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Kimmi Zehetbauer

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Everything posted by Kimmi Zehetbauer

  1. No FB here either. Wish it would implode. But there is another social network known as MeWe and unlike FB you can make accounts with your avi's name and stuff.
  2. I noticed since I play very little now, those paychecks been adding up --- tad by tad. Will come to an end when I demote my premie level in a couple of weeks.
  3. Sometimes computer stuff have a mind of their own. Including servers.
  4. As for the Maitreya, there are some dishonest people claiming to be part of that company. When you land in their store one of the bots gives that reminder.
  5. Saw a shop that had a sign that if a CSR solved the issue, let the CSR know, event if it's just a "thank you." I remember long ago one shop had a bot CSR that every time you bought something, got an auto-PM from it trying to invite to a group that costs I think 50 or 100L and some spew.
  6. And sometimes, when a club moves and the following week there's a house there and your bum gets orbed out.
  7. There's no reason to become alarmed, and we hope you'll enjoy the rest of your flight. By the way, is there anyone on board who knows how to fly a plane?
  8. Rumack: Can you fly this plane, and land it? Ted Striker: Surely you can’t be serious Rumack: I am serious… and don’t call me Shirley.
  9. Another: When you give exact change to a cashier and it crashes their brain and want a $20 bill. Example the sale was a total of $12.55 and hand her a ten, a toonie and some change and she had this dumbfounded look on her face. 🤦‍♀️
  10. Another one: When your friend's list gets wiped or partly wiped by the system. This morning I got an offline PM from someone asking why I removed them from my friend's list. I told them I didn't. But upon looking at my list, it went from about 30ish to 6. Logging a couple times didn't help.
  11. Didn't they have orbs that logged you out. I remember that from back in 1952.....
  12. So...... The techs went to the dogs long ago! That must be Figaro Linden! 🤣
  13. They broketh it! The railroad mboard my man is an admin on going to do an upgrade too and runs Invision Board.
  14. After my last comments my man said it was the mboard software and something new they added on the update. Ewwww Google Authenticator. I hate something needs to use a smart phone to work. One of my vendors for my bar has 2FA for the ordering system. It requires the Google thing and since I'm one of 11 people on the planet without a smart phone, couldn't do it. After calling them they set it up so I could order the old way, but only until end of the year. I have since found a new vendor.
  15. They should attach that noob icon to new avi's in world that are less then 7 days old!
  16. Or those who take videos portrait style instead of landscape on their phone. When many last year were posting videos of Union Pacific 4014 steam locomotive on Youtube --- many shot their vids that way. He quickly started bypassing those.
  17. Some other mboards using the same forum software got updated. Invision recently rolled out some new things and we're seeing them as board owners update their sites.
  18. When we were playing DJ music from our RL bar into SL, my daughter, a couple of staff members and a front man from a big rock band (who's a regular) make avis and logged in. That ended when my man was 86ed from the SL club he played in, due to the owners being racist.
  19. One that happened to me recently --- a mboard that moved to FB. Went to the site and had a big FB logo and said join us there. There are some of us that avoid FB like the plague.
  20. Too friggin early. A local radio station in our area is starting Xmas tunes next month.
  21. A couple places at their landing point I saw a sign saying a chat repeater was used due to the size of the club.
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