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Janet Voxel

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Everything posted by Janet Voxel

  1. Eh, not necessarily. I remember when they came out with the last update, someone here who had never worn the body bought it and started complaining about a small hump on the back. I had been wearing it for years and never noticed that (probably because I usually wear longer hair). Correcting that with an update would probably break every top in existence for Freya and lead to very angry people complaining about broken content. If they are going to do something, a new body would probably be the better way to go imo. There would probably need to be a nice discount for people that already have one of the older bodies though. I would buy it if I got 50% off or something.
  2. There's been a rumor floating around that they're coming out with a new body, yes.
  3. To some extent, yes it already happened. However, it happened a long time ago at this point. Creators have been dropping Freya for a while now, first it was when Legacy came out, then Kupra, then Ebody. Over time, if you don't pay attention to these things, it would appear that it suddenly happened when really it's been going on for a good 3-4 years. Saying that no new stuff isn't being made for it is hyperbolic. If you go to FaMeshed or C88 or any tier 1 event you can still find things for Freya. It just won't be in 90% of the outfits like it once was. If you go to tier 2 events, you're likely to see more items that include Freya( and Hourglass too!). I think people realize, the majority of SL users don't change often and there's still a place for older bodies like Freya and Hourglass. They just aren't the juggernauts they used to be, but there are also more than 3 viable bodies on the market now. It's just that the people that shop a lot are more willing to change bodies and heads than your usual SL user, so of course a fashion blogger would say something like that. It just doesn't mean it's true. A good alternative to finding some very nice things that may or not be at shopping events is flickr. There's a couple of groups you can join where you can see all kind of cool things: Creations & Designs, SL Designs & Creators, and Show your SL Adds (yes its spelled that way). A lot of smaller creators use them and yes they make new stuff for Belleza still...all the bodies.
  4. How close are we to the point where Second Life can no longer be feasibly improved upon? I’m thinking we’re pretty close to that point. Say they stop using OpenGL and start using Vulkan, what’s left?
  5. I think they do a good job of walking the line. Pedophilia is against TOS and rightfully so. Residents do a pretty good job of policing it, but even that has its limits. Kind of hard to keep tabs on what Bobby Joeneckbeard and Suzy Skirtjeans are getting up to on a private sim without it turning into something else, no? Its also hard to stop a wave of 4 Chan trolls from coming over and doing what they do. But again residents do a pretty good job of policing and reporting.
  6. They are, but it sounds like you tinted your head. Can you post a picture?
  7. Eh, she sent out the kit for Cinnamon and Chai early. Very few creators jumped on it. She did everything right as far as getting the kit out there and is an early adopter of a lot of things like BoM and udims for textures. Things that have and may see wider use in the future. It just was too early. Creators just didn’t jump on it. I think someone said the final nail was making the body BoM only. People just weren’t ready for it and a lot of creators didn’t know how to make alphas. A year or two later Kupra comes out and is BoM only and people kind of just…accepted it. She did a good thing, but it was too early. Theres a lesson in there: she said cinnamon&chai was the body she wanted to make. That wasn’t the body people wanted though. There’s got to be a balance. I think people were expecting Hourglass II and it wasn’t that.
  8. Mostly Avi Glam for regular eyes. Euphoric when I want something that looks a little unearthly.
  9. I just finished shopping Kustom 9 and I'd say about 90% of the tops for reborn had a juicy add-on version
  10. I have them, I'm kind of on the fence about them. People are going crazy with the stuff they're making and sometimes the spillage and the shape doesn't quite look right to me.
  11. The good thing is, I'm seeing more and more stuff for Erika so apparently other creators like it. I think we're moving out of the era of THE BIG THREE bodies where creators MUST create for these three bodies and creators are starting to create for whatever it is they want to create for. I'm starting to see things that don't have maitreya or legacy, so it's definitely moving somewhere else.
