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Kimmi Zehetbauer

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Everything posted by Kimmi Zehetbauer

  1. I played an MMO for a short time about 8 years ago and their GM would answer "Soon" when asked if this or that is coming soon. Many would copy him by putting "soon" in our posts too! ?
  2. I ran into the experience thing a couple times --- why do we even need them? Things been fine all this time. It's like RL when you could go into a store to buy your item. Now they do this experience thing with classes, mini-concerts and selfie walls. Ehhh.
  3. The Lindens have lowered some rates --- but maybe lowering the fees for islands would be nice. They don't have to match up with Opensim, but maybe a $100 less would be great. Also someone told me they would like to see the Linden staff visit in world more. Downside they could get hounded for support issues. I had one in my club long ago and he PMed me he would like to stay and listen to the live performer I had that night, but was getting PMed like mad for support and needed to scoot off. I ended up saying in local chat to let him enjoy the music and go to the official support portal to lodge issues.
  4. Some saying about abusing it, I could see them limiting it to like once a year. Reading a blog, looks like the legacy names are history. It would've been nice to have my man's toon with the same last as mine.
  5. My daughter is mixed, since my husband is white and been married over 30 years. And we have saw a lot together.
  6. And growing up in the 60s and 70s had to deal with that stuff. Can't tell how many times I've been bullied in school due to be the only or one of the few black persons in the school.
  7. Yep, and it was full mesh I think. I still havn't gone mesh except for limited clothes/dresses.
  8. Like, I do one event per week at my venue, on Mondays with a pair of live performers who are long established in the game. Like you I also host myself, although one of the performers brings his own host who helps with his groups so he could concentration on singing. And same thing with sploders, etc. I don't believe in them as I think they're too gimmicky. We have a lot of good chat while enjoying the performers. As for gestures, some do use the "Applause" one when the performer is done with a song, and maybe a fun one like the old "Fall" one where we make sentences up that include the word, like "hope the performer don't fall off the stage" and others. I also DJ at a club next to mine and same there, many go there for the convo. My club been around for a few years, and the one next to mine is almost 11 years.
  9. Sadly I saw a couple of club listing saying "Please, Mesh avatars only."
  10. My daughter is hosting for me at my SL venue and says some can't get in game.
  11. I'm sure someone else had this issue, but how do you remove parcels from now-dead islands from your groups and event listing? Is there a trick to nuking them or something else..... I looked on the forums, but not much luck finding info. Thanks.
  12. I remember having someone similar approach me like that while back. Dude wanted appearance money, percentage of the club tips and a top notch host. When I mentioned I'm a sole owner and don't have any hosts and my venue is mostly handles live performers, I could heard a pin drop. He moved on.
  13. Finally got my alt in. Just keep trying.....
  14. little by little it's getting there.
  15. Need a whip to take in the server room?
  16. I was able to get back in world. They might be still working on it still.
  17. Crash and burn! Gotta love that! If it runs on a computer, expect it to go down soemtimes!
  18. I had a DJ gig at a club and tried to log in to post to the club's group, and nope, SL won't let me in.
  19. When I see poseballs mentioned, I think of this song done by in world performer Grif Bamaisin, Poseball Blues!
  20. Put on a dress on my "classic" body and seeing if my boobs are popping through it.
  21. Another thing is everyone is on their little smart phones. I showed my daughter the game and first thing she asked "can I play it on my phone?" Sadly the game is losing people. I just had to move a club due to the owner quitting after a decade and closing his sim. And some probably think Sansar might take players too.
  22. As per the other thread, the the maker did an update to the SHX board to work on Magnum islands. Thanks.
  23. Little update, the maker of the DG-X board contacted me and helped me get my board working. He said the fix is still in beta until LL gets the issue worked out.
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