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Everything posted by Jaylinbridges

  1. Oh good, another (about to be) closed thread to complain about in Pet Peeves...
  2. This is not new, but does this mean LL can collect and use anything you might say in a personal one-to-one IM? I guess writing letters in invisible ink was a safer idea. Or discussing private issues while golfing on a private course next to a busy freeway. How does LL use olfactory methods when we talk to each other? Is there a dog's nose built into the viewer? There was (is?) a password encryption system in SL that made reading your IM's impossible without the password, although govt snoops with super computers can still break any encryption password if necessary. Maybe this is now illegal, since 1/6/21. If you want privacy, cut your internet cable in several pieces, starting at the building entry.
  3. It is not just your AO, but your partner's AO that must be turned off. Some AO's have higher priority and override the furniture poses. Both of you should have your AO's off, and usually after both standing and sitting again, the poses work. There are some older poses that also are slow to act despite a lag free region. If your partner is stuck up in the air, you should also try to Reset their Skeleton and Animation by right clicking their avatar and looking for Reset. Last resort is to both relog. The newest AV Sitter2 Bento poses seem to show this affect more often. Usually these are fully loaded beds and couches with 800 poses etc. AVSitter2 should also be added to the region Experiences. Network dropouts could also cause a pose to lose it's position as sent to you - not related to your network speed. And some furniture is more affected than others. These pose hiccups are usually not repeatable, especially it it is network related. Animators would rather work on solving more predictable problems.
  4. SL Birthday for Patch - 09/24/2007 (5476) RL he may not have one if he's an Alt. 😏
  5. All that does is set Sky to Midday, you still need to select a better Sky setting. Does not set the Day Cycle to Default either.
  6. The hunt was open to all SL residents. I guess you think someone should not check the main Belli group that is open to all, know nothing about the Bellie continents, put forth no effort, and win the grand prize for doing nothing? Well that's not how we play in the USA.
  7. Another way to make all the regions you visit daylight is to set your personal lighting for Water and Day Cycle to Default. Then you can pick any sky you want from the dropdown list, just don't pick Midday. I use Neutral for that blah no shadow look, but Nam's various EEPs are ok for daylight too, and they are right next to Neutral. I also prefer Night to Midnight for basic nighttime. I seldom use Shared Environment, since it's usually some dark foggy EEP that makes me search for a head lantern.
  8. I hope they repeat it exactly as last year. But they probably won't because a small minority claim finding enough pumpkins to get in the top 100 was cheating. It was not cheating - nothing in the rules said you could not advertise your home, where you might have spent many hours and Lindens decorating for Halloween. The LM list was open to everyone and constantly updated up to the last few days. It was maintained by Spiderman, one of the celebrated (by the lindens) residents of Belli. Most of the list was copied from surls from home owners listing their surls in Bellisseria Citizens group chat. That group is open to everyone in SL. (Unless you were banned in the group and I don't see your name there.) I had a blast using the LM list to go to hundreds of regions I had never seen before, see the decorations and open houses, and click on their pumpkins. Also met quite a few new Belli residents who were also hunting. This was IMO the best social event the Lindens have ever planned for Belli. There are Thousands of Belli regions (not hundreds) and you could roam aimlessly for days unless you had a guide to which regions had the pumpkins. The serious hunters were aiming for all the bears, that was their fun for Halloween. They also spent hundreds of hours searching, since not everyone would put their home on the LM list. They put in the time and got the rewards they wanted, and had fun doing it. I had two Halloween Belli homes with pumpkins and one was fully decked out in "cheesy" Halloween things. Both homes had about 200 visitors, and I got some friendly praises on my decorations in IM. I feel sorry for someone who put out a pumpkin and a ghost, and had no visitors. They should have used the list to let the hunters know where their home was.
  9. What kind of early 1980's computer are you using that would require such horrible settings? So you never see an avatar but yourself? Frankly those settings are disgusting Midday is the absolute worst windlight (EEP now) you can use, out of about 10,000 EEPS. Maybe that's all you had back in 2006, when blinding facelights were needed to wash out the face shadows. But OMG try something else but the horrible default setting Midday.
  10. They can force ALM in the SL viewer if they want, why not, they have removed most of the useful features the TPV's have already. I prefer to be able to see things, not darkness, unless I turn on a night EEP. With my perfectly good but old NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti (EVGA) on my low lag skyplatform home, I get 70 FPS and with EEP can make any effect I want. ALM Off - 70 fps ALM On - 38 fps ALM + Ambient Occlusion - 26 fps ALM + Ambient Occlusion + Shadows - 16 fps ALM stays off unless I need Materials for photography
  11. Nope, they don't want those low class bargain hunters rummaging through garage sales, only to resell it at mainland flea markets. (Cash only please, we don't need no stinkin' receipts.)
