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Kimmi Zehetbauer

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Everything posted by Kimmi Zehetbauer

  1. Reminds me of those playing music off a phone's speaker. Sounds really bad. But sometimes live performers will audition for a club owner will play a song or 2 via the voice thing depending on their computer set up, but don't make a practice of it for a mass audience.
  2. Or walk into the city bus. I'm a part time coach operator in the small town we live in, and a couple times while making a turn someone on their stupid phone walks into the side of the coach. One kept going after he picked his phone up. The other yelled at me and said I tried to plow him over and was going to report me. As per regulations we write up any incidents like that. As for the dude, little did he know there are cameras on the exterior of the coach and they caught him clearly staring at his device and walked into the coach.
  3. I'm in an interracial marriage (over 40 years) and I've known my sweetheart since we were little munchkins. We do have one daughter. Growing up we've seen a lot of stuff and seems we're reliving some of that. As for skins, it wasn't for a few years until I finally found a decent skin. In the beginning had to use the SL color thingy to make my avi dark, and it didn't look natural. On the racism, I only encountered it a couple times in world. The last time is when I was DJing one night filling in for my man who usually did the gig. I was playing some funk tunes. After a few songs 2 avis there donned Afros and I got deeply offended. Maybe I overreacted but when that happened it bought back bad memories from my middle school years as some kids would don the Afros to make fun of me and the others. This was in the 70s, but it hurt a lot as it made me feel not welcomed. The club owner PMed say it was in spirit of the music and racism was a thing of the past, but I had a feeling she rarely left her house.
  4. I made a few buildings myself and I usually design them after RL buildings, but have to scale up so most avatars don't bash their brains out hitting a door jam.
  5. And when you say hi to them, like welcoming them to a club, using their system name they get mad. One chewed me out in a PM and I told him I couldn't read his display name. He left....
  6. Another for the list. Websites that you can't navigate unless on a mobile device. One related to a show in world had a link to a blog and couldn't move around, no scroll bars or anything. Only said "wipe" and "tap." Some of us oldies still use the old fashioned computer.
  7. The fun of avatar stacking! Especially if it's going to hit a prize board when someone post in a MM group to lock the board.
  8. He was very excited about it. He worked for them for about 7 years until he moved out of state to help his family.
  9. As I mentioned in another thread awhile back, it was one of their employees who was a regular at our former night club south of San Francisco. One night he was talking about this great new virtual world platform and should check it out. Should've kicked him out of the club for getting us addicted! 🤣 He did IT work on the servers and stuff and even helped us at the club a couple times when the music server crashed and burned. I used to tease him "Did you break SL the other night again?" He would reply the hamsters fell off the wheel!
  10. Someone told me in world "Who knows what's next? Charging 100L per log in?"
  11. I tried uploading on my premie account and didn't get that. But an non-premie alt did. So it might get cheaper for the premie/premie-plus people.
  12. And those annoy me, like tip jars that spew the chat and their hosts doing mass invites. I've actually fire a couple of performers from my club for doing that. Just want the people to come and enjoy the tunes and not be assaulted by that crap.
  13. One of the clubs in world is owned by a charter member and mentioned it's nice not to worry about tier or annual membership. I don't plan to cash out either and let the L$ until I need them. Too bad they couldn't do a special like maybe for $200 or $300 have a "Lifetime" premie level with at least 2048 for the land.
  14. Now why am I thinking of the famous SNL cowbell skit? 🤣 Gotta have more cowbell!
  15. When I ran a board and a thread got off topic, I gave a warning to stay on topic and if not, it's shut up tighter then my uncles wallet. I have seen mods give warnings too on some threads. Getting back on topic, my latest is when trying to order a CD on Amazon and got a message it was no longer available except for a streaming version. I'm old school and still want the dumb CD!
  16. I think MeWe allows for accounts for SLers. I trust FB as far I can toss Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus!
  17. I remember changing forum software when I had my board. Had a few glitches and spent many a night fixing things. Last software I used was Xenforo. Before that it was vBulletin, which used to be the gold standard of forum software, but went downhill after another company bought it and the bean counters went to work.
  18. I used to have a forum up long ago and sometimes there's glitches. These things can be temperamental sometimes! Although I think Grumpity spilled coffee on it and shorted something out. 🤣
  19. Someone probably posted it, but when logging in and your region is offline and you get dumped into hub with a zillion others and some making passes or being naughty.
  20. The Linden that told me about SL way back when said some of the staff have ultra messy desks. Said one staff person --- maybe Izzy --- found a '57 Chevy in the debris! 🤣 The guy drove it east to Tracy CA, but the levee was dry! 😝
  21. I do know some LEOs and chatting with one recently he's saying it's the bad cops (Including ones that let the power go to their head) that makes all of them look bad. It's also some departments use old school training that shows the types of restraints that are some departments are now telling their officers not to do. We also have been the subject of police harassment, especially like 30 years ago due to being an interracial couple. This happen when we took a trip across the US in a RV and some towns in the south looked at us like we were thugs and even got pulled over. We blamed them being stuck in the old ways. Where we live now it's a very small town and we're never had issues.
  22. Good point. We think of LL for SL, but they're capable of developing custom solutions for education or whatever need there is.
  23. I wondered that too unless they made special arrangements with the Lindens, but I doubt that. I believe there's some laws that restrict people under a certain age into virtual worlds. Even major MMOs have a lower age restriction.
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