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Janet Voxel

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Everything posted by Janet Voxel

  1. Book was great! Lot of nostalgia in there, easy read. You could tell the Oasis was at least partially inspired by Second Life. The movie sucked, especially if you read the book. Probably would’ve been better as a mini series. Did not like it.
  2. Sure they would. There are a few creators that make them already. All you have to do is hide the nails on most bodies and wear them.
  3. Trolling trolls? What is that, like being the Dexter of trolls?
  4. I’d imagine new players sitting there hitting the random button until they get a face they actually like. I gave up on it after about 5 tries. Bye bye noobs.
  5. That’s a question and you quoted me. I asked you what the difference between the two is, because either one of those things could have happened. That’s really not important. In fact both of those things happened. Someone posted a question about a robot arm or something. The first response was instead of responding to the question, a copypasta of the rules. Someone obviously reported it because it got moved. The issue here is there are posts that clearly don’t belong, right now on the first page. So reporting some of them isn’t a good choice nor is selectively copy pasting a “reminder” of the rules. They’re equally bad choices. The issue is the lack of consistency and the arbitrary nature of choosing what stays and what should be moved.
  6. What’s the difference between those two things? Someone reports a post as not being in the appropriate place it gets moved to the appropriate place. That’s not hard to understand. Thats not what I started this thread for.
  7. Yeah, something has to happen because at a glance you see a section titled “Avatar” some people are going to think anything avatar related goes. The sticky helps, but the sticky is poorly worded, as seen by the responses in the sticky thread itself, which means a lot of people aren’t going to read it at all. As for the thread policing, I’ll keep my opinion to myself. I will say if it’s not consistently done, it doesn’t look good.
  8. You’re right! The reason I’m asking is because some posts get reported immediately. Some don’t get reported at all. A quarter of the posts on the first page are someone asking for suggestions on something. Its inconsistent and it appears to be unfair. So I’m wondering what’s up with that?
  9. Why asking for catsuit recommendations is ok to be here, but asking for Android arm recommendations is not? Just curious.
  10. Whatever your answer this thread will have been necroed at least two times between now and then.
  11. Before this gets moved, Azoury has really nice ones.
  12. Believe it or not, this is actually pretty common and cannot be said enough.
  13. “Itz nert a gaem !!” ”proportionality!!!” ”those fashionistas and their high poly clothes!!!” ”I hate mesh...it ruined SL!” yeah right...hate keeps this forum going
  14. Honestly? It’s a thing that will sometimes happen at some point before, during or after sexy, pretendy, fun times with hopes you’ll reciprocate with some nudies of your own. It’s not as much of a thing anymore like it used to be a few years ago. You know before the advent of things like sexting and tinder. Though you’ll meet a couple of throwbacks every now and then. Now it’s more of a link to their slightly varied nude pose collection/conquest wall on Flickr. Which... I guess is progress?
  15. The closest thing I had happen to me was a loooong time ago, sometimes I would log in and just be a cloud. The only fix that worked for me was, as strange as it sounds....changing my brows. Haven’t had that problem since. Maybe this is RLV related? Never heard of this one.
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