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Kimmi Zehetbauer

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Everything posted by Kimmi Zehetbauer

  1. Amen! We still use a flip phone and for it's main purpose --- talk! Sometimes I'd get looks "What? No smart phone?" but I'm old school. I also grew up in the old days and the only "computer" you had was a calculator --- the type with the red LEDs on them!
  2. Still many using desktops/laptops and the game is better experienced on those. Maybe they should develop a decent version for the larger tablets --- but SL on a phone wouldn't work for most.
  3. We moved here about 4 years ago since my man's family is from here. We actually bought the house about 15 years ago when we came up to take care of a family member and my man said "let's retire here." Don't have any plans to ever move back down. We're in a small town and love it.
  4. As an interracial couple we dealt with many things. Pulled over and stuff. Sadly many are still stuck in their old fashioned ways. I remember us getting asked to leave from a couple Denny's back then. We vowed never to patronise that chain again. My man is white --- but for us we don't see color. Just love!
  5. For some reason the BLM initials remind me of the Bureau of Land Management --- the agency that issues permits for the Burning Man thing.
  6. That's what I use, but a couple of phone videos (the ones were they don't hold the phone right) got through though.
  7. Brand new pet-peeve. Auto-play videos like those on another thread (The hot topic one).
  8. When I think of the term PC, I think of hogwash. I'd like to toss the person who originated PC under a bus.
  9. Except I don't live in the US. I'm up in Canada, used to live in the US until a few years ago to be with my man's family. And we've been ignored for ages by many, something we lived with --- can't change people.
  10. Me and my husband are an interracial couple and we never paid attention to each other's color. We just celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary and we have seen many things in our lives. We known each other since childhood and we have been picked on a lot. What saddens me is some believe racism don't exist and I have ran into some in world.
  11. I'm grateful for my man. Been together since childhood and we hadn't PKed each other with cast iron skillets yet! 🤣
  12. I'm using 7 Pro and the smileys look fine to me. Then again I'm using Firefox.
  13. I've seen that and it's tacky. My friend has a parcel on half land, half water. When she put her club there she simply put a deck in front on the water and some boats.
  14. The Cats is a pretty area. Used to go there when we lived in the Bay Area before returning up north (Sask). I still have a beef with the nephews best friend --- he's the one who also used to come to our former night club and told me about a certain virtual world! 🤣
  15. My nephew who lives in that area works there. He took me on a 50¢ tour of the place when they moved into Netflix's original facility eons ago. I Remember some of the rooms still had little signs next to them with their old logo. At the time they were doing City of Heros and were still independent --- not bought up by another company yet. His best friend worked there too, but was hired by some company up in San Francisco on Linden Avenue.... 🤔
  16. I was told in the early days of the internet that there was no girls on it. It was just one big hairy guy in front of bazillions of monitors!
  17. Another: When a performer kept bugging to play at my former club. Told him no and he had his partner/agent bug me. Again no. I heard the person one time and it was total karaoke. He is still "performing" in SL.
  18. My man got offered to DJ at a club and on the app is asked for tons of information. One of the requirements was the song titles had to be disabled, which would be a violation of our licence. Also he needed to submit it on FB too. Strike 2 as we are one of 11 people on the planet that avoid FB like the Covid. One last one was no songs before 2003. Heck most of our music go way back. Strike 3, app file 13ed!
  19. There's a club owner in world that don't believe there's racism. I remember talking with someone about me and my man (We're an interracial couple) getting harassed when we was younger and she typed that doesn't happen. I wanted to smack her with a frying pan. We grew up from the 60s on and encountered many racist things --- then we encountered less of it for some time until about 5 years ago.
  20. Some MMOs are like that. My man tried one last year and got stiffed and when he lodged a ticket, got stiffed. Was a particular game about characters that uses pets to help them in battle.
  21. Latest one: When some DJ harvests the list in a group and adds all the names to their spambot announcer thing to go to their gig. Wrong way to get people.
  22. GZ on 200 pages for this thread! Another one of mine is when I ran my club, had a persistent performer who wanted a gig at my club and me always turning him down. I heard he bugs the person I sold my club to now...
  23. Although the new logo is nice, I always was parcel to the old one. Then again I don't care for change that much.
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