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Kimmi Zehetbauer

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Everything posted by Kimmi Zehetbauer

  1. Only thing FB is worried about is monitising everything they can get a hold of. If they had their way Muck would have everyone go through FB to do anything on the net.
  2. If I hear about Fortnite one more time I'm going to toss my cookie.
  3. I ran into a few of those and simply moved on. Sometimes our brains crash like a computer and buy the same item again. I did run into one store and attempted to buy something and the vendor said "You purchased this item on....."
  4. DJs and Live performers that play and cover Van Halen's music.....
  5. Best thing we could do is shoot FB and bury it out back. Then Hazmat would be on our rears! 🤣
  6. Maybe time to shoot this thread and put it out of it's misery.
  7. And sometimes it's tip kissing when staff tip each other. When me or my man DJed, most tipped when a request was played and when they leave the club. Sometimes if played a long-forgotten song the tip could be bigger.
  8. Good thing they're not like those horses that if you ignore them, they go green or something.
  9. A few years ago some newb asked me for Lindens. I was talking to one in world (The same person who told me about SL) and told him the PM I just got. He warped to me and said to the person "Are you looking for a Linden?" The person left really fast and we got a good laugh.
  10. Could be a "video game" since some play the GREEDY GREEDY tables in world! 🤣
  11. The mboard software does have a soft-delete function built in --- wish they enabled it for us posters who type faster then the brain. I know I see that option when I help on my man's train board. As for the Edit button, I blame InvisionBoard!
  12. Reminds me some that have to look at their phone to get an answer.
  13. My man said they could have their spouses on stripper poles! 🤣 Now I need to find him and hit him with a cast iron skillet!
  14. We had it earlier in the year, I skated through it although I have health issues --- my man only got the cough for a couple days. Found out later we got it from the doctor's office, as the doc had it, although he didn't know at the time. I read some think the reason some get it hard and others skate though might depend on genetics. My sister is a nurse and never caught it, although some co-workers gotten it and they all use the strict procedures to protect themselves.
  15. That avi looks like a toon from a mmorpg, expecting to see a sword or something.
  16. While we're on the SM thing, this movie might give some insight on how manipulated FB and other SM's are..... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Social_Dilemma
  17. Here you go --- more buttons! Oops, wrong type of buttons! 🤣
  18. At least we can import them! Edit: 2 posts --- Stereo Eyerolls!
  19. I remember reading somewhere of some people that were getting ads on FB for special meds they were taking --- which only their doctor and pharmacy would know. Found out a major U.S. chain was selling into to FB.
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