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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. I forgot about the Swedish subtitles! Or Norwegian.
  2. Brilliant! Hide all the Negative Nelly posts with our awesome randomness!
  3. Idea: If this thread lives long enough, the obvious falsehood of the subject line will finally be apparent. ("10 years ago, we started a thread saying SL was dying. I guess it is dying very, very slowly.")
  4. The subtext is that "once was enough for the moose"!
  5. I've been fortunate to have positive experiences with mainland. 1) Linden homes - hard to mess up the landscape since it's all cookie-cutter. Mine is on the edge of a beautiful park lake, and I never see neighbors. 2) Mainland - full region on adult "coastline", again never see neighbors. Their landscaping doesn't bother me to much, either.
  6. You know, if we post random comments on this thread it will never die.
  7. Too bad there is no seeding function or parameter for llFrand().
  8. There should be a way to flag/report this type of redonkulous post!
  9. I blame fitmesh. ..and you can't spell "fitmesh" without "fetish"!
  10. Found this on the marketplace, same seller as "SL in a box" lol
  11. It sounds too good to be true for L$0 from the description: ------------- Contents ------------- - The Cube - The Sphere - The Cylinder - The Torus - The Tube - The Prism - The Ring - The Sculpt (with extra smoothness!) - The Script (for advanced users) - The Texture (use this very carefully!) - The Notecard (fully modifyable!) - The Sound (for complex creations) - The Landmark (well, my personal favorite)
  12. That's always fun, because if it's not a HUD you end up wearing it on your left elbow or someplace. "Lookit teh n00b wearing the box!"
  13. Love Zhaoying

    Object Bug

    Two words: Shrek Ears.
  14. I have both a toilet and a urinal in my Linden home..it is parkside, and I put a "public restroom" sign outside for those avatars who gotta pee.
  15. Love Zhaoying

    Object Bug

    I got an email since then that there were "problems with the second life website". Progress!
  16. I am subscribed..that is what I was saying. Until about an hour ago, I did not get any email update about any problem.
  17. You would think an email along with this would be "nice"! I just checked the status page myself, after reading about all the issues.
  18. Love Zhaoying

    Object Bug

    I missed it! Didn't see anything in all the status emails that go out.
  19. LSL is the original script engine. It has a very low memory limit. Mono is the newer script engine and allows for a lot more script memory. Scripts should use Mono these days (unless they are very very old).
  20. There's just no way no-copy furniture makes sense in Second Life. Maybe in some magical virtual world where nothing ever goes wrong, but that's not Second Life. If the merchant offers an exchange to get a copy/no-transfer version instead, life will be ever so much simpler in future. Failing that, if you can find a "greater fool" who'll still buy these things, do yourself a favor and unload them. I didn't focus on the "gacha" item aspect. Who knows, maybe they were scripted in a very bad way so as to not work in certain conditions? Your offer to help in person will probably solve it.
  21. I see none of the usual experts have answered, so I will do my little part! 1. Are you certain that you are trying these items on land that has scripts enabled? 2. Another thought: I have bought furniture before that came in "pieces". For instance, a chair to sit on and an ottoman. Without both pieces, the item no longer functions. 3. Have you tried resetting scripts in the objects? (I know you wrote "I have tried everything" but it does not hurt to ask.) 4. Were the objects deeded to a group? If so, the scripts may only work if you are in that group.
  22. Nope. Are you depressed? No, thank God! But if I was, a hug would help! And the few hugs I get always brighten my day.
  23. Have you hugged a depressed person today?
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