the UK? Martin Luther? Wasn't he some German trouble maker, late medieval era? Nope we don't celebrate that un-holiday either. Valentine's day... We do have that in the UK, but my family stopped celebrating it as my younger sister grew up... she was born on the 14th of Feb, and our parents thought it would be cute to name her Valentine... So every year she'd get teased about Valentines Day, and of course, any attempt to throw a birthday party, as she grew up, tended to end in "sorry i am having dinner with my significant other... cos you know, romance..." She HATES V-Day with a passion... So we don't celebrate it when shes looking...
  9. I used Max 4 a very long time ago... but I hated the bloody UI, so I stopped using Max 4 and got a copy of Cinema 4D, which I found I preferred, that was MORE than 14 years ago... Should I assume that because I use an app you don't, and have done for more years than you've used Max, that you are talking out of your ass?
  10. Hmmm because we've both been involved in 3D for a long time, we both see the effects in SL EVERY time we log in, and are both tech savvy enough to understand whats going on... Heads up... Everything in SL is triangles, it's render engine is old enough that it doesn't handle quads and ngons like say Maya, Max, C4D, or most modern 3d modeling apps...
  11. Some years back, a survey in the UK found that working class people were TWICE as likely to die of mis-diagnosis then middle class people, because... They were more likely to nod and say "yes sir thank you sir" when told they just needed to go home and take some asprin and stop whining... The more self entitled middle classes were more likely to demand a second opinion, and discover they really were ill... A practical example of the dangers of automatically trusting a group of people simply because of their social class...
  12. Firstly, for most of the period when experiences have been around, most people didn't use them much, it was largly confined to that "compromised" experience connected with a popular brand of furniture script... Secondly, if you check the forums here, you'll find posts by myself, on a thread about somebody who wanted to use experiences to attach exactly that kind of full-auto-no-safeword relay to visitors on arrival so they could be force sat on the rlv furniture... Thirdly... Somebody I knew made their own rlv furniture item with avsitter, and then added an experience of their own (being an Entitlement Club member) to auto sit anyone who came into contact with the thing... Problem was the bloody thing had a 4 m x 4 m invisible floor plate,,, So, you walked up a flight of stairs, stepped on the excessive floor plate got experience sat upside down spread like a starfish on the bloody crap, you hit the stand button, and... Landed on the bloody floorplate and got experienced back on again in millisaconds... The only way to get off the bloody thing was to disable the experience, or, teleport away so you didnt land on the bloody floor plate, or rage quit out of SL... ... Forum rules forbid me from repeating what I said to the creator when they asked me what I thought of their "kewl rlv toy"... ... A typical self important snobby Entitlement Club BS Merchant response... People who are payment registered and used, without Entitlement Club membership are just as financially traceable, and equally non-disposable. Assuming that people who join Entitlewment Club are obviously and automatically "nice people who can be trusted with anything" is a gratuitous example of the unlicenced possession of illegal quantities of WEAPONS GRADE STUPIDITY. But we had this discussion before on another thread about Experience code and why many people dislike it. No... They explained that ADVANCED users can tinker with the debug settings, to protect themselves... That's not much comfort to somebody who just uses a viewer without understanding how it works, especially new people who are in fact the kind most likely to fall prey to this crap, because they are NOT suspicious minded b*tches like me who often walk around with invisi-squint turned on to spot 'trap floorplates' and who are wary of accepting experiences from people we don't know about JUST because they payed $72 a year to be a self-entitled arrogant ignorant snob... And this particular experience is widely available to people using avsitter scripts to attach items, without having to be Entitlement Club members, all you need is to drop the precompiled experience enabled avsitter scripts in your home-build furniture, enable the experience on your parcel and you are good to go, to automagically attach whatever to people. Yeah but you script rlv furniture on a 'professional' basis, for a store... Finding new evil to do to people is what you do, right? You work/worked for a woman who once told me to my face that land owning Entitlement club members like her could do no wrong because they were obviously "better people"... */me shrugs* Sorry but I find your attempts to justify crap by claiming that Entitlement Club members are automagically trustworthy, offensive.
  13. The lippy I'm wearing in my forum profile pic is a halloween dollarbie called "Pumpkin Spice"...
  14. I LOVE Giftmass!, the Noob Sacrifices to the Dark Gods of the Grid, presents, drunken parties, presents, Hunt the Gorean, presents, the smell of missionaries roasting on an open fire, presents... But then Orgytober, Naughtyvember and Decadentember are my favorite time of year... The whole thing with the "mythical jewish terrorist" cult is a bit tedious though...
