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Janet Voxel

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Everything posted by Janet Voxel

  1. RVN has nice basic AO's, they even fit "curvy" avatars. They also have an almost still AO that's about 600Ls
  2. Once you unwrap it the data is already in the object. It's basically a way of telling where the textures should go on the object. Once you do that though, you would either have to texture it in blender or an app like photoshop or gimp. If you do it in Blender, you have to bake the map and export it, then put it in the diffuse texture slot in world.
  3. Nodes might actually help you if you need to scale a texture. It's like @Wulfie Reanimatorsaid though, if you're able to unwrap the object you're part way there. The problem is you're not really explaining what the problem is when you're trying to texture the object. Are you baking the map after you texture it in blender? Are you trying to bake a map at all? It's hard to know how to help you if you don't explain, which is why she was asking you those questions.
  4. Its the eyelashes on the system head. Most mesh heads have a separate UV map for eyelashes, so you can pretty much ignore that corner when making a skin.
  5. Training myself to hit enter before I type in something to search is rather annoying.
  6. Came in here to post this. I'm 3 episodes in, loving Ciri so far. Hope they do a time skip!
  7. People tend to have an aversion to Belleza, some will say its the slow to update thing, some will just nitpick it to obilivion. As far as male bodies it's pretty up there in terms of quality.
  8. Started watching this yesterday…holy crap it’s good!
  9. There is also bento buddy for an alternative to avastar. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Bento-Buddy-for-Blender-DevKits-Superior-Animations-Simulation-Character-Converter-Save-to-3d-apps/18213301 You don't need anything but the viewer to create shapes. The way there's another shopping event almost everyday filled with creators of a wide range of ability, and not only clothes I'd say creativity in SL is alive and well.
  10. Baking a high poly normal map to a low poly mesh is the way to go.
  11. Even if you aren't interested in creating, it's helpful to learn the basics of building and scripting. Scripting is the bane of my existence, but I do know how to modify a script. Little things like rezzing a prim and moving it around, stretching it can be helpful in modifying objects. Creating your own alpha has become a lost art, so has creating your own physics. Play with features. That's the best advice that was given to me. If you break something just rez a new one.
  12. I haven't messed with system layer clothing in a long time. However, I do remember that you might want to extend your texture a little bit beyond the colored lines on the UV map or maybe even feather your edges. Now the problem is going to be that, the bottom of the SL UV upper comes dangerously close to the arm. So you're going to have to play around with feathering the edge. I would suggest you use local textures to preview before uploading.
  13. Me either. I just thought people stopped having them in clubs because people stopped using them. The clubs I saw them in were older styled clubs..y'know kind of primmy looking. They also had that thing that drops the coins. I just assumed since they were older clubs, the owner just never got rid of them.
  14. I've been to a couple clubs that still use 'sploders recently. I played around with them for old times sake, you definitely do not get what you put into them if you don't hit the jackpot...or whatever its called when you get the bulk of the Ls.
  15. I think the OP was initially asking for deformers....in her own way. Deformers don't really change the size of the mesh. They change the bones around so it gives certain parts a slightly different appearance. So you wouldn't be able to find a deformer that makes your boobs smaller, but you can find deformers that change the shape of your boobs. They're mainly for people that say "I like the body overall...but, if ____________ was a little different I'd be much happier with it." Deformers allow you to do that. If you look at the Ebody thread there's a point where @Ceka Cianci and I started talking about how the body is nice, however, the butt is too high. They've since added a deformer that pushes the butt down, which to me makes the body much more wearable.
  16. Did you bake only the diffuse map or did you do a combined map? Also, why not just do a specularity map for a plastic look?
  17. From a quick glance, the sclera needs some detail, a bit of shadow, maybe tiny veins, etc. the left iris seems a little smudged.
  18. I can see the difference between the Evo and the Evox. It really depends on the skin and the details. I have a skin from when it first came out that has a tiny scar, the scar seems to have depth, but its a tiny detail. You also have to zoom in really close to see it, obviously. However, zoomed out there seems to be a kind of "effect" on Evox skins when zoomed out. I'd say it looks almost like ambient occlusion. Maybe its my graphics setting and windlights? Anyway, everybody with an Evo head got an upgrade to EvoX, soooo there's still an option to use whichever one you like. \o/
  19. LL got the spatial sound quality right. Someone talking far away sounds far away. Someone behind you, feels like they're behind you.
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