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Anna Nova

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Everything posted by Anna Nova

  1. I'm not so hot on taking photos. But just for you Mr Nightfire.
  2. Went and got this today. Super pleased! A good price too (299L). I look better than the model
  3. Last year I bought a couple of bits of land abandoned next to my parcel. I only owned one adjoining border, so 1 side, not 3. And there was no fuss, I made the requests and got a just a nice polite: 'there ya go!'
  4. Nope. It starts with SANSAR. Hence it's rubbish, no point in reading it.
  5. I refuse to use Market Place, other than as a search mechanism to find in-world stores.
  6. Even a VPN will cause problems, the latency is all wrong.
  7. Just my regular reminder. Mute. Derender(Blacklist). Movelock. Best you can do.
  8. My understanding is that the EdgeSplit creates a second vertex at each vertex on the adjoining edges, so the edges are not joined, but co-incident. The effect on the Land Impact of the mesh is that there are twice as a many verts - probably not an issue with most things, but something to be aware of. I was sort of hoping that the Shade Smooth and Shade Flat options that Bitsy described would operate on the vertex normals to achieve the smoothing or flattening. But I haven't checked that yet. Still alive - still learning.....
  9. Thank you so much for this. I have been looking for it for some time. It's in Mesh->Faces->Shade Smooth, and Shade Flat. Mesh Faces is Ctrl-F in edit mode with one or more faces selected (Blender v 2.29).
  10. Forget the Turkeys. Remember the Thanksgiving.
  11. Anna Nova


    With you there. Horrible, and you can't get rid of it.
  12. When my partner and I first got together (we met on a themed sim) we started by renting a lovely little cottage on limited-Li sky-plane above a themed sim. We were really happy and I learned a lot about furnishing a place in SL with low LI stuff. But, we grew quite tired of having the whole place to ourselves, despite other places being rented we never hooked up. So when the sim closed we were happy to move out to a Linden-home. Never ever saw another soul there - all those houses, all MT. Then we moved to a rented parcel in a non-themed sim to build our own place - again never saw anyone. Now we have a pod-station on our parcel on mainland Maebaleia/Satori, and we do get a constant stream of visitors (I have an off-world database that I wrote to record all parcel visitors - maybe 20 a month) and some even stop to say 'hi'. But most of our friends come from the days long ago when we met. Seems to me, that it depends on your neighbours quite how anywhere turns out.
  13. Quite. And what does a curtain matter, or even walls for that matter. Just cam right in. Far more worrying IMO, is the failure of Linden Labs to ensure that Clothes Meshes rezz before Body Meshes in General areas. Some of the Mesh Body tatts I've see before the clothes rezzed are truly scary - and definitely sexual (but not scripted, so not against the TOS)! PS:, It don't worry me none.
  14. I'm not (much) concerned with Linden Labs. I have a commercial relationship with them under the TOS. I entered into that agreement freely for my own purposes. What concerned me was if the Firestorm Viewer was independently, and without my permission, recording details of log-ins with the Firestorm creators. Whirly has publicly assured me they don't. I trust Whirly - so end of concern. My IP won't be much use as it will be the IP of one of several VPNs that I use, and in any case my ISP changes my 'real' IP every week. People suggest that MAC addresses can be used this way, but they can't, MAC addresses don't go beyond the LAN, and in any case they are easy to spoof. Why do I go to all this trouble? I trust my friends, but I do not trust my own (UK/EU) government, and even less do I trust the unaccountable agencies of the United States where LL resides. Even if they say they only want to record this data to prevent terrorism, I know full well it is all about tax evasion, border control, and suppression of minority viewpoints.
  15. Interesting. How much data do you collect on each log-in? I use several different IP addresses for instance, from several VPNs, how would you know it's me? How would you know it isn't an alt using a different VPN circuit? I wasn't aware that Firestorm collected login info, and find this a worrying development.
  16. OK, I see it now. I guess I had read too many posts in this thread....
  17. It is such an insular attitude to think that everything revolves around money. Most things do, but not all. I love SL, I have a mainland parcel. I do not sell anything, although I make lots of things - I can program in LSL, and make mesh and textures, I'm learning how to do it better. I will never make stuff to sell. I come to SL to meet people, to love people, and sometimes to RP killing them too. It's getting better and better. Bento, soon Animesh, and all the other improvements LL are doing. We have to understand that the company LL needs to make a return for it's shareholders, but that might be better served by fewer players spending more each. However, Penny's graphs above are about players, not revenue, and it seems to me that the lines are flattening out.....
  18. Can I suggest a re-phrasing: ... some of the Adult "race-play" regions I've seen are based on a whole heap of stereotypes about race and gender that I personally find very unpleasant. I know some of us have legal training, at least they sometimes write as if they had. In a democracy*, when the Majority feels something is unpleasant, then it gets laws passed to control it. In an autocracy, you get the laws when the autocrat finds it unpleasant. This is the principle difference between the two systems. In both cases there are often large numbers of people who disagree with the law, and sometimes, even in democracies, due to the quirks of fate, the minority view gets elected. LL is a corporation, and is run by it's officers under the authority of it's board(or whatever it's called), given in the State in which it is Registered, the rules (not laws) it makes for SL are in the TOS. There are several legitimate ways for an approach to getting it's rules changed: you can appeal to it's officers, you can appeal to it's board, or you could even petition the government of the jurisdiction in which it is registered. The alternative, if you really don't like the rules, is to take your business elsewhere. I see these forums as a place to let off steam, not as a serious attempt to sway the opinion of LL's officers. If they take note at all, then they are very conscientious. * I live in the UK. It is not a democracy, but has some democratic elements to the way representatives are chosen. The USA is a Representative Republic, which is similar, but different. Most European countries are the same. Only Switzerland, to my knowledge, has some elements of true democracy. And these are not value judgements - I am not seeking to change anything.
  19. I have a number of old clothes, even skirts, where if you look under them (ok, ok), they 'disappear'. It's really annoying. Let's hope all mesh clothing designers see this thread!
  20. These forums are free, AND you get ChinRey and arton...... Amazing value!
  21. They are not called 'brownie points' for nothing. (PS Maddie is cute and cuddly - and I'm really jealous of her 13950 posts!)
  22. Oh sh...t, and I was only trying to be funny too....
  23. Today I'm trolling the SL forums, as usual. I may try to be funny too. Actually my sole purpose is to get to 500 posts so I can have a trendy handle. I was thinking of 'Advanced Member'.
  24. Vint Cerf invented the internet to prevent government communications failing when WWW3 starts. Tim Berners-Lee invented the World-Wide Web so that.... Al Gore could politicize it.
  25. I guess we could, but it's a tradition. In this instance I was trying to make a witty comment, not an out and out criticism. I'm sorry it went wrong. I'm especially sorry if it offended others, like your good self, Bitsy.
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