  15. ... Bloody Awful job, with a quality that's comparable to a blind, one armed, compulsive chainsaw juggler, suffering from Delerium Tremens, attempting to perform delicate brain surgery, on a roller coaster... ... The problem with 3D content creation by, essentially, amateurs, has been around for ages, in all aspects, nit just SL... The problem starts with the expectation that software makers will have found a way to make 3D "Easy", that there will be some "Make Art" button you can simply push after typing a few keywords about what kind of art you want, and it will just happen, and you can slap your brand name on it, and distribute... Crud like the clothing generator "Megapoly Designer", or the "Make Human" project is about as close as anyone has got to that so far. Applications like Blender, have an Auto-Fail button to make really bad "waste most ofthe image map cookie cutter" uv maps, and an Auto-Fail button to apply badly overdone "A flock of flying squid pissed ink on everything" AO bakes, and an Auto-Fail button to apply badly over done "fake highlights applied with a bucket of whitewash and a 4 inch house painters brush" baked speculars... Easy 3D (tm) with Blunder 3D's Auto-Fail buttons, in SECONDS! Then people load this rubbish into the Official SL Inferiority Viewer's LoD Butcher Uploader... And THAT is why you get told when you buy the crap that you MUST have your lodfactor set to 4 or 6 or 8, and why you get texture thrashing because every single tiny piece has its own crappy cookie cutter 1024 x 1024 texture, and your vram is overflowing, and it takes 30 seconds to rez the high poly LoD0, but if you scroll your camera back more than 2 m, it degenerates into twisted mess of deformed triangles... ... ANYONE who thinks and expects e3D to be "Easy" should go take up another hobby... And there is the final problem... "I earn $20 an hour as a night shift reserve store manager 3rd class at Col.Mc Kings... So... My Blunder 3D hobbyist outpourings MUST generate at least $25 for every hour I spend on them... So I will NOT learn to do things RIGHT because it's slow and makes my hobby less profitable than my DAY JOB..." ... If people WANT to earn a living from 3D, realistically, they have to take the time to learn the damn skills, to do things right, then go apply for a job at Pixar or ILM... ... Me, I'm a hobbyist, but I've been one since the early 90's, I don't do 3D for money, just for fun.
  16. Attaching objects temporarily to avatars without Experiences works EXACTLY the same way as with, except for asking permission... llAttachToAvatarTemp() It's not a particularly good script command, it's a WEAR (rlv @attach) as opposed to an ADD (rlv @attachover), and generally FAILS if there is anything already attached to the target attachment point. And THAT is the sort of thing that has had me say publicly that combining Experiences with RLV is an abomination, that should be punishable by a mandatory perma-ban from SL... Somebody chooses to use an RLV enabled viewer, but doesn't walk around with a public access relay... Then some griefer-clown parcel owner abuses the Experience system to attach a full auto no safeword relay to you with the Experience you accepted "just for the teleport portals" to every avatar that the script reports as "female" , and that relay then sends you a bunch of "cripple your avatar" rlv commands (no tp out of the hellhole, no im's, no inventory access, windlight blindness, strips your clothing and mesh body/head, etc.), and then sends a folder for a non temp rlv attachment that if you use FS and set it up a certain way is automatically accepted, then attaches that folder, and hey presto, you are wearing some rlv griefer bastard crap enslavement device that requires a double relog to get you back to normal and away from that place... And of course when this comes out in conversations between victims and their friends, casual strangers seeking advice etc., it will be RLV that gets the blame for Experience Abuse... And all this because some "Master" who once tried an rlv forced mouselook for 60 seconds and found it "wonderfully immersive and certain to enhance a subbby rlv ho who cant say no's life when permanent" decided to abuse Experiences AND RLV on his "Friendly BDSM Hangout Sim - Noobs Welcome"... ... Immersiveness is not a valid justification for what is essentially LEGAL Sim Owner level griefing...
  17. Yes but you are a programmer... Coders live on caffeine...
  18. Even when they do... It won't be for most people... Only available to Madlands Entitlement Club members who are willing to pay an additional and as yet unspecified US$ fee.. So there will still be THOUSANDS of us "Residents" around...
  19. Banksy is a classic "Artist with an Extra E", he's also an IP violating hack... There was an article in the Manchester Evening news, in the last week or so, in which it was revealed that a whole bunch of "his" designs are in fact, stolen from another artist, an american if I recall correctly, who was living in the UK at one time, published several pieces, went home, then recently returned to the UK to see, basically his versions of her art on walls, being touted as genius, her comment was that while its ok for artists to use each other as sources of inspiration, some CREDIT would have been nice. Examples of stolen designs include "girl hugging a bomb", and "couple hugging in gasmasks" for example. So, like most "celebrated modern artists" he's just another over-rated fraud.
