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Anna Nova

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Everything posted by Anna Nova

  1. I'm feeling totally Unscheudled too. Vorsprung dork techgeek!
  2. It would help if the Grid Status report or the Tweets told the truth. ATM it says Logins: Operational. My guess is that the Lindens can't log in to change it. Ha!
  3. Looks like they have seriously damaged something at Linden Labs. Maybe it's a terrorist attack, or the CIA having a bad hair day. It would be nice if they put out a tweet or updated the A couple of hours ago's status page.
  4. Can't log in. Tried loads of places. Always happens on a Tuesday. Why can't Linden Labs reboot in the middle of the night for Europeans once in while? EDIT: Now this is wierd, I can't log in even to Aditi. And I can't log into my account at Secondlife.com. What have they broken this week?
  5. Thanks Ivanova, One More! 418 to go.
  6. I noticed that some people have a little motto under their name in these forums. For instance Darrius Gothly I think therefore I am boring He isn't. But how do you go about editing that?
  7. The alternative explanation, which is true in my case I suspect, is the latency of my connection to SL. One of the benefits of living a remote location. I also choose Linux, to avoid paying Microsoft or Apple a bent-cent, and the Linux version of Firestorm is very slow.
  8. I was pleased to discover this. Unfortunately it doesn't give any advanced warning, it just turns red AFTER you arrive there (and are then booted to wherever the <expletive deleted> programmer of the Orb wants to send you). It even goes back to clear after a while, even though, if you try to overfly again, it shows red (after your hit it). I have no problem with the rights of people over their parcels, but I do wish there were some advanced warning tools that worked. Then we could enjoy sailing or flying without annoying anyone.
  9. the single minor flaw in an otherwise perfect piece of software, just like Windows Vista?
  10. What I do in your situation is to decide which object is the 'Root object'. Go into that with edit - you'll see the edit window as in ChinRey's post. Go to the Object tab, like she did and write down all the position and rotation numbers. Now go and edit the first 'subordinate object' (second wall?) and make all of it's numbers the same. Now that object is in the same place as the 'root object', with the same rotation. Now you can either change the numbers gradually until you get it's position right, or even click the regular SL edit arrows, and the Ctrl key, to move and rotate using the snap. This is MUCH easier in Firestorm as it has a copy and paste built in. (even though it has a tendency to add random very small numbers to the 8th decimal place....) If you need to rotate lots of bits around a common point, rez a prim there as 'pivot', link it as root to an object, rotate the linkset. Unlink the pivot, link to the next part, rotate etc... I'm not much good with pictures, but I hope my descriptions are useful.
  11. I feel terrible. My attempt at humour backfired. ChinRey, your work in SL may not have brought you riches, but it has inspired many others, to try to do the low LI thing. And what is more wonderful, your unselfish sharing of the techniques and discoveries has been a practical help to us all. My motto is: 'if it's ChinRey, read it until you understand it, the investment is worth it.' (OK there are couple more people I say that about, you know who you are!)
  12. 'If you don't promote, something terrible happens: Nothing' P. T. Barnum
  13. If you raise a support request with the Lindens they will fix it. It's a known 'never used beta before' issue.
  14. That's because, here in RL Keswick, we are all used to 1 LI houses (along with the 250 LI rain clouds and the 0.05 LI internet), and come to SL for an improvement.
  15. You know you are getting old when the noob boys start looking sexy.
  16. So in this case, and in the case of ChinRey's displaced-vertex-sorted-first, how do you arrange for the physics to align correctly? Use a real triangle in the physics (as in ChenRey's first example)? EDIT: OK, I tried the displaced-vertex-sorted-first and it appears that the up-loader in the Official Viewer is quite happy to use it as a Phys. I found that surprising.
  17. I have a very close friend with Aspergers. He makes an effort, and I make an effort. But it is something that each relationship needs to work out. People with autism are just people, you know. We are all weird here.....
  18. I'm looking forward to Eevee, cycles is so passé.
  19. That link just gives me a page reading: Sorry, you don't have permission for that! [#1001] You are not allowed to visit this community. Need Help? Our help documentation Contact the community administrator which is a pity, because it was OK, until I tried to register to post there. Damned unfriendly. I have sent the snotty note. Thanks for the suggestion though.
  20. I'm as uninterested in Sansar as it is possible to be. But thanks.
  21. I never found a program yet that was not on Linux that I wanted. Well, there are a couple, but I found they run under Wine (maybe that's Whine?). Sansar might be the first, I'll never know. Maybe that's a win.
  22. I like boxes. I like them best without scripts. In fact I have a tendency to open boxes on no-script land..... Right-click and Open, choose what you want. If it isn't in a box. I will probably put it in one for storage, then it gets added to the Big Box called 'Saved Boxes'. I never delete anything...
  23. Title says it all. I don't mind a forum here, or a website or 6 elsewhere. But I have questions.....
  24. Can't try Sansar, it's only supported on Microsoft Wonkydoos I'll bet they do crApple next too.
  25. Well, I said I'd report back. ChinRey's long post had many things to check out and understand. Especially the bit about why the no-rez-on-top happens. I had no problem getting my mesh to work, and indeed got a useful 7 to 3 LI reduction by using cube physics analysed (Surface) with the Official SL viewer's uploader - it was interesting to note that Firestorm's up-loader made 7 hulls - 2 of them intersecting, and the SL up-loader 5 hulls all cleanly separated for one item. My partner had more difficulty, she uses a prim to mesh converter, and it has a facility to omit a face if it is set transparent - easy to miss when updating - and a missing face in a physics is what 'causes' the no-rez-on-top! But she got there in the end after re-reading ChinRey.... Again a useful small gain in LI on these already low-LI items. I don't like having to use the Official Viewer to upload, I don't find the interface intuitive, and on Linux it takes up to 5 minutes to log-in to the the Beta grid where Firestorm is the same as with the Main Grid. Just in case you are interested, we are making a model, inside and out, of this house: http://www.josephpelllombardi.com/?homes_page=octagon-house It's at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ogilvie/98/55/61. No Banlines! No Security Orbs! EDIT: Just noticed the link is failing for the original, put this into a search engine: armour-stiner house irvington new york usa Thanks again to ChinRey and everyone for their help. Anna.
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