  12. I like the Erika body, it's what I imagine Freya would look like if it was redone. A couple things: Reborn and Erika really aren't bigger bodies, not that much bigger anyway. It's just that people tend to make more curvy shapes with them because they lend themselves more to curvy shapes. They are rigged in a way that they respond to the shape sliders very well without looking distorted. Yes, I know Reborn has a big butt, it's designed that way as a base, but everything else on the blend file is maitreya sized. It's sort of like how Lelutka Briannon is the default black head because it has a black face on the vendor, or Ceylon is the default Asian head. You can wear any lelutka head with any skin tone, but people just tend to because that is what is on the tin, cause reasons. It's also why I say creators aren't really sophisticated enough to have a secret cabal to promote Reborn over all others. I've seen creators decide to drop a body because they asked should they stop creating for _______________ in a discord, at like 3am...and because no one responded, they dropped it. I think the reason Erika isn't as successful is because the creator didn't intially hand out the dev kit like other creators did with their bodies. Some body creators subscribe to a whole bunch of rules you have to follow just to get a kit, while others its much, much easier to get a kit which means more creators. It's the quality over quantity argument and it always ends up biting them in the butt, because for most people it comes down to "But where are the clothes?"
  13. I like it. It's my current body. I happen to like a more pear shaped body type and it fits the bill. Yeah, the butt is a little high, but sometimes I wonder if it's actually more anatomically correct for it to be that high. It's just a random musing I have every once in a while. Regardless, it does look weird so I use the deformer to bring it down and I'm happy with the result. As for the clothing and support. It's pretty well supported, most creators at major shopping events support it and it has a lot of mod body part support. Regardless of how some may feel about mod body parts on here, they're pretty popular on the grid. I don't subscribe to the conspiracy theory thing. From a creator standpoint, it's much easier to resize to Reborn than it is to go from Maitreya to Kupra because it starts turning into a rigging and texturing headache when you go that much bigger. You can say the butt is big, it is...but kitwise and resizing wise its not really that much bigger than say Legacy. Also, a lot of clothing and outfits just look nicer on a smaller frame. The kit is easy to work with and it's just easier all around. I mean....Erratic, who was Maitreya only for years supports Ebody. They didn't support Belleza at it's height. I don't think it had anything to do with sekrit kickbacks, I think it has to do with the kit being easy to work with. Take the Belleza kit for example...it was in A pose, while the other kits were in T pose. Little things like that will cause a creator to NOT create for a certain body. I definitely see it becoming more and more popular as time goes on. I had fun wearing Kupra, but I missed wearing nicer outfits so I switched and don't regret it.
  14. Nope, its a free update. All you have to do is redeliver.
  15. Buy it!!! Seriously, it’s a good body and you listed most of the pros for it. It’s also mod, if that’s your thing. The clothing support is there. The only thing I can say it missed on was the shoe support like Kupra did. You can wear Slink and Maitreya shoes with Kupra, so your shoe collection remains intact. With Reborn, Slink can be hit or miss. That’s my only quibble with the body.
  16. This is a great resource for people working remotely that want to live abroad. It gives a ball park of CoL, amenities, crime, etc https://nomadlist.com/
  17. I went to Aruba for vacation last summer. They make it very easy for American retirees to live there. They use the dollar and they speak English. Since I have about 25 years before I retire, I didn’t look much beyond that into the process. But it’s now on my list.
  18. I think it’s very common for stores to close and for them to come back as another store on an alt. It’s more like a ‘rebranding’ than a comeback. If you mean coming back as the same account and store, it does happen. There’s been a few posts in the mesh, texturing and general forums by former creators returning. Especially over the last couple years. I think rebranding is far more common though.
  19. I guess we aren't going to talk about how there are three mod bodies on the market now: Freya, Kahlene Erika and Ebody reborn. When last year there were none? No? Progress?
  20. I wonder how feasible it would be for LL to make a “tutorial viewer” so to speak. It’s a very stripped down viewer specifically geared towards new users, with little pop up’s to guide them through the most critical things you would need to know how to do in second life. It would guide you through something like basic movement to adjusting you wind lights. Something quick, lasting no more than 30 mins to an hour.
  21. Neo Japan is currently running from 03/26/22 - 04/16/22
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