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Everything posted by Orwar

  1. Orwar

    Lara X bits

    I got curious about it as, at first, I thought people were mixing up the words 'session' and 'sensations', and immediately when I saw the adverts I went 'hey I know that HUD'. I got some wings from them, and whilst I love the functionality of them (and the appearance of the wings themselves), the appearance of the HUD is quite an eye-sore with all its bright, brash colours. Might have to give the demo a go at least.
  2. I just can't get enough of this. Feels like The Hitcher would give the cockney hobbit a big thumbs up, too!
  3. Depends on what game version you're playing, but yes - either via /unstuck in chat or by going into the help menu should pretty much always be there. The one embarrassing thing you tend to have to actually get a GM for (or a friendly warlock and some volunteers) is when you get stuck behind that one torch in Orgrimmar which deals next to no damage every few seconds which stops the /unstuck cast as well as the regular Hearthstone cast, but deals so little damage that most players' automatic health tics keep them from ever dying from it.
  4. Like-minded in what regard, exactly? Adherents of the statement that making friends is 'hard'? Seems a strange commonality to base friendships on.
  5. Orwar

    Lara X bits

    The V isn't cheap, but a lot of work went into creating it so I don't mind (just like bodies and heads being 'pricy' is totally warranted) - but, the difference between Lara and LaraX (as far as the V is concerned) is in the body shape alone; they don't need to recreate everything from scratch, all the scripts, animations, and functions already exist, and if we've already paid for the 'development' process then making a new rig of the same product a whole new full-price product feels off to me. That's not to say that there isn't any work, because obviously they won't have a LaraX-compatible version with the snap of their fingers. I'd be fine with it costing a little bit for people who already own the Lara version, but there's not really any functionality in SL to make a product exclusively available for someone who already has a different product, so that becomes a bit of an administrative issue (only way I could think of is to not include the HUD, making it a pretty pointless purchase for anyone who doesn't already have a HUD for their older version that could be made compatible - and if that's a model they would consider then I wouldn't mind it). It's no different from clothes, really. New riggings take time and work, and I've got no issue with creators wanting compensation for that - but the full price for a product I've already bought where the only factor is a new rig is a bit like getting your car back from the garage with them wanting you to pay for the entire price of the car you already owned, when all they did was switching to winter tyres.
  6. It happens quite frequently that people stream via Discord to show me what's going on on their end when I'm helping them out with stuff, and observing people have that little camera control HUD open and clicking away to navigate SL is painful to watch, particularly when it's their avi I'm helping them with and they got no fine control whatsoever to zoom in to the relevant body part they're adjusting.
  7. Had a pretty decent haul between the Shop & Hop and Friday sales thus far. Some items are ones I nabbed off the last weekend sales too. Top: Zaara - Anisha Skirt/Belt: Zaara - Ziya Gloves: !4AE - Julie Gloves Bodysuit: Moxxi - Laura Boots: !4AE - Evil Boots (Pantyhose is Psyche from Violent Seduction, BOM) Dress: Everfaery - Emmalyn Necklace: Rawr - Solstice Top/Bottom: KiB Designs - Amata Gown (S&H gift) Bikini: Lapointe & Bastchild - Swear Naomi (S&H gift) Top/Bottom/Sarong: Yasum - Alahm Dress: Yasum - Liani Some of the items are discounted at S&H, I think the necklace (which is rigged, yay) and Laura bodysuit are the only things I paid full price for. Bonus: Neither items were discounted, but well worth their full prices IMO: Top: Gawk! - Megan Trousers: Lapointe & Bastchild - Swear Leather Zipp Pants
  8. The arcane art of being a decent human being in a virtual world ..
  9. When I take 'candid' style fashion shots where there's next to no scene setup (just a good sky setting, and maybe a point light or two, snap caught with AO running), I usually go for a very quick suite of editing steps, such as: Adjusting contrast, saturation, and exposure (quick slider work) Brushwork to fix minor clipping issues or broken/missing shadows (heal/clone/smudge/blur tools) Running an unsharp mask (sharpening the image) Adjusting temperature (either via slider or by overlaying a toned layer, depending on what effect I want) Quick focus blur (blur with a quick hand-drawn mask with just a handful of gradients) Noise ('film grain', it both helps blend brushwork and break up straight and jagged lines a bit the same way anti-aliasing does) The whole process can often be ran through in around 5-10 minutes, buuut then I've done it a few times by now. This edit I did just now to try it clocked in at 6 minutes and 4 seconds (in which time I had to boot Gimp and includes exporting time). Original: Edit: I mean I totally could spend an hour or two to create some more visual striking hand-shading, or put some carefully hand-drawn rain in there, but if I just want to quickly answer 'how does your avatar look today?' but still want a little bit of stylistic expression (or a lot - I enjoy the etherical-looking contrast between the dark shadows and sky and the skin glowing as if she's moon-bathing, I know a lot of people don't, but my pic, my taste!), running through Gimp