  20. I've been part of sim building and management teams... The prim pusher for the "more money than talent" types... It's not "fear" it's annoyance... If I get an LM to "a really cool place I should check out" and I TP in and get told I have 30 seconds to accept an "Experience" or be banned for 24 hours, that gives a bad impression, if I should accept the "Experience", and find my self on some "kinky furniture half a sim away, with a freeniss stuck to my head being animated in "woody the woodpecker" style in front of the crotch of a statue of a naked 12 year old while the sim owners friends take snapshots, laugh and file AR's, and have to RELOG to evade and un-accept all this crap... That is an annoyance I can do without, so no I won't accept the damn "Experience". Hmmm the Argument that... "I'm an Artiste, with the extra E, which Entitles me to shove my head up my rectum and talk crap..." Sorry, EPIC FAIL right there... Take windlights... You the "Artiste with an extra E", have chosen the windlight "Too Fugging Dark To See Properly" for your conceptual experimental interactive head-up-rectum art sim... But if somebody comes to your sim who has vision problems, and who uses a different windlight, so they can see something... You think you should blind them with "EEP Experiences" and ban them if they dislike being blind... Ahhh the Argument that because you payed money to build an area that leaves visitors blind, its ok to blind people... Guess what, many of those people ALSO paid money to be in SL, and to be able to see, without having a freenis glued to their head. I can assure you from personal "Experience", that SL has a great many low talent artiste -wannabe build-fails who take pride in their gpu destroying collections of lag-tech primwaste. The LEA sims are full of them for example... "Please sir mister arrogant self important low talent build-fail sim owner Artiste with the Extra E, may I visit your gpu destroying collection of lag-tech primwaste without switching to too-dark-to-see mode because I suffer a visual impairment, here is a weblink to a scan of my medical diagnosis, and a letter from my optician, thank you in advance... *lick lick* *fawn fawn* *grovel grovel*" Yeah I think you can probably guess EXACTLY what you can do with THAT suggestion... Make sure you enjoy the "Experience" as intended... Insert without LUBE...
  21. A gratuitous personal insult, in violation of Forum rules... Well done... Congratulations, 20 second teleports, you just destroyed the ability to walk across a sim border on the Madlands... If your sim rubberbands when a person tp's in, you have bigger problems... The word you failed to find is "entertaining"... I don't THINK I'm right, I know I am because I spent over a 1/4 of a century in professional corporate IT Operations and Support, telling people like you not to bring a screw driver to the office to "fix their word processor" because when they deleted the "unreadable letter word.exe" their "word processor stopped working"... You forget I've read your threads... The poor standard of English, the assuming you know the answer before asking the question, then whining because the experts won't agree with you... Like I said, I spent a 1/4 of a century being paid money to tell people like you that you were wrong... This conversation is over... Oh and I'll let this gratuitous insult go, but reply with another and...
  22. There's are official words for people like that... "Men" "Spouse" There was one drama llama at a place I used to hang out, who would automatically accuse ANYONE who ever disagreed with her, of being an alt of her most recent enemy, because she was too damn stupid to remember the names of all of them. She once accused me of being an alt of two people who are very definately not the same person and not me, and not only did i dislike both of, but who actively HATED each other and had sworn blood feud over charges of "Sub Stealing"...
  23. Not middle names... Middle initials... "Hank B Yank" "Wallabies R Tasty" Etc...
  24. Yeah, well back in those class-5/early class 7 days when it was 300 mb.. and 4 cores to a server, it's quite possible that heavy usage on one region could and would affect the other 3 via hard disk paging swaps or even just through dynamic virtual memory allocation. Depends what OS they were using on the servers... Microbloat Windon't OS's have always had weird 'virtual memory' settings by default, I used to always override them on my machines, and set a fixed amount right from the get go. The problem was that by default they would start with hardly any virtual memory, and 'dynamically' increase it as demand went up, but the increase was a laggy process, and you'd find some apps would crash and burn while waiting for the OS to decide there was a need for more virtual memory, 3D rendering apps were prime victims, as producing large resolution raytraced images used considerable amounts of memory and didn't like being told to wait while Windon't mucked about. I'm sure you remember the days when sharing a server with a laggy region meant your region lagged too, you mentioned it earlier in this thread. Now... I assume things improved with the class 8's and later, more actual RAM on the server machines, better memory allocation between the region simulator tasks, etc., as "shared server lag" seems less common than it once was. ... Cloud... Cloud worries me... How will performance be affected when the machine running the simulator for your region is owned by a subcontractor, who leases it to the cloud company who lease it to the Lab, and is shared with an accounts database from Peru, a hacker website from Russia, and a Californian Porno Webcam site, all running on a machine in a Yurt, 23 miles north west of Ulan Bator, in Mongolia... And how long will it take to get the hardware rebooted in extreme sim problem circumstances? You talk to livechat, they talk to the ll server crew, they call the cloud company, who call the subcontractor, who call the post office in the village, who send a boy to the yurt to tell Uglutz to push the large red button on the back...
  25. There are THREE ways touching an object can directly teleport you to some place... 1. The object is an LLDPW owned non-voluntary-experience portal 2. The object is a regular user owned experience portal, and you have accepted the experience 3. The object uses RLV/RLVa and you have that enabled in your viewer, and are wearing a relay set to accept such requests. Otherwise all it can do is... Sit TP, where you sit on the object, it moves to the destination and unsits you before it goes home, or... Open the world map, preset with a beacon (red circle) to the intended destination... You have to use the map to teleport to the designated destination by pressing the teleport button at the bottom of the map control panel, usually on the right of the map... If the point on the map is too close to where you already are, the teleport button will be greyed out. If you don't have a panel on the right of the world map with co-ordinate entry boxes, search boxes, map display options and... The Teleport button... You need to re-enable that in your UI settings, consult your FS dealer for instructions.
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