  12. This is what a town with no profit making businesses looks like in RL, or is this SL mainland?
  13. Neither have I. Someone here list a public region where changing my LOD from 1.5 to 4.0 will make any difference in my "lag", fps, or graphic card power consumption. The most change I have ever seen at 4.0 vs some crazy low LOD is about a 2 pts increase in GPU usage, and because I have a speed controlled fan, no increase in GPU temperature. I want to find that region from hell that causes my system to burst into flames at a 4.0 LOD. Waiting... BTW, the default LOD in the SL Viewer for all settings less than Ultra is 1.125, not 1.250:
  14. I run at 3.0 and frankly don't care either. I think the SL Viewer default LOD of 1.125 is frankly ridiculous. The Lindens must live in 512 sqm skyboxes.
  15. SInce the HUDs do not always clear onscreen, and SL adds a new HUD every quest, it is possilble to derender the active HUD by accident. You can not play the game without a HUD, so you must return to the lobby and hope an active HUD appears again. You figure out which HUD is active using edit to move it. Dead HUDs dont move, but are still in the way. If you don't have the screen HUD you can't collect objects or complete a quest, so their error message also makes absolutely NO SENSE.
  16. Most problems in Paleoquest are on the Linden side. About 99% of the false notices in fact. I would get that bogus message if there was lag or too many avatars nearby. The cloud seems to have helped their lag problems. The paleoquest HUD usually repeats on your screen every quest - so you can't read it. I have to move the active one, and derender the inactive huds every time I run thru the quests. I waste more time adjusting the onscreen HUD than doing a quest. It's been this way since the beginning, so you just deal with it. Low priority ya know...
  17. Our Blues club will celebrate it's 14th Anniversary on New Year's day. Same management and location for 14 years and never closed down for remodeling! Nothing special about our hands-off management. We are just lucky to have some good DJ's and hosts. We have never used any of the gimmicks of the other clubs. No contests, no poles, no sploders, no dancers - just a dirty old tile floor that hasn't been cleaned in 14 years. It's about getting staff that has some loyalty, and having long term friends. We do attract an older crowd, who seem to have more of an attention span than a mosquito of the younger "kids".. Our DJ's all play for tips only. 35 on the dance floor now and the DJ is over 2500 $L at half time.
  18. It's not gambling if I have free choice to buy or not. Those that protest too much are usually projecting their own faults.
  19. My alt's Premium is up for annual renewal in 4 days. He is dropping back to a Basic member tomorrow. My RL rent increased $100/mo this month, and food and energy are up about $50/mo, so I need that $99 for RL. Living on fixed income is never easy. I kept my mainland shop w/ the 1024 sqm Premium acct, hoping that sales cover expenses this year. No more Belli home, it was abandoned yesterday.
  20. Well Firestorm developers will have to comment on if the Beta FS has all the performance improvements of the default SL viewer. But I found basically no difference between the FPS in busy clubs between the SL Viewer and Beta FS. Both gave me about a 70% FPS improvement. I used the same Graphics settings for both, which are my own custom settings, not the High, Ultra slider settings. I always turn ALM off in busy areas, VSync off, and DD at 80m. Your results are going to depend on your system performance as well. I suspect both viewers will grind to under 20 fps with Ultra enabled with enough loaded avatars (>30) in camera view.
  21. What is in the coalesced object? The coalesced objects always rezz the same distances apart as they were originally positioned, and I think at the same angles as the root object within the coalesced object. It is easy to extend objects over a parcel boundary that are part of the root object (whatever object was last included during the Return), in which case if Object Entry is active, you might get that message. A full region sized sandbox should allow all the objects to stay within boundaries. If it is just a compact coalesced collection, like a table and lamp, then it's more likely the rezzing on a mesh surface problem.
  22. Because nobody really uses the SL Viewer? I gave up wondering why their viewer doesn't have some of the most basic and useful features that everyone uses. Suggestion - try the latest Firestorm beta viewer, which is close to being the new Release. It has the performance features of the present SL viewer, and all the useful features we all expect. Or try the other active TPV's which also have the enhanced performance code. Did you know one of the latest "features" of one of the Beta SL viewers is the ability for the mini-map to show parcel boundaries? WoW! That has been in most TPV viewers for the last 10 years.
  23. But you can always TP Home (Ctrl-Shift-H) while you are waiting for the 1 min delay.
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