doesn't have to take a lot of time (if I could be bothered to use BDW I could achieve most of the work right in the viewer instead, but that'd take me at least half an hour to set up). Ooor I can do an equally quick and dirty rain effect via making a few simplex noise layers with directional blurs (with some equally quick and dirty alpha masks to keep the subject from being totally flooded). And make the eyes glow for all the drama! Not art gallery material, perhaps, but a whole lot more visually interesting than the original pic (nothing I'd want to do on all of my pics, though, especially when it's a fashion shot). Using AI to do this stuff for you is akin to eating frozen, industrially produced lasagna. Keeps you from starving (arguably), but you miss out on the amazing journey that is the cooking process. And you wouldn't serve dinner guests lasagna out of a carton, would you?
  10. Not as such, I very seldom change tattoos as they feel like a large factor in the avi's individual identity, hehe.
  11. Neph dancing in her new body. And then the glowsticks came out.
  12. Creating an overlay like that by hand is very easy (just make a grainy layer and make a directional blur, set it to any of the layer types where only light is added - there's a lot of variants). If you want the rain to have more depth you can have several layers with slightly different directions and intensities, and mask areas based on depth (there should be fewer rain drops in front of the subject 5 metres from the camera than the tree 30 metres away). You can then use brushes (plenty of brush packs for that sort of thing around out there) to create deflections and impacts of rain drops to make the rain interact with the stuff in the picture, or even add puddles to the ground. My favourite video on the subject.
  13. Peeve: it appears to have become trendy to make the worst quality clothes possible, judging by the January events. Even brands that generally do very nice stuff has released so much junk which is not only totally absent of any sense of creativity for the designs, but an excess of flat textures and ill-shaped and fitted meshes. I've got old prefab clothes with more attention to detail than even some of the most well-known brands' releases this month. After demoing my way through a dozen or so events I was starting to think maybe my viewer was somehow broken because it was so awful, but then I put on my old clothes and they look fine. Perhaps they're just all knackered after the Yule season or something, but I spent around L$800 throughout January (mostly on accessories and BOM apparel), and that's with me scouring every event I could find because I want to get stuff I can wear with LaraX.
  14. It's not a whole lot more difficult than changing a light bulb, to be fair. And, since I know people these days are struggling even with changing light bulbs, it's lucky that a lot of stores will happily change the component for you in-shop, sometimes not even charging for it if you bought the component there - and it might be a good time to ask them to blow out some dust from inside the chassis for you too, which is well worth a few extra bucks to help keep it alive a couple of years longer (and, you know, keeping your home from burning up). .. Or buy yourself a can of compressed air and look up how to do it safely on YouTube - pretty sure at least the 16 year old can manage that!
  15. I already kind of did that .. How an object looks in a bright light that one may use whilst out and about shopping/exploring or tinkering with stuff (like Neutral or Nam's Optimal Skin & Prim) and how it looks in the sky setting I actually use at home with local lights can be very different (especially since subtle shine is nigh-impossible to see if the entire scene is flooded with ambient light). My solution has always been to just swap the sky setting to what I use at home (a dark one!), and if the local lighting on the display is insufficient to actually see the materials look, I've got attachable lighting prims that I can move around the object to see how the materials react to them. Annnd I do cam back and forth to see when and how stuff deforms - there are few frustrations when it comes to furnishing your home as taking a step back to see how it all came together only for the bookshelves at the back wall to turn into an imploded hedgehog of stray triangles. .. But then I guess I'm quite nit-picky.
  16. I think there are some fun react videos, but not for pop music. Getting to see people react for the first time* to a live performance by Rammstein with half the stage on fire, or an ahem-shaped cannon shooting white gunk all over the audience, or Alice Cooper getting decapitated or hanged is fun. But I've also seen some really bad stuff. Like, if in the intro the guy says 'so I saw this video the other day, and now I'mma do a reaction video to it because it was so wild', it's like .. Doing an unboxing video where you've already unpacked it, tested the product, broke it because they dropped it whilst trying to take a selfie with it (because apparently we need to take a selfie with a video game console?) and then put it back sloppily into the box just to make an unboxing video.
  17. Peeve: YouTube shorts. Been scrolling through a few today, and sure I enjoy some of the fun and creative stuff people do (although I don't get why it has to be in TikTok format), but some of it is just baffling. How are videos by people not knowing how to sharpen knives or use cast iron pans 'content'? Do we really need more reminders in our lives that people are stupid?
  18. “Mann Tracht, Un Gott Lacht” - it's an old Yiddish maxim ("Man plans, and God laughs").
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