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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. "Jake from State Farm"? "..He sounds hideous but has nice khakis!"
  2. It appears that if you delete a texture, it checks if the prim is USING that texture then deletes it AND clears it from the prim. Everything is now somewhat clear to me with that minor bit of understanding.
  3. Ugh! It's like searching for the Meaning of Life. Once you learn that the answer is "42", that doesn't help much.
  4. Reason I suggested it is, I had a similar problem trying to work with inventory-drop textures.
  5. Oops..I meant, get the texture key from a full-perm texture using a SCRIPT. :-) Then if setting the texture with a script by key instead of by name, then the texture should "stick" even after the texture is deleted from inventory?
  6. I need some new reddish/brown lion-mane style long hair for my neko self!
  7. If the texture is full perms, can you then get the key for it and set the texture using the key (if that was somehow better)?
  8. I think it would be cool if you rezzed out some car-crashes and set some buildings afire..that way people know you mean it when you say you need emergency services!
  9. The author would be much more convincing had they written this without using quotation marks.
  10. Punctuation conventions sound like the most boring party ever. Who wants to go to a party where everyone is punctual? Late is where it's at! Oxford comma all the way, baby!
  11. Wouldn't it be nice if we all wrote our scripts to detect "low memory" and emit a nice context-relevant warning? Such as, "Memory is too low. You must remove some animations."
  12. How will non-premium avatars earn money if they can't um..sell their services?!?
  13. ..and with a little AI, the Animesh "avatars" will be kinda, more polite, more interactive, and more responsive than "real" avatars!
  14. I saw the name of the club and thought maybe it is like the Yaoi manga!
  15. There is always Demo products. :-)
  16. She's pretty hot for a bald guy!
  17. Yes, when I re-read the post again it seemed to say that also. 1 rezzed per avatar. So your solution is best, I agree.
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