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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Wow! We almost heard something about Sansar there, woops!
  2. If OP is selling textures for boats created by others (as I read the question - "This is mainly to sell my own custom sailboat textures for popular boats")..then prim determination may not be possible if 1) the user bought the boat from someone else (so prims aren't named), and 2) boat has been modified so prim numbers may not match OP's copy of the boat.
  3. Would be nice if there was a way to be notified when land you're interested in comes up for auction. That would be too easy.
  4. I think that is why people keep posting on this thread. I'm unsure at this point.
  5. It would be more useful if it worked with intercontinental BALLISTIC missiles. That way you get icey BM's, as opposed to just ICM's. And who doesn't want to drop a frozen turd on someone from an airplane? (That's an icey BM.)
  6. I thought only insane people understand this stuff.
  7. Remember, comrade, to claim for facial injuries on your peoples revolutionary personal forum-accident insurance... *Is even more confused by conflation of insurance and Communism, and passes out*
  8. I find this thread wildly inappropriate, offensively dramatic, and way too long to catch up on. *popcorn*
  9. I always use the excuse "my camera must be broken" when I take a particularly ugly picture of myself.
  10. So why keep trying? Get yourself a skybox again. Problem solved. Or get girls that have their own skyboxes!
  11. I would be much happier if the OP would edit the original question to include a *dap*, as in subsequent posts it became clear that is the OP's signature move!
  12. Did you mean a manual for the Forums, or for Second Life itself?
  13. If we do not let the noobs have a taste of nudity and sex, they will have no motivation to become Premium members.
  14. I am reminded of another thread about many crushings, but I thought it was about crashings!
  15. My then job, complete is! For the joy!
  16. My favorite tails are flexible and swish randomly (with a script I wrote) by changing gravity every few seconds. <3 tails!
  17. I think that this topic should be closed to further replies, 'cause it's lying otherwise. Just sayin'.
  18. If you get the non-free LINDEN DOLLARS, you can buy a "DAB" animation on the "marketplace", that is: http://marketplace.secondlife.com - or if you have friends, maybe they will buy you a "DAB" animation with their LINDEN DOLLARS on the marketplace.
  19. "Exists" and being "valid" are two different things. Even for disbanded groups, they are probably left on land so the ownership does not go "blank".
  20. Is it getting hot in here, or is it just Rudolph's